
  • 网络Human Error;mistake
  1. 多数问题都是人为错误造成的。

    Most of the problems were due to human error .

  2. 延误是人为错误造成的。

    The delay was due to human error .

  3. 这一事故是人为错误造成的。

    The accident was caused by human error .

  4. 很多IT员工面对的都是人为错误,尤其当电脑使用者为新手的时候。最常使用carbon-basederror这个说法的自然就是IT专业人士和其他技术大拿们了,因为这些人经常被叫去处理一些跟技术一点关系都没有的故障。

    Carbon-based errors are a common problem for IT professionals , particularly when it comes to inexperienced users . This slang term is most frequently used by IT professionals and other tech-savvy individuals who are always being called upon to fix errors that have nothing to do with the technology .

  5. Oracle和DB2UDB都提供了一些有效的机制和功能,来保护数据不会由于媒介损坏或人为错误而丢失。

    Oracle and DB2 UDB both provide effective mechanisms and capabilities for securing data from loss due to media corruption or human error .

  6. Oracle提供的高可用技术,能够解决系统故障、存储故障、人为错误、数据损坏而引起的数据库计划外停机。

    The high available technology provided by Oracle is capable of solving database unscheduled shut-down resulted from system failure , storage fault , human error and data corruption .

  7. 根据IMO近年来统计,海上船舶重大事故80%以上是人为错误引起的,人为因素是造成海事的主要原因,已成为航运界不争的事实。

    Unfortunately , marine accidents occurred frequently in the recent years . According to IMO 's statistics , over 80 % of the marine accidents are caused by human factor .

  8. 考虑人为错误影响的结构可靠度实用计算

    Practical Method of Calculating Structural Reliability Considering the Effect of Human Error

  9. 一个专家认为,事故应该涉及人为错误。

    One expert said he thought human error may have been involved .

  10. 布朗先生说,这是一种常见的人为错误。

    Mister Brown says this is a common human error .

  11. 不安全行为:指能造成事故的人为错误。

    Unsafe behaviors : man-made mistakes that can cause accidents .

  12. 钢筋混凝土梁的人为错误影响分析

    Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete beams considering human errors

  13. 陪审团认定意外由人为错误造成。

    The inquiry concluded that the accident had been caused by human error .

  14. 您可以通过以下操作最小化人为错误

    You can minimize human errors by doing the following

  15. 更实际的解释似乎是与环境和人为错误有关。

    The more practical explanations seem to be environmental and involve human error .

  16. 船舶碰撞事故中人为错误的分类

    On the Human Error Classification of Marine Collision Accidents

  17. 违规的原因是人为错误。

    The cause of the breach was human error .

  18. 推定了考虑人为错误影响的结构模糊状态功能函数;

    The fuzzy state function is pushed out considering the influence of human error ;

  19. 现在,人为错误证明它们并不管用。

    Now human failure has proved their undoing .

  20. 水工结构考虑施工过程中人为错误影响的模糊随机可靠度分析

    Analysis of structural fuzzy-random reliability considering human error

  21. 机组易损件、日常使用配件、人为错误操作均不在此质量保证范围内。

    The quality guarantee excludes wearing parts of sets , regular fittings or miss-operating .

  22. 空间结构施工中人为错误与对策

    Man-made Mistakes and Their Countermeasures in Space-structure Construction

  23. 工程项目实施过程中决策人为错误的分析

    Analysis on the Human Error in the Process of Project Operate - Control Decision

  24. 浅谈监理工程师如何控制人为错误

    Talk about Supervisor how to Control Man-Made Error

  25. 人为错误和误判是可能的。

    Human error and miscalculation are always possible .

  26. 有一个世界的区别简单的人为错误和有预谋的恶意。

    There is a world of difference between simple human error and premeditated malevolence .

  27. 通过完全自动化系谱架构的收集和创建,从而消除人为错误。

    Eliminating manual errors by fully automating the gathering and creation of a tree structure .

  28. 有些人回顾到上一次的人为错误,那非常有趣。

    And some people actually track days since the last human error which is interesting .

  29. 热管的表面应避免任何损坏,比如人为错误使用等。

    The appearance shall be free of any damage such as will be harmful to use .

  30. 他们也排除了人为错误从一个探测器在电话中输入数据。

    They also eliminate the human error from a surveyor keying in data over the phone .