
tā wù quán
  • right over the property of another
  1. 从他物权看土地换保障&一个法社会学的分析

    Exchanging Land for Social Security Basing on " Right over the Property of Another ": An analysis of sociology of law

  2. 浅谈他物权制度的建设

    A Probe To The Construction Of His Matter Right 's System

  3. 我国他物权制度理论构建之研究

    A study in the theory of other property rights institution

  4. 论基于他物权的物权请求权

    On Claim of Right in Rem Based on Qualified Right in Rem

  5. 地役权是一种古老的他物权,创设于罗马法。

    Easement is a kind of old principle , founded in Roman law .

  6. 中国他物权体系的建立与分析

    Establishment and Analysis of China 's System of Material Rights of Other People

  7. 中国应该构建所有权、占有与占有权、他物权三权鼎立的物权法格局。

    The author suggests China set up a style of Ownership Possession other right .

  8. 论文将这一历史过程划分为四个阶段进行了详细考察。第一个阶段,是自物权与他物权区分起源阶段。

    The paper divides this historical process into four stages : The first stage is original .

  9. 地役权作为最早的他物权制度,发端于罗马法,伴随着所有权概念而成熟,并为大陆法系及英美法系的主要国家所接受。

    Servitude as the earliest of his property rights system , was produced in Roman law .

  10. 矿业权是从矿产资源物权派生出来的他物权,是对矿产资源的使用权。

    Mineral right , derived-from mineral resource material right , is the right to use mineral re-sources .

  11. 它肇始于罗马法,是一种古老的他物权形式,为很多国家物权法所承认。

    It began in Roman law , with an ancient principle for many countries , acknowledged by law .

  12. 占有制度与所有权制度、他物权制度构成了物权制度的核心。

    System of possession and ownership system , his real right system constitutes the core of the real right system .

  13. 所有权是渔业权等他物权的母权,是所有权与其权能分离的属性和理论、所有权的弹力性的变形表现。

    Proprietary right is the mother right of the fishery right and some other rights over the property of another .

  14. 他物权体系的建立对于经济社会的存在和发展具有极为重要的意义。

    Establishment of system of material right of other people is of importance to the existence and development of economic society .

  15. 他物权不应被创设在公共物品上,不允许在集合物上创设他物权会降低物之利用价值、增加权利创设成本。

    It will reduce using value and increase right-establishing costs if for on biding to establish the system upon the collective goods .

  16. 在罗马法上,当役权从所有权中分离出来,而具有了他物权的性质的时候,物权法定主义便随之确立。

    At the Roman Law , when servitude separated from ownership , the principle of real right legality was set up consequently .

  17. 最后,概括指出同一物之上既有基于他物权的物权请求权,又存有基于所有权的物权请求权时,此二者的关系或为并行不悖,或为相互冲突。

    Finally , I lay stress on the relation between right of real claim based on ownership and on qualified right in rem.

  18. 造成我国他物权立法局限的根本原因在于对社会主义经济制度认识的局限。

    Cause of our country he real right legislative basic reason of limitation lie in to socialist economic system limitation that know .

  19. 采矿权是他物权,是用益物权和担保物权的统一。

    The right of mining is a sort of the qualified right in rem , and it contains usufructuary right and security interest .

  20. 探讨了《物权法建议稿》取消共同共有而代之为份额相等的按份共有,这一规定对于船舶抵押权以及他物权的设定的影响。

    The third one is that Suggestion of Real Law cancels the " joint coownership ", and the effect resulting from this change .

  21. 论他物权的母权但是汉代的母权仍从属于父权,母权并没有超越男尊女卑的社会框架。

    Nevertheless matriarchal right in Han Dynasty was still inferior to paternity right and controlled by social framework that women were inferior to men .

  22. 取得时效的适用范围包括所有权和他物权,具体因各国规定不同而有所不同。

    Obtains the effectiveness the applicable scope including the property rights and his real right , because concrete various countries stipulated that different differs from .

  23. 从经济分析的角度看,他物权的功能在于:避免资源的闲置、浪费和人为性稀缺,为社会提供比债权更为确定的预期。

    In the eye of economic analysis , the function of the system is to avoid the idleness , waste and artificial lack of the resources .

  24. 物权请求权是物权保护的重要手段,它包括基于所有权的请求权和基于他物权的请求权,两者在物权请求权制度上具有各自的特征和使用上的差异。

    As a means of protection of real right , claim of real right includes the claim of real right based on ownership and on qualified real right .

  25. 传统民法理论与民事立法的所有权中存在着占有权能制度,在所有权和他物权之外,还存在着独立的占有制度。

    There exists the occupying capacity constitution in the ownership of traditional civil theory and legislation , and independent occupancy system besides ownership and jura in re aliana .

  26. 用益物权是指非财产所有人利用他人财产的权利,是物权中非常重要的一项他物权。

    The usufruct means it is not the right that an property owner utilizes others ' property , it is a very important his real right in real right .

  27. 目前,国内不动产征收行为与人们享有的财产所有权及他物权之间的冲突日益显现,并引发新的社会矛盾。

    At the moment , the conflicts that between the action of immovable property 's expropriation and the property in goods are becoming increasingly obvious , and the new social conflicts are initiated .

  28. 在我国现行立法中没有明确的他物权概念,也未建立一套科学、完整的他物权体系。

    There is no explicit his real right concept in current lawmaking in our country , and China also did not build up a set of scientific and integrated his real right system .

  29. 甚至有人误认为中国的经济是计划经济,因而也就没有必要建立与市场经济相适应的包括他物权在内的物权法律制度。

    Even someone mistakes economy of China for planned economy , therefore it is just unnecessary to set up the legal system of real right including his real right in conformity with market economy .

  30. 明确抵押权的物权性是后续研究的基础。作为他物权的两种物权制度,用益物权是对物的实体的支配,担保物权则是对物的价值的支配。

    Clearly defining property natrue of the mortgages is the basic of the follow-up research . As two property systems , unstructured property is the dominant entity , the security interest is the value of the domination .