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  • young
  • 〔~肩〕所担负的职务。

  • 〔~细〕周密,细致,如“办事~~”。

  • 幼小的(多指家畜):~鸡。~猪。

  • 同“崽”。


(幼小的) (of domestic animals or fowls) young:

  • 仔虾

    post larvas

  1. 仔兔补饲方法的比较试验

    A Comparative Experiment on Methods of Supplementary Feeding of Young Rabbit

  2. 大部分的动物都会保护它们的幼仔,这是一个不争的事实。

    It is a given that most animals will protect their young .

  3. 科学家仔细察看行星照片,寻找生命迹象。

    Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life .

  4. 动物会丢弃最弱小的幼仔。

    Animals reject the runt of the litter .

  5. 他穿着凉鞋、旧仔裤,衬衫下摆也没塞进裤子里。

    He wore sandals and old jeans and his shirt-tails weren 't tucked in .

  6. 我仔细察看了棚子周边,没有其他人。

    I peered around the edge of the shed — there was no sign of anyone else .

  7. 他仔细察看了庄稼的生长情况。

    He looked carefully to see how the crops were coming along .

  8. 狮子的幼仔依靠母狮喂养。

    Lion cubs depend on their mother to feed them .

  9. 对呀!我还喜欢蛤仔汤和海参。

    Yup ! I also like clam soup and sea cucumbers .

  10. 宝石商人仔细察看钻石有无瑕庇来自《现代英汉综合大词典》

    The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws .

  11. 这时班上那个被叫做“精仔”的男孩尖着嗓子回答说:“是的,老师,而且还很幸运。如果他是坐在学校里看着书本,就什么也不会发现了。”

    The " smart boy " in the class replied in a high voice : " Yes , teacher , and he was very fortunate . If looking at his books , he wouldn 't have discovered anything . "

  12. 碘缺乏对大鼠仔鼠海马蛋白激酶C活性的影响

    Effects of iodine deficiency on proten kinase C in developing rat hippocampus

  13. 泄殖腔畸形鼠仔盆底横纹肌复合体中Ⅰ型肌纤维占比例明显减少(P<0.05)。

    The proportion of type ⅰ fibers in striated muscle complex was significantly lower ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 低剂量~(60)Coγ射线宫内一次照射对仔鼠生后生长发育及行为的影响

    Effects of low-level prenatal γ - ray irradiation on postnatal growth and behavior in mice

  15. 结果表明,适量的维生素B(12)可明显地促进仔虾的生长,并可提高仔虾的存活率。

    The results showed that a suitable amount of vitamin B12 may evidently promote the larval growth and increase its survival rate .

  16. 多样性分析显示图谱条带组内和各组间都没有显著性差异(P>0.05),实验用的仔犬肠道菌群组成相对稳定。

    Diversity analysis showed that stripe pattern group and groups were not significantly different , indicating that the intestinal flora of puppies used were relatively stable .

  17. 甲状腺功能低下大鼠仔鼠大脑皮质中NO及NOS活性的变化

    Changes of NO and NOS in the Cortex of Neonated Hypothyroid Rat

  18. 在一定范围内,仔虾耗氧量随pH、盐度,氨氮含量变化呈凹状分布。

    To a certain degree , the oxygen consumption of post-larva appeared concave distribution according to the pH , salinity and content of NH3-N.

  19. 日粮CP水平极显著影响肉仔鹅胸肌率和腿肌率(P<0.01);

    Dietary CP levels significantly affected breast muscle rate and leg muscle rate ( P < ( 0.01 ));

  20. 第6天仔兔开始形成PP淋巴样结构,此时能见到T、B两类淋巴细胞,圆顶上皮中已有一定数量的微褶细胞。

    On the 6 th day , the lymphoid structure of PP appeared and two types of lymphocytes , T and B , were observed in PP.

  21. 结果2个染毒组仔鼠哺乳存活率(81.80%、78.60%)均明显降低于对照组(96.70%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    Results The lactational survival rate ( 81.80 % : 78.60 % ) in beth treated groups was decreased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) compared with that in the control group .

  22. 鼠妊娠晚期服谷氨酸单钠对仔鼠脑Bax和Bcl-2表达的影响

    Expression of Bax and Bcl-2 in glutamate-induced neuronal apoptosis in fetal mice brain after maternal oral administration of monosodium glutamate

  23. 结合着流行病学情况,临床症状和病理学观察结果,肯定了此种疾病即是由产气荚膜梭菌A型和C型引起的一种仔猪肠毒血症。

    Consulting the epidemiological conditions , clinical signs , and pathological observations , this results confirmed that , this disease is an enterotoxemia of piglets caused by clostridium perfrigens type A and C.

  24. 目的:观察胆红素脑病仔鼠脑组织S-100蛋白(S-100)的mRNA及其蛋白变化,探讨其对胆红素脑病的诊断价值和其分子生物学机制。

    Objective : To observe the dynamic changes of S-100 mRNA and protein expression bilirubin encephalopathy offspring rats .

  25. IDA仔鼠血清Fe、Cu低于对照组(P<001)。

    The level of Fe ? Cu in serum of IDA offspring rats markedly lower than of controls ( P < 0 01 ) .

  26. 牛磺酸和DHA、EPA对高碘仔鼠脑组织NO含量变化的影响

    The effect of taurine , DHA and EPA on NO content of filial mice brain in high iodine

  27. 热应激对体外仔猪肝细胞AMPK活性及脂质代谢产物的影响

    Influence of heat stress on AMPK activity and lipid metabolites of

  28. 抗SEAIgG检测,5只双性感染仔兔有4只于出生后57d起陆续呈阳性,其余16只始终为阴性;

    Of 5 baby rabbit with double-sex infection displayed positive anti-SEA IgG on different days after birth .

  29. 胆红素脑病仔鼠血清S-100蛋白水平及其脑组织蛋白表达的动态变化

    Dynamic Changes on Blood S-100 and Protein Expression of Brain in Newborn Rats with Bilirubin Encephalopathy

  30. 不同孕期雌性大鼠受~(137)Csγ射线照射后仔鼠脑发育的变化

    Changes in brain development of rat fetus exposed to ~ ( 137 ) Cs γ rays in different pregnant periods of the female rats