
  • 网络Employee Diversity
  1. 实用型物流管理专业人才多元化教学模式探索

    Exploration on Teaching Methods of Practical Logistics Management Professionals

  2. 而硅谷的企业则很少使用此类方式,因为人才多元化正是他们的立足之本。

    They are rarely used in Silicon Valley , which is built on a belief in idiosyncratic talent .

  3. 高等教育大众化是教育国际化、人才需求多元化和经济发展智能化的必然选择。

    The popularization of higher education is required for the globalization of education , all-round development of people , and intellectualized development of economy .

  4. 当前,我国还处在社会主义初级阶段,随着国家经济体制转轨和改革开放的深入发展,原有的计划模式的保障体制已经明显不能适应市场经济条件下人才配置多元化、人才需求市场化的发展要求。

    China being on the primary stage of socialism , with the switch to a market economy and the intensification of reform and opening-up , the original social security system and the previous planning model cannot adapt to the development which requires the talent allocation diversity and market demand .

  5. 民族院校人才培养模式多元化论

    On Diversified Modes of Personnel Training in Colleges for Nationalities

  6. 高等教育大众化与人才培养的多元化

    Popularization of Higher Education and Multiplicity in Talents Training

  7. 是信息时代人才素质和多元化社会的要求。

    It is the requirement of talent quality and plural society in the information era .

  8. 高校英语专业承担着培养复合型英语人才以适应多元化社会需求的任务。

    Universities should make a commitment to cultivate compound talents of English majors to meet the multiple needs of the society .

  9. 随着社会的发展,人才需求的多元化和人才素质结构的高层次化特征愈加明显。

    With the development of society , the talent demand and the diversity of talents of high quality structure feature hierarchical becomes more and more obvious .

  10. 随着社会对人才需求的多元化发展以及就业形势的变化,各高校的人才培养定位不同,人才培养模式也各具特色。

    With the diversification of social demand for talants and the changes of employment situation , different universities have different training orientations and distinctive training models .

  11. 对总公司的人才战略、多元化发展战略、公共关系战略进行了分析,并提出了对策。

    Strategic to the talent of the head corporation , the pluralism development strategy , public relations strategy have been analyzed , and has put forward countermeasures .

  12. 高等教育大众化,为我国人才培养的多元化创造了条件,为优化人才结构、提高人才素质,开辟了绿色通道。

    The popularization of higher education has not only prepared adequate conditions for the multiplicity in talents cultivation , but also helped to establish an access to optimizing the talents structure and improving their quality .

  13. 为实现发展目标,文章重点在人才战略、多元化战略、科技创新战略、企业文化战略、财务战略、走出去等具体战略的制定及实施中进行讨论。

    For realizing the development goal , the paper mainly in talent strategy , diversification strategy , scientific and technological innovation strategy , enterprise culture strategy , financial strategy and walk out such specific strategy planning and implementation are discussed .

  14. 多元智能理论给我们多项启示:学双语不再是传统意义上的以了解外国语的基础知识和语言技能为核心的能力,而是人才知识结构多元化和各种能力综合化的具体体现;

    This theory inspires us from various aspects : bilingual teaching is no longer the traditional concentration on the teaching of basic knowledge and linguistic skills related to a foreign language but the development of talents'multi-dimension knowledge structure and comprehensive ability ;

  15. 在我国向现代化发展的进程中,对人才的需求向着多元化的方向发展。

    In the process of our country towards modernization , the need of the people is also developing to diversified direction .

  16. 成才机制社会化是打破陈旧的人才激励体系,促进社会人才快速、多元化成长的关键。

    Socialized mechanism of promoting talents with social examination is the key to break the outmoded talent encouraging system , and to promote social talent growing up fast in pluralism .

  17. 英格索兰拥有完善的业务运营系统和先进的人才管理模式,致力于增强企业核心领域和人才的多元化发展。

    Ingersoll Rand has a comprehensive Business Operating System ( BOS ) and advanced talent management module enhancing the enterprise focus areas of strategic management and diverse experiences .

  18. 通过对企业信息化发展状况和信息管理人才需求状况的实地调研,指出新型初级信息管理人才需具有多元化、行业化、复合型、学习型等特征。

    Through the research on some enterprises'informationization development situation and the need for information management professionals , this paper points out the novel characteristics of junior information management talents as follows : multi_faceted industrialized , compounded and self_learning .

  19. 根据我国实际,开发科技人才应重点确立四大功能目标,即人才使用社会化、人才配置市场化、收益分配价值化、人才投入多元化。

    According to the reality of our country , we should focus on the four targets , that is , the usage of talents should be socialized , allocation marketing , distribution of incomes valuation and variation .

  20. 学校人才的培养不能脱离社会的发展,随着经济的全球化,市场经济体制的确立,学术性人才在社会对人才趋向多元化的需求下显的力单势薄。

    The school personnel training cannot be separated from the development of the society , with the economic globalization , the establishment of market economy system , academic talents in the society to talented person diversification demand was " force of single potential thin " .