
  • 网络personality model
  1. 周易人格模型与麦氏人格模型的比较

    The Comparison between I Qing Personality Model And Myers-Briggs Personality Model

  2. 自我实现的人&马斯洛的健康人格模型

    The Person of Self-realization & A.H.Maslow 's Perfect Personality Model

  3. 大五人格模型及其在工业与组织心理学中的应用

    Big Five and Its Application on I / O Psychology

  4. 高校辅导员理想人格模型构建及塑造问题研究

    A Research of Construction and Shaping Ideal Personality Model of College Instructors

  5. 大五人格模型及其在人事测评中的应用

    The FFM Model ( Five-Factor Model ) and Its Applications to Personnel Assessment

  6. 大五人格模型对高校学生干部培养的启示

    Revelations of " the Big - Five Personality Model " on the Cultivation of College Student Cadres

  7. 论大五人格模型与人才测评的关系及其对大学生人格培养的启示

    The relation between Big Five Model and manpower measure and its enlightenment to personality development of undergraduate

  8. 大五是当下应用广泛的人格模型,五因素分别是:神经质、外向性、开放性、宜人性和责任感。

    Big Five Model is widely used nowadays , the five factors include : neuroticism , extraversion , openness to experience , agreeableness and conscientiousness .

  9. 分析了该模型与麦氏人格模型在理论建构的指导思想、人格要素、人格类型的测定方法以及人格模型的演变规则等方面的区别和联系;

    Its difference and relationship between Myers-Briggs personality model was analyzed from the aspects of theory construction guideline , personality factors , model deduction rule and method of type assessment .

  10. 本文从对工作任务特性的分析出发,找出工作的主要任务维度,构建一个基于工作任务特性的人格模型,由处理信息、处理人际关系、适应环境和职业价值观四个维度构成。

    Based on the analysis of job task traits and abstract the main task dimension , the article constructs a personality model , which includes information-processing , people relation-processing , condition-fitting and occupation value .

  11. 大五人格模型是近年来得到普遍认同的一个模型,它对于人们的职业选择和工作绩效都有重要的指导意义。

    " Big five " model has been widely recognized recently . It is instructive to career selection and work performance . Obviously , EVA model turns out a scientific appraisals to motivate the managers .

  12. 心理学家常使用五大类人格模型,将人类的性格分为五大类:开放型、勤奋型、宜人型、神经质和型外向型。

    Psychologists usually use the Big Five personality model . According to this model , the human personality can be divided into five broad categories or domains & openness , conscientiousness , agreeableness , neuroticism and extroversion .

  13. 心理学家常使用“五大类”人格模型,将人类的性格分为五大类:开放型、勤奋型、宜人型、神经质和型外向型。

    Psychologists usually use the Big Five personality model . According to this model , the human personality can be divided into five broad categories or domains - openness , conscientiousness , agreeableness , neuroticism and extroversion .

  14. 西方“大五”人格结构模型的建立和适用性分析

    The Development and Applicability of the " Big Five " Personality Model

  15. 建构中国化的人格理论模型初探

    On the Construction of Indigenous Personality Theory Model

  16. 地铁驾驶员职业人格特征模型的建构

    The Construction of the Personality Model of Metro-Drivers

  17. 本文旨在对西方“大五”人格结构模型的形成过程及其适用性进行系统的分析。

    This article was aimed at clarifying the development and availability of the " Big Five " personality structure model .

  18. 在此基础上,建构本土化的中国人格理论模型,整合了一般的人格发展历程和中国国民人格的发展途径,为国民人格的研究提出了一种新的思路。

    On the basis of these , The thesis designs the theory model of indigenous personality which integrates the general developing course of personality with the developing pass of Chinese national personality and bring forward a new way for the research of national personality .

  19. Cloninger的人格生物社会模型及其生理机制的证据

    Cloninger 's Biosocial Model of Personality and Its Empirical Data

  20. 该文首先介绍了Cloninger的人格生物社会模型的7个维度,综述了该模型在神经递质、基因遗传学、脑血流以及脑电方面等的经验性证据。

    The present paper started with introduction to 7 dimensions of biosocial personality model proposed by Cloninger . The empirical evidences to this model regarding neurotransmitter , genetics , index of cerebral blood flow and EEG were reviewed .

  21. 泛道教人格的历史模型

    Of the Historic Pattern of Pan Taoism Personality

  22. 人格六焦点模型及老化研究

    Six Foci of Personality Model and Aging Researches

  23. 青少年人格发展新模型述论

    The new models of adolescence personality development

  24. 置入一个以「安全」好好油润过的、以「尊重个人人格」为模型的锅子。

    Place in a pan well greased with security and lined with respect for personality .

  25. 人格&健康关系模型述评

    A Comment on the Models of Associations between Personality and Health

  26. 国外人格障碍五因素模型研究述评

    The Five - Factor Model of Personality Disorder Studies Abroad

  27. 并将潜在人格特征变量纳入模型,加强了结论的稳健性。

    Latent personalities are also included in the model , which make the results much more robust .

  28. 目的:探讨乐观人格倾向的理论模型,编制乐观人格倾向问卷。

    Objective : To discuss the theory model of dispositional optimism and develop the Dispositional Optimism Questionnaire for Chinese People .

  29. 社会适应三个方面相互联系、相互作用、相互交融构成人格的社会适应模型。

    Three aspects of social adaptation make up the model of social adaptation of personality through interrelation , interaction and interfusing .

  30. 在建立中国人人格大七结构模型以及成熟的人格量表基础上,本研究通过实证研究建立了适用于大学生群体的人格量表。

    A personality scale applied in Chinese college students was developed through empirical research , based on the seven-factor structure model of Chinese personality and established Chinese Personality Scale ( QZPS ) .