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cónɡ cǐ yǐ hòu
  • henceforth;from this moment on, henceforth
  1. 1925年7月31日这个星期五从此以后就称为“红色星期五”。

    Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as ‘ Red Friday ’ .

  2. 从此以后他们都过着幸福的生活。

    And they all lived happily ever after .

  3. 嗯,我猜从此以后就容易了。

    Well , I guess it 's all downhill from here .

  4. 我俩都发誓从此以后永远是朋友。

    We both swore we 'd be friends ever after

  5. 我想这个决定对他是个沉重的打击,从此以后他一蹶不振。

    I think the decision was a bitter blow from which he never quite recovered

  6. 我保证从此以后再不喝醉了。

    I promise never to get drunk henceforth .

  7. 从此以后,这个地方很少发生偷盗的事情。

    Since then , very few thefts occurred in this locality .

  8. 然而,从此以后,他再也没有捕到过一只鸟。

    However , he never caught another bird thereafter3 .

  9. 例句:我想这个决定对他是个沉重的打击,从此以后他一蹶不振。

    I think the decision was a bitter1 blow from which he never quite recovered .

  10. 我们的债务两清了。从此以后不要再纠缠我了。

    Now that our debts are squared . Don 't badger me with them any more .

  11. 从此以后,所有人都知道美国芭蕾舞剧团(AmericanBallet)的一位非裔美国芭蕾舞女演员在著名的大都会歌剧院(MetropolitanOperaHouse)演绎了这个崇高的角色;

    Let everyone know henceforth that an African-American ballerina has danced this exalted role with American Ballet Theater at the prestigious Metropolitan Opera House .

  12. 我10岁的时候,父亲带我去马里兰州Bethesda看“世界未来学会”(WorldFutureSociety)的总部;从此以后,我就一直对未来进行思考。

    I 've been pondering the future since my dad took me to visit the World Future Society headquarters in Bethesda , Md. , when I was10 years old .

  13. 从此以后,IBMCloudscape成为开放源码ApacheDerby数据库的商业版本,并且是完全免费提供的。

    Moving forward , IBM Cloudscape is a commercial release of the open source Apache Derby database , and it is available at no charge .

  14. 从此以后,他再也没有教我怎么学英语了,倒是问起我怎么备战BEC了。

    Since then , he never teaches me how to learn English any more but asks me how to prepare for the BEC .

  15. 从此以后,DB2不再在以后的检查中使用用户ID或密码;相反,DB2将使用授权ID(authID)。

    From this point forward , DB2 will no longer use the user ID or password for any further checking ; instead , DB2 will use the authorization ID ( authID ) .

  16. 二十世纪八十年代,美国著名物理学家Hopfield和Tank提出用人工神经网络方法求解线性规划问题,从此以后,这一领域的研究和应用得到了越来越多的关注。

    In 1980s , Hopfield and Tank proposed a novel artificial neural network for solving linear programming problems . From then on , more and more attentions have been paid in research and application of such area .

  17. 从此以后,图式理论已经越来越受到语言学者特别是EFL/ESL研究者的重视。

    Since then , more and more linguists have showed their interests in the discussion and study of schema theory that has usually been utilized in researches such as ESL or EFL education .

  18. 任何对这个内存的访问从此以后都将是错误,因为这个内存由namestr指向的内存已经释放。

    Any access to this memory thereafter should be an error , because the memory pointed to by namestr has been freed .

  19. Fairley在设计一节中,专注模块化和结构化,阶梯式改进,和从此以后就被取代或极大提高的抽象方法。

    Fairley 's chapter on design concentrates on modules and structure , stepwise refinement , and abstraction & methods that have been either superseded or greatly improved upon since then .

  20. 这是一项非常先进的通信技术,1935年贝尔工程师H.W.达德雷注册了该专利,从此以后它就在贝尔实验室不断得到改进。

    It was a very advanced piece of communications technology , which had been patented by the Bell engineer H. W. Dudley in 1935 and developed since then at the Bell laboratories .

  21. 忠昆,从此以后不要再说那些无谓的谣言了。

    Chung-kun , don 't spit out worthless rumors any more .

  22. “从此以后你一直留在这里吗?”孩子问道。

    Have you been here ever since ? Asked the child .

  23. 从此以后,螃蟹年年都有果子吃。

    The crab was able to enjoy the fruit every year .

  24. 从此以后,这对年长夫妇就没有再回家过。

    After that , the senior couple never returned home again .

  25. 从此以后我们还象往常一样平等相处。

    We were equals afterwards , as we had been before .

  26. 从此以后,汲黯的官职再也没有提升。

    For this reason , Ji An was never promoted again .

  27. 从此以后,可以移除软盘。

    From this point onwards , the floppy can be removed .

  28. 从此以后,科斯特纳和雷诺兹互相不说话了。

    Costner and Reynolds have not spoken to each other since .

  29. 这样从此以后她再也不用练习微笑了。

    So that she could stop to practise a fake smile .

  30. 你打算从此以后幸福地生活。

    And you have every intention of living happily ever after !