
  • 网络Life insurance company;life assurance company;NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE;Guardian Life Insurance
  1. 在入境并购交易中,外国企业寻求把业务扩张到成本较低的二线城市和服务,例如,高盛(GoldmanSachs)上周向一家中国人寿保险公司投资了9亿美元。

    Into China , companies have been looking to expand into lower-cost second tier cities and services , such as Goldman Sachs ' $ 900m investment into a Chinese life insurance companies last week .

  2. 为什么人寿保险公司要付给未亡人死亡赔偿金?

    why the Life Insurance Companies pay death-forfeitures upon immortals ;

  3. 他反而在两个重点投资活动中获得了新崛起的机会:美国人寿保险公司S和全球财产保险公司C。

    He instead embarked on a revival centered around two core businesses : U.S.life insurer SunAmerica and global property insurer Chartis .

  4. 第四章:PA人寿保险公司的产品策略构建。

    Up the product tactics of PA Life Insurance Company .

  5. TA人寿保险公司客户服务管理研究

    The Customer Service Management Research of TA Life Insurance Corporation

  6. PA人寿保险公司如何面对这场竞争?

    How does PA Company face this competition ?

  7. 结合对寿险市场、消费者行为、竞争对手以及监管政策等影响因素的分析,依托服务营销等相关理论,对PA人寿保险公司的产品策略进行了深入的研究和探索。

    In marketing in service , made the thorough study to the product tactics of PA Company .

  8. 第三章:PA人寿保险公司产品策略的影响要素分析。

    Chapter 3 : The analysis of main influence factors of product tactics of PA Life insurance Company .

  9. 信达持有陕西煤业一家子公司2%的股份,同时这家煤炭集团持有信达控股的幸福人寿保险公司(HappyLife)近10%股份。

    Cinda owns a 2 per cent stake in a Shaanxi subsidiary , while the coal group owns a nearly 10 per cent stake in insurer Happy Life , controlled by Cinda .

  10. 第一章:PA人寿保险公司产品发展现状分析。

    The full text is four-part totally to divide : Chapter 1 : The analysis of present condition of PA 's product .

  11. 并通过将NP算法应用于某人寿保险公司的客户特征选择问题,说明了该方法的有效性。

    The validity of the method is demonstrated by its application to the customer features selection problem of a life insurance company .

  12. 英国健康和人寿保险公司VitalityHealth委托研究机构兰德欧洲(RandEurope)和剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge),对影响劳动者生产力的因素进行研究。

    Vitality Health , a UK health and life insurance company , commissioned research organisation Rand Europe and the University of Cambridge to study factors that affect workers ' productivity .

  13. 驻亚洲的银行业人士表示,美国国际集团对美国人寿保险公司(AmericanLifeInsuranceCo)的出售也接近尾声&该业务估值逾100亿美元,在日本拥有主要业务。

    Asia-based bankers said AIG was also closing on the disposal of American Life Insurance Co ( Alico ) – a business with an estimated value of more than $ 10bn that has large operations in Japan .

  14. 基于以上原因,C人寿保险公司提出了抢占两乡的农村业务发展战略,以期在不断满足农民保险保障需求的进程中,实现跨越式发展。

    Base on the above reasons , C Life Insurance Company released " seize two villages " rural business development strategy , in order to continuously meet the insurance needs of the fanners in the process of development by leaps and bounds .

  15. 本文深入分析了XT人寿保险公司的客户关系管理现状,发现其客户关系管理中存在的主要问题在于CRM系统与管理不能有效整合。

    By analyzing current customer relationship management ( CRM ) situation of XT life insurance Company to know the main defect is how to integrate CRM system with management methods .

  16. 英国《金融时报》上月率先报道,大都会正与AIG洽谈收购美国人寿保险公司。该交易可能为AIG带来大约150亿美元的资金。

    As first reported by the Financial Times last month , MetLife is in talks to buy Alico in a deal that could raise around $ 15bn for AIG .

  17. 日本的Sumitomo人寿保险公司在准备解除行业管制时,就利用这一方案迅速改变了数百项过程。

    Sumitomo Life Insurance has used this solution to change hundreds of processes quickly , as they industry deregulation .

  18. 他也曾为富国银行(WellsFargo)、企业租车服务公司EnterpriseRent-a-Car、西北互助人寿保险公司(NorthwesternMutual)和金融咨询公司EdwardJones等公司培训高管最大程度地发挥脑力。

    He also coaches executives at companies like Wells Fargo ( WFC ) , enterprise rent-a-car , Northwestern Mutual , and financial advisors Edward Jones on how to get the most out of their brains .

  19. 根据惠誉(Fitch)的数据,早在金融危机之前,在2003至2007年期间,台湾各人寿保险公司的平均资产回报率就不到1%。

    Even before the financial crisis , Taiwan 's life assurers earned an average of less than 1 per cent return on assets between 2003 and 2007 , according to Fitch .

  20. 去年,美国家庭人寿保险公司(Aflac)的高管们为一些高薪职务寻找员工时,他们摒弃了传统的简历和面试流程。

    When insurance executives at Aflac sought employees for plum assignments last year , they abandoned the traditional resumes and job interview routine .

  21. 本论文建立在我十几年的工作基础之上,运用就读MBA期间所学到的市场营销理论,对我所在的工作单位中国人寿保险公司的营销战略与策略的建立进行比较系统、深入地研究和探讨。

    On the basis of my working experience of many years and marketing theories that I have obtained during MBA studying , in this thesis , I will research and analyze the strategies and tactics on marketing of " China Life Insurance Corporation " deeply and systematically .

  22. 目前,世界上主要有三种确认人寿保险公司应税所得的模式,即以会计报告为基础的主流模式、以英国为代表的I-E模式、以新西兰为代表的I-E+U模式。

    At present , there are a three kinds of models about taxable income of life insurance company , that is , mainstream model based on accounting report ; I-E model represented by British , and I-E + U model represented by New Zealand .

  23. 凯文是一家人寿保险公司的业务员。

    Kevin is a salesman for a life assurance company .

  24. 人寿保险公司保费规模的快速增长。

    A rapid growth of the premiums of life insurance .

  25. 康涅狄格州人寿保险公司总部,美国

    Connecticut General Life Insurance Headquarters . Bloomfield , Conn USA

  26. 中国太平洋人寿保险公司天津分公司竞争战略研究

    The Strategy Research on Competition of China Pacific Insurance Company Tianjin Branch

  27. 安田互助人寿保险公司请在你处投保平安险。

    Yasuda Mutual Life Insurance Company Please insure F.P.A at your end .

  28. 第三章,公允价值在我国人寿保险公司中的运用。

    Chapter three is about fair value on life insurance companies in China .

  29. 泰康人寿保险公司营销策略探讨

    Analysis and Suggestions on the Marketing Tactics of Tai-Kang Life-Insurance Co. , Ltd

  30. 中国人寿保险公司营销战略研究

    The Marketing Strategy Research of China Life Insurance Corporation