
cóng tóu kāi shǐ
  • Start from scratch;start anew;make a fresh start;take a start from the head
从头开始[cóng tóu kāi shǐ]
  1. 我们准备从头开始。

    We prepare ourselves to start anew .

  2. 其实,我们每一刻都在从头开始,因为我们正在以我们现在的行为和思想来创造将来的果。

    In fact , we start anew every moment as we are creating the future results by our current actions and thoughts .

  3. 我数着数着忘了,不得不又从头开始数。

    I lost count and had to start again .

  4. 让我们再从头开始。

    Let 's start again from the beginning .

  5. 我们接到了律师的一个电话,一切又得从头开始。

    We got a phone call from the lawyers and is was back to square one .

  6. 大不了再从头开始。

    If the worst comes to the worst , we 'll start all over again .

  7. 他们从头开始。

    They begin at the beginning .

  8. 我已经中断了每天运动的习惯,我得从头开始。

    I 've got out of the habit of doing exercises every day , I must start again .

  9. 从头开始写。一旦一篇文章是“完美的”,她会花一晚上的时间帮我纠正错误。

    From scratch . Once the essay was " flawless , " she would take an evening to walk me through my errors .

  10. 真正的批评并不意味着会发现明显的错误。所以如果她发现任何错误——我自己能发现的错误类型,我必须从头开始写。

    Real criticism is not meant to find obvious mistakes , so if she found any -- the type I could have found on my own -- I had to start from scratch .

  11. 要是有可能,我们真想从头开始。

    Ideally , we would like to start at the beginning .

  12. 提出的建议是,他们从头开始。

    The suggestion is that they should start from scratch .

  13. 面临失去,能又再从头开始

    And lose , and start again at your beginnings

  14. 从头开始开发Web应用程序有时比较困难。

    Developing Web applications is sometimes a difficult task when starting from scratch .

  15. 它还允许以编程方式从头开始构建一个新的XML文档。

    It also permits programmatically constructing a new XML document from scratch .

  16. 如果您需要从头开始重新安装RationalPerformanceTester,保存镜像会节省时间。

    If you ever need to reinstall Rational Performance Tester from scratch , it saves time .

  17. 使用run命令执行程序并从头开始调试程序。

    Use the run command to execute the program and to start debugging the program at the beginning .

  18. 如果您是在从头开始,那就添加端到端的处理ID。

    If you 're starting from scratch , add end-to-end processing IDs .

  19. 在这个小节中,您将从头开始创建一个RESTWeb服务来管理一个图书资源集合。

    In this section , you develop from scratch a REST Web service for managing a collection of book resources .

  20. 我们自问:如果从头开始的话,一门专注于开发移动web应用程序的语言,应该是什么样子的呢?

    We asked ourselves : starting from a clean slate , what would a language look like that is dedicated to developing mobile web applications ?

  21. 当应用程序从头开始构建整个SQL语句时,通常会用到变动列表动态SQL。

    Varying-list dynamic SQL is typically used when an application builds the entire SQL statement from scratch .

  22. 与之相比,科学家们通过全基因组移植可以使细菌DNA发生更有意义的遗传学改变,或可以从头开始设计人工生物体。

    In contrast , whole genome transplantation might allow scientists to make more significant genetic changes to bacterial DNA or design artificial organisms from scratch .

  23. 您是从头开始构建的,并且看到了如何通过Maven开始使用Lift。

    You started from scratch and saw how to begin with Lift using Maven .

  24. 让我们从头开始:加载EMF模型。

    Let 's start at the beginning : loading an EMF model .

  25. 如果您是从头开始设计XML模式的,那么将很难只使用XML写下对象类型。

    If you had started designing the XML schema from scratch , it would have been difficult to just write down the object types in XML .

  26. 除非你是从头开始创建自己的GUI控件,否则你不需要使用这些功能。

    Unless you are creating your own GUI controls from scratch , you should not use these functions .

  27. 所以您不需要了解WSDL并且不用从头开始创建所有这些数据结构。

    So you don 't have to understand the WSDL and create all these data structures from scratch .

  28. 对Java知识的分享使您比较地了解Rails的“新世界”,而不是从头开始。

    The shared knowledge of Java allows the " new world " of Rails to be learned by comparison rather than from scratch .

  29. 从头开始正是多尔西2012年重返Twitter领导产品开发后所做的。

    Starting over is exactly what Mr Dorsey did at Twitter when he returned in 2012 to lead product development .

  30. IBM能够从头开始重新设计产品从而再度成为企业实时协作的黄金标准吗?

    Can IBM go back to the drawing board and re-architect a product so that it is once again the gold standard in corporate real-time collaboration ?