
  • 网络Human Types
  1. 人类是作为独一无二的个体,人文类型,灵魂,种族还是性别来理解的?

    Are human beings understood to be unique individuals , human types , souls , members of ethnic or gendered categories ?

  2. 社会人类学一直致力于各种人文类型间的文化沟通和文化理解。

    Social anthropology has been working hard for the cultural communication and understanding between peoples with different cultures .

  3. 跨越人文类型的空间阻隔&社会人类学的观察方法与互联网时代的文化沟通

    Across the Spatial Obstruct between Cultures & The Method of Observation in Social Anthropology and the Cultural Communication in the Age of Internet

  4. 按照一般的分类,科学可以分为自然科学、社会科学和人文科学三大类型。

    Generally , science can be classified to natural science , social science and literae humaniores .

  5. 本文分析了英美国家、日本和我国现有人文地理学教材的类型和特点,指出了它们的优点与不足。

    This paper analysizes the types and characteristics of the human geography text books in England , America , Japan and China , points out their advantages and deficiencies .

  6. 第三章从人文内涵的三个基本维度入手,分析了中职语文阅读教材中人文内涵的主要内容,以及人文内涵的多样化类型。

    The third chapter analyzes the main content of the humanities connotation of secondary language reading materials from three fundamental dimensions of humanities connotation , and diversified the structure of the humanities connotation .