
chǎn pǐn shēnɡ jí huàn dài
  • Product upgrading;develop a new generation of products
  1. 这一点令iOS对开发者仍然极具吸引力,并且是苹果至关重要的出色用户体验的保障,正是这种出色体验使得客户在苹果产品升级换代时再度掏钱购买。

    That still makes the iOS a powerful draw for developers and guarantees Apple the all-important premium experiences that have kept buyers coming back for more when upgrade time comes around .

  2. 大中型拖拉机产品升级换代的问题及对策

    Some Considerations on the Updated Replacement of Medium and Big Tractors in China PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS

  3. 蒙斯特预测,由于产品升级换代步伐加快,苹果的新品发布数量将有所上升。

    Munster expects the number of Apple announcements to increase as the pace of product upgrade cycles become shorter .

  4. 汽车轮胎的子午线是我国轮胎工业产品升级换代的方向。

    Produced and use of radial tires to replace other tires is the development direction of the industry in our country .

  5. 每一位从事外贸工作的职工,都要充分认识尽快实现出口产品升级换代的重要性。

    Every worker and staff memBer in foreign trade circles should fully realize the importance of updating and upgrading our export products as quickly as possible .

  6. 高级材料替代低级材料已成为机械产品升级换代提高效益的趋势,能够促进全社会的持续发展。

    That the advanced materials substitutes low grade materials has become the trend of machine products upgrading and profit improving . It can facilitate sustainable development of whole society .

  7. 进一步加大技术创新,优化产业结构和产品升级换代,营造市场公平竞争环境。

    Fourth , To accelerate technical innovation further , optimise the industrial structure , escalote and replace the old generation of products by new ones and create a fair competition market environment .

  8. 近几年来数码产品的升级换代越来越快。

    The upgrading and updating of digital products have accelerated for the past several years .

  9. 尽快实现出口产品的升级换代

    Update and upgrade our export products as quickly as possible

  10. 织带工艺技术的进步,带来产品的升级换代。

    Ribbon technology advances , bringing the product to upgrade .

  11. 本厂产品的升级换代,依靠创意独特和技术先进。

    To update and upgrade products relies on original ideas and advanced technology in our factory .

  12. 产品的升级换代与工业设计

    Product Updating and Industrial Designing

  13. 这种系统由于采用的是非标准网络终端设备,其缺点是价格昂贵、维护困难、不便于产品的升级换代。

    Because of the nonstandard network terminal device , this kind of system has many disadvantages such as high price , difficult maintenance and inconvenient updating .

  14. 项目市场前景本品为藿香正气类产品的升级换代产品,经济效益可观。

    Project market prospects this is a new generation for the relative products of the powder of agastachis for restoring health , and the economic efficiency is considerable .

  15. 一是产业更替和产品的升级换代达到了前所未有的速度,技术转移的周期也急剧缩短,使全球产业格局变迁更趋复杂化;二是随着科技的发展,产业分工越来越细,新兴产业不断出现。

    The first is the speed of industry substitution and product renovation got extremely rapidly , the cycle of technology transfer shortened . That makes global industry situation complicated . The second is that technology development increased industry distribution and brought new industry .

  16. 尤其是从1985年起,进行大规模的设备引进、更新、改造工程,加快了技术进步的速度,实现了产品的升级换代和大幅度地提高产品质量,不断取得了良好的经济效益。

    An example shows that a sound economic benefit has been continuing to be gained ever since 1985 the mill made a large scale equipment importation , innovation and reformation , which speeded up the technological progress and greatly renewed and improved the products .

  17. 刨床中传统的紧涨环控制的进刀机构,随着产品的升级换代,已经面临淘汰的趋势。因此很有必要探究新型的刨床进刀机构,应用于改进设计之中。

    Along with the escalation and replacement of products , the tightening and extension ring used in traditional planer tool feed control has been faced the elimination trend , so it is necessary to study a new type of tool feed mechanism for planer applying in improved design . 〔

  18. 比如说,考虑到苹果对产品和软件升级换代的不懈追求,苹果冷冻的卵子经过几年的新产品发布之后能否仍和母体兼容?

    For example , given Apple 's ferocious commitment to ever-improving devices and software updates , will an Apple-frozen egg still be compatible with its mother after a couple of years of new product releases ?

  19. 近十年来,作为沪东-中华的一个中心任务就是靠先进的造船技术和产品结构的升级换代,在激烈的市场竞争中创造新的优势。

    Since ten years ago , it has become a central task for Hudong - Zhonghua to keep on applying advanced shipbuilding technology and upgrading the ship products structure in order to have an advantage in the severe competition in the international shipbuilding market .

  20. 开发新产品,加快产品升级换代;

    Development of new products to upgrade and renew themselves quickly ;

  21. 随着通讯技术和计算机技术的发展,人们已越来越离不开电脑、电话等现代科技产品,同时这些技术的相互依存、渗透和融合也促进了产品的升级换代。

    Along with the advancement of communication and computer technologies modern technical manufactures , such as telephone and computer , are more and more important to people .

  22. 在国内外兴起并迅速发展的体育旅游产品是时代的产物,它是休闲时代人们消费的主体产品,是体验经济时代旅游产品的升级换代产品。

    Sports tourism products were production of times , they were mostly products in the leisure age , they also are upgrade products in the experience economy age .