
  • 网络chemical wood
  1. 本文介绍PVC低发泡板材的产品性能、原辅材料、生产工艺设备及以塑代木的重要性。

    The article introduces the product performance , raw and auxiliary materials , production process and equipment of PVC low foamed board as well as the importance of substituting wood with plastics .

  2. 绿色环保代木材料发展趋势雏论

    A Preliminary Discussion on Trend of Green Substitute Materials for Wood

  3. 典型代木包装原材料及其热压成型工艺研究

    Research on Mould Pressing Technics for Wood Substitute Packaging Material

  4. 以草代木栽培香菇技术研究

    Study on Mushroom Cultivation Technique by Weed-based Compost

  5. 军用电子产品包装箱以纸代木

    Paper Packaging Boxes for Military Electric Products

  6. 棉杆碎料热压代木包装板材的工艺参数研究

    Study of Technological Parameter of Heat Pressed Cotton Stalk Chip for Substituting Wood Packaging Board

  7. 弹性极限的抗压强度竹加工碎料模压代木板材的弹性模量研究

    Crushing strength at elastic limit Research of Elastic Modulus of Mould Pressing Bamboo Processing Fragment Plate

  8. 我国竹材资源丰富,竹结构具有与木结构相似的优良品质,可实现“以竹代木”。

    The bamboo structures have a similar good quality to wood structures , thus using bamboo instead of wood can be realized .

  9. 竹加工碎料模压代木板材的弹性模量研究定向竹木复合板表观弹性模量预测模型的构建

    Research of Elastic Modulus of Mould Pressing Bamboo Processing Fragment Plate Forecasting model of the elasticity modulus of the aligned bamboo-wood composite panel

  10. GB/T1943-1991木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法竹加工碎料模压代木板材的弹性模量研究

    Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood Research of Elastic Modulus of Mould Pressing Bamboo Processing Fragment Plate

  11. 随着生态环境遭到严重的破坏,森林资源的日渐短缺,充分开发新型代木新材料是发展的必然趋势。

    With the serious destruction of the ecological environment and the increasingly shortage of the forest resources , there is an inexorable trend to develop a new kind of materials instead of wood fully .

  12. 进出口企业首先应当提高检疫意识,在合同订立和执行的全过程中都注意检疫事项;其次可以通过使用定向纤维板、胶合板、蜂窝纸板等代木包装材料来合法规避检疫风险。

    For exporters / importers , first they should improve quarantine awareness through transaction from making a contract to performing it ; secondly they could use alternative materials like oriented strand board , plywood and honeycomb board to evade quarantine risk legally .

  13. 平榛优良单株选育及半同胞家系子代测定马褂木N高效家系选择和菌根化育苗效果研究

    Selection of Elite Corylus Heterophylla F.tree and Half-sib Progeny Test ; Family Selection with High Nitrogen Efficiency and Investigation on the Effect of Cultivating Seedling of Liriodendron Chinense with Mycorrhizal Fungi

  14. 苇浆三段漂白氯化段用氯量对漂白废液中氯代酚、氯代愈疮木酚及氯代儿茶酚发生量影响的初步探索

    A Preliminary Investigation on the Effect of Chlorine Dosage in Reed Pulp Chlorination on the Formation of Chlorinated Phenolics