
rén mín bì shēnɡ zhí
  • RMB appreciation;appreciation of the RMB
  1. 结果表明:国内生产总值(GDP)和国外净资产(NFA)的增加是人民币升值的主要动力,但由于采用鼓励、扶持贸易出口的汇率政策,人民币汇率被低估。

    The results showed that : the increasing of the Gross Domestic Product and Net Foreign Assets is the main driving force of the appreciation of the RMB .

  2. 为了应对人民币升值压力,为了抑制国内通货膨胀和控制政府债务,QDII应运而生。

    In order to deal with the appreciation of the RMB pressure , curb domestic inflation and control the government debt , the QDII arises .

  3. 人民币升值压力下存在J曲线效应吗

    Is There J-Curve Effect under the pressure of RMB Appreciation

  4. 根据本文的分析,人民币升值将会减弱中国吸引出口导向型FDI的能力。

    According to analysis of this dissertation , RMB appreciation will weaken China 's ability to attract export-oriented FDI .

  5. 人民币升值对中国钢铁行业影响的CGE研究

    A CGE Analysis of RMB Appreciation Effects on China Steel Industry

  6. 美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)说:“重要的是人民币升值的速度以及幅度。”

    Tim Geithner , treasury secretary , said : " what matters is how far and how fast the renminbi appreciates . "

  7. J曲线效应可能在短期内被其他诸多因素所掩盖,但在人民币升值压力不断增加的情况下值得警惕。

    We should pay more attention to J-Curve effect during the period of RMB appreciation even though it could be covered by some other factors in the short run .

  8. 为了避免人民币升值,中国央行不得不买进足够的外汇,以抵消贸易顺差、外国直接投资(FDI)以及热钱流入人民币资产所造成的影响。

    To prevent the renminbi appreciating , the central bank has to buy enough foreign currency to offset the trade surplus , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and foreign money going into renminbi assets .

  9. Redux模型与人民币升值压力研究

    The Redux Model and Research on RMB Appreciation Pressure

  10. 中国正面临越来越大的国际压力,要求其开始让人民币升值。周四,20国集团(G20)财长和央行行长将在华盛顿举行重要会议。

    China is facing growing international pressure to begin appreciating its currency ahead of an important meeting of finance ministers and central bank heads from the G20 countries which starts on Thursday in Washington .

  11. 但近期韩元对人民币升值,正促使它们逆转上述趋势,提高在华工厂的产量,韩国全国经济人联合会(FKI)全球管理团队经理ChoiWon-rak表示。

    But the won 's recent appreciation against the renminbi is prompting them to reverse the trend and increase production in Chinese factories , says Choi Won-rak , global management team manager at the Federation of Korean Industries .

  12. 人民币升值:边界约束、目标与策略

    The RMB Appreciation : Its Boundary Restraints , Targets and Tactics

  13. 人民币升值拷问中国工程机械行业

    FORUM : RMB appreciation challenges the trade of Chinese construction machinery

  14. 汇率制度改革、人民币升值与我国通货膨胀

    Exchange Rate Regime Reform , RMB Appreciation and Inflation in China

  15. 人民币升值对房地产业影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence of Renminbi Revaluation in Real Estate Sector

  16. 但是,中国并不需要为了讨好美国而让人民币升值。

    But China does not need to revalue to please Washington .

  17. 人民币升值预期刺激航空股价上涨

    RMB Rising Expects to Stimulate Air Stock Price to Rise

  18. 此外还有固定收益和可受益于人民币升值的产品。

    That leaves fixed income and exposure to renminbi appreciation .

  19. 论人民币升值压力与开放中的资本账户管理

    On the Appreciative Pressure on RMB and China 's Capital Account Management

  20. 第二,人民币升值将有利于改善中国贸易平衡项;

    Secondly , revalue of RMB will improve China 's trade balance ;

  21. “地下保单”遭遇人民币升值?

    An " Underground Policy " Market with RMB Appreciation ?

  22. 人民币升值对我国经济发展的危害分析

    The Analysis about the Harm to Economic Development Caused by RMB Revalue

  23. 由人民币升值引发的对中国汇率制度的思考

    Ponderation over Chinese exchange rate system caused by the appreciation of Renminbi

  24. 人民币升值也带来了不利影响,需求疲软也是如此。

    A strong currency hurts , as does weak demand .

  25. 目前国际上要求人民币升值的呼声较高。

    At present , the demand for appreciation of RMB is high .

  26. 人民币升值既有国内因素,也有国外因素;

    RMB revaluation is attributed to both domestic factors and external factors .

  27. 兑美元升值就是兑人民币升值。

    A rise against the dollar is a rise against the renminbi .

  28. 之后,更加自由的人民币升值了35%。

    Since then , the liberalized yuan has risen by 35 % .

  29. 人民币升值与人民币国际化的互动分析

    An Analysis on Interaction between RMB Appreciates and RMB Internationalization

  30. 证券市场博弈人民币升值

    The Securities Markets in the Game of RMB Appreciation