
  1. 方法:费用效果分析方法。结果:FAM组有效率为34.3%,1个疗程人均费用为3019.56元;

    Mothod : A cost effectiveness analysis of pharmacoeconomics was used .

  2. 股骨粗隆骨折156例,平均每年31例,平均住院天数为21d,平均每人每年所需治疗费用11363元,人均费用每年递增20.32%。

    156 women were admitted for fractures of intertrochanteric regions of the femur ( about 31 per year with an average cost of 11 363 yuan , 20.32 % increase per year ), and average stay of 21 days .

  3. 我们正看到人均费用涨到了1500美金到2500美金。

    We are seeing Coyote fees go up to $ 1500 to $ 2500 per person .

  4. 选择国内游学的人数增长120%,人均费用约为4200元。

    Those opting for domestic study tours grew by 120 % , with costs pegged at about 4200 yuan .

  5. 结果就诊病人人数的增加和出院病人人均费用增加,使医院业务收入大幅增长。

    Results The increment of the patient and the increment of the average cost of every discharged patient made the hospital business income increased significantly .

  6. 据世卫组织估计,目前在世界上49个最贫穷国家提供一套最低限度关键卫生服务的每年人均费用约为44美元。

    WHO currently estimates that the cost of providing a minimum package of key health services , in the world ' s49 poorest countries , amounts to around $ 44 per person per year .

  7. 从付款方式来看,公费医疗患者仅占10.35%,住院天数和人均费用高于其他2组,但差别无统计学意义。

    According to the mode of payment , the patients of public expense only occupy 10.35 % , the days and mean expense are higher than other two groups , but no statistics difference .

  8. 不同住院天数的人均费用有显著性统计学差异(P<0.001),住院天数越长,人均总费用越高。

    There is significant statistics diference between the days being in hospital and mean expense ( P < 0.001 ), the days longer the patients are in hospital , the mean expense higher they expend .

  9. 这是由于人口的增加会降低人均费用份额的事实,但同时增加的交通挤塞,由于城市森林是不是纯粹的公共物品。

    This is due to the fact that population increase would reduce the share of the cost per capita , but at the same time increase the congestion since urban forests are not purely public goods .

  10. 方法:对1997年1月至2000年8月的家庭病床、一级医院和二级医院及老年护理医院住院病人8个晚期恶性肿瘤病种的平均住院日、人均费用和治疗费用进行分析。

    Method : The average hospitalization days , per capita medical expenses and medical treatment expenses of inpatients with eight terminal malignant tumors from family sickbeds , basic hospitals , secondary hospitals , and geriatric nursing hospitals from January of 1997 to August of 2000 were analyzed .

  11. 人均饮食费用、烟酒史、HBsAg及化工有害物质接触史与糖尿病无明显关联。

    Average food charge , smoking and alcohol drinking , HBsAg and harmful chemical contamination history had no significant effects on diabetes .

  12. 结果与绝大多数OECD国家一样,我国人均卫生费用的增长快于同期人均GDP的增长,并且各国人均卫生费用与人均GDP之间存在显著的正相关关系。

    Results Analogous to most OECD countries , the annual increase in per capita spending on health care has generally outpaced economic growth per capita in China , and there was a significant and positive relationship between per capita health spending and GDP .

  13. 灰色模型法预测上海市职工年人均医疗费用

    Projecting medical expenses per capita of employee in Shanghai by Grey model

  14. 结果人均住院费用呈逐年上涨趋势。

    Results The per capita hospital costs were rising year after year .

  15. 目的:研究人均医疗费用与危重率的关系。

    Objective : Investigate the relation between average medical charge and severity rate .

  16. 北京市农村居民人均医疗费用及影响因素分析

    Average medical expenditure and its influencing factors in rural residents of Beijing suburbs

  17. 人均医疗费用得到一定程度的控制,门诊总费用增长快,住院总费用增长适度;

    The average medical cost was controlled .

  18. 第三主成分解释变量主要集中在人均科教费用支出,为0.929;

    The third principal component concentrates on the expenditure for operating expenses of science and education per capita popular mainly , it is 0.929 ;

  19. 第二,住院费用结算:采取人均医疗费用、单病种费用、日床位费用三种形式混合结算。

    Second , settlement of the hospitalization : the compound settlement by means of per-average medical fees , single illness fees and daily fees for sickbeds .

  20. 结果城乡患者人均门诊费用中位数城市为100元,农村为60元。

    Results The median of outpatient medical expenditures in urban was 100 Yuan ( RMB ), in rural was 60 Yuan ( RMB ) at a time .

  21. 人均医疗费用快速增长,不同级别医院间差距明显,最高者超过最低者一倍有余。

    Per capita medical expenses increase rapidly , but the difference in different level hospitals is remarkably significant , the highest is over twice than that the lowest .

  22. 2017年暑假及2018年寒假期间,选择进行海外游学的人数同比增长50%,人均游学费用约为2.9万元。

    Those choosing tours abroad grew by 50 % during the 2017 summer and the 2018 winter vacations year-on-year . The tours on average cost about 29000 yuan each .

  23. 观察组住院天数缩短,人均抗生素费用及医疗总费用均明显低于对照组(均P<0.01)。

    The shortened duration of hospitalization , the reduced average cost of antibiotic and total cost for treatment were significant in trial group than in control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 直接负担中病例的住院费用占83.66%,药费占住院费用比例最高,为54.19%,病例人均住院费用20263.21元。

    The hospital cost accounted for 83.66 % of direct economic burden with ( 20.263 21 ) thousands RMB per case and drug expenses took the largest proportion ( 54.19 % ) .

  25. 农村地区人均医疗费用的增长速度超过了人均收入的增长速度,农户面临支付不起医药费的经济困难。

    The growth of medical expense per capita in rural areas exceeds that of the income per capita , which results in the economic difficulties for households who can not afford the medical fee .

  26. 结果:农民年人均医疗费用由2003年的212.62元增至2005年的385.37元,平均增长速度达到34.63%;

    We have a lengthwise contrast research . Result The annual medical cost per capita raised from 212.62 Yuan in 2003 to 385.37 Yuan in 2005 . The average velocity of increase reaches to 34.63 % .

  27. 9所中医医疗机构住院病人平均医药费用总体呈现逐年上升趋势,患者的人均检查费用方面整体上升趋势较为明显。

    The patient average medicine cost in the sampled hospitals shows the trend of growth year by year and the growth trend of per capita examination cost of the patients is more obvious in a whole .

  28. 南通市自费人群卫生资源利用较低,而淄博市自费人群的经济负担最重,年人均医药费用支出占收入的比例达11.8%;

    The people without health scheme use less health service resource in Nantong . However , they have the heaviest economic burden in Zibo , self paid health expense accounting for 11.8 % of annual income .

  29. 顾客维度方面:医院门诊、住院人均医疗费用均低于全国水平;但药品支出占病人费用支出约二分之一;患者满意度较高。

    Customer dimension : hospital outpatient , hospital medical costs per capita are lower than the national level ; drugs , but spending accounts for about half of the expenses of patients ; high patient satisfaction .

  30. 2003~2008年期间,全省卫生总费用从577.1亿元增加到1125.4亿元,年均增长15.84%,人均卫生费用从725.6元增加到1182.4元,年均增长10.50%。

    And average per capita health expenditure was 1,094.5 yuan . During 2003-2008 , the total health expenditures had increased from 57.71 billion yuan to 112.54 billion yuan , with the annual growth rate of 15.84 % .