
dài yì zhì
  • representative system;representative government system
  1. 代议制下委托人一代理人之间的信息不对称假设。

    Under representative system trustee-agent 's information not symmetrical supposition .

  2. 第四部分分析了中西代议制的不足以及完善我国代议制的建议。

    The fourth part analyzes deficiencies of the western representative System and proposals to complete Chinese representative system .

  3. 贝克教授并不熟悉“代议制民主”这一思想。

    Professor Baker is unacquainted with the idea of representative democracy

  4. 密尔力图平衡官僚制与代议制政府。

    Mill tries to keep the balance of bureaucracy and representative government .

  5. 第二部分,代议制理论的历史形态。

    The second part , the history appearance of the representative system theories .

  6. 这也表现在现代的代议制的国家的选举资格上面。

    Similarly , also , in the electoral qualifications in modern parliamentary states .

  7. 代议制理论的批判与公民权利的完善

    Critical Analysis of the Theory of Representative and the Improvement of Civil Rights

  8. 代议制理论述评多元·妥协·和谐:共和政体的精髓

    Pluralism , compromise , harmony : the quintessence of republican system of government

  9. 代议制政府是自由的制度保障。

    Representative government was the guarantee of liberty .

  10. 第三章主要阐述了马克思主义代议制思想在中国的探索与实践。

    The third chapter describes the ideology of Marxism representative and Practice in China .

  11. 政府由两个代议制议会组成。

    The government consists of two representative assemblies .

  12. 议会或者国会是代议制机构在西方其他国家的存在形式。

    Parliament or Congress is ina form of representative institutions in other countries in the West .

  13. 它跟代议制民主相似的是,成员们通常委托代表替他们投票。

    It resembles representative democracy in that members normally trust delegates to vote on their behalf .

  14. 但是英国的代议制最大的错误的它的极端的过于中心化。

    But what is most wrong with the British version of representative democracy is its extreme over-centralisation .

  15. 代议制理论及其实践为资产阶级国家的建立和发展起到了巨大的推动作用。

    The theory and practice of representative have played a great role in promoting bourgeois establishment and development .

  16. 首先,代议制使人民隔离于政治决策之外,容易使政治精英控制政治决策过程。

    First , representative democracy estranges citizen from political decision , causing political elite to control political procedure .

  17. 辛亥革命后,共和甫立,西方的代议制第一次在中国落地。

    After 1911 Revolution , republic just establishes and west representative system is first time put into practice in China .

  18. 新疆省议会远没有发挥它代议制的功能,也有其多方面的原因。

    Some other reasons prevented the Parliament of Xinjiang Province from giving full play to its function of representative system .

  19. 司法型宪政模式向代议制型宪政模式的转变,标识了近代英国宪政模式的转型。

    The transformation from the judicature to the representative system has marked the change of the modern Britain constitutional government pattern .

  20. 后一种政策不仅会导致代议制政府的发展而且会促成法律的完善。

    The latter policy will lead not only to the evolution of representative government but also to the rule of law .

  21. 第二,国家权力在少数人和多数人之间的配置,这个配置在近现代国家是通过代议制来完成的。

    Secondly , the allocation of state power lies between minority and majority in the form of representative system in modern countries .

  22. 古代政治制度在实践上并没有立宪国民代议制,而且可以料想,他们也不曾在悲剧方面“预料”到这种制度。

    No ancient polity ever embodied constitutional democracy , and one dares to hope that ancient tragedy did not even foreshadow it .

  23. 欧洲议会中的政党是代议制引入欧洲一体化进程的必然结果。

    The political parties in the European Parliament are the inevitable result of introducing the representative system into the process of European integra-tion .

  24. 随着组织(包括政党)规模的日益庞大,专业化的分工使得代议制不可或缺。

    As organizations ( including political parties ) come into being the increasingly large-scale , specialized division of labor makes the representative essential .

  25. 这种民主被称为“流动式”或“代表式”民主,是现有的直接民主和代议制民主的混合体。

    Known as " liquid " or " delegative democracy , " this is a hybrid of existing forms of direct and representative democracy .

  26. 密尔于1861年发表了著名的《代议制政府》,就其选举权思想作了充分的阐述。

    In 1861 , Mill published his famous book " The Representative System of Government ", elaborated fully his ideas about the right to vote .

  27. 代议制政体产生的是官僚统治和精英政治,广大人民被排除在政治之外,而不能进行有效的参与。

    The representative form of government is bureaucratic domination and elitism . The majority people are excluded from politics , but can not participate effectively .

  28. 它的产生,是在政治文化惯性作用下,欧洲人将已实践于国内政体的代议制应用到欧洲联盟中的一种尝试。

    It is a try that is promoted by the political culture " inertia ", to apply the domestic representative policy into the European Union .

  29. 限于篇幅,笔者只简单对直接影响中西政府预算制度异同的代议制因素加以讨论。

    Limited by space , the author only gives a discussion on factors of representative systems , which influence Chinese and western government budget systems directly .

  30. 责任内阁制系指享有主权的国民通过行使政治决断权产生出的代议制的政权组织形式。

    The responsible cabinet system means the political organization form that the people who enjoy the sovereignty exercise their political discretion to build a representative government .