
  • 网络virtue;rule by virtue;the rule of virtue;government by virtue;to rule the country by virtue
  1. 以德治国&社会主义道德建设的新境界

    Rule by Virtue & the new realm of socialist moral construction

  2. 坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合。

    We continued to combine rule of law with rule by virtue .

  3. 社会转型中道德问题日显突出,以德治国的方略就置于中国这一特殊的历史背景和道德实践之中。3R策略是银行营销的核心内容。

    With more and more moral problems in social transformation , strategies for administering a country by virtue becomes more and more important in the particular situation and moral practice in China .

  4. 论以德治国与以德育人的现代价值

    On the Modern Value of Moral Education and Rule by Virtue

  5. 以德治国与行政文化建设

    Running State Affairs According to Ethics and Fostering of Administrative Culture

  6. 关于实施以德治国与弘扬民族精神关系问题的研究

    Research on Relationship between Running the Country with Morality and Ethos

  7. 经济学视角下的以德治国

    On Governing the Country by the Rule of Virtue from Economics

  8. 人民群众的道德建设是我国社会主义道德建设实现以德治国的基础。

    Moral construction is the basic to the policy of ruled-by-moral .

  9. 以德治国与师德建设

    Running the Country by Morality and the Morality Construction of Teachers

  10. 试论以德治国运行机制的约束机制

    Discussion on the Restraining Function of Ruling A Country through Ethics

  11. 任人惟贤是以德治国的重要条件;

    Third , appoint people by merit is the important condition ;

  12. 论以德治国概念中德的双重内涵

    Double connotations of morality in the concept of rule by morality

  13. 官德&以德治国的关键

    Officials ' Morals - Key to Governing a Country with Morals

  14. 以德治国思想实践措施的时代性。

    The practical measures containing the characteristics of the times .

  15. 论我国历史上的依法治国与以德治国思想

    Exploration of Law of the Development of Chinese Legislative History

  16. 以德治国的现代化与法制化

    The Modernization of ruling the Country by Virtue and Legalization

  17. 先进文化的建设是以德治国之根本

    Construction of Advanced Culture Is the Root of Governing Country with Morality

  18. 对以德治国重要思想的认识

    To understand the Important Idea of the Rule of Moral

  19. 以德治国的行政文化分析

    Analysing on Administrative Culture of Governing a Country with Virtue

  20. 领导干部要成为以德治国的模范实践者

    Leading Cadre Must Become the Exemplary Performer Who Governs Country With Moral

  21. 论以德治国与依法治国之异同及其他

    On Agreement and Difference between Rule of Morale and Rule of Law

  22. 制度伦理是以德治国的实践基础

    System Ethic is the Practical Basis for Governing the Country with Moral

  23. 依法治国必须与以德治国相结合

    To Run the Country by Laws Which Must Be Integrated With Ethics

  24. 以德治国与中国社会资本的重建

    On Rule by Virtue and the Reconstruction of Social Capital in China

  25. 以德治国与中学历史教学

    Governing the Country with the Moral and History Teaching in Middle School

  26. 略论中国传统的以德治国

    A Brief Introduction to Governing the country by Moral In Chinese Tradition

  27. 论行政道德建设在以德治国中的地位和作用

    The Roles of Administrative Morality Construction in China 's Leadership

  28. 重铸诚信推进以德治国

    Remolding Honesty and Credit Carrying Forward the Country with Morality

  29. 道德需要是以德治国的理论依据之一。

    Moral needs are one of the theoretical bases of morality administration .

  30. 论以德治国中的良心作用

    Attach Importance to the Effect of Conscience in Ethical Management of Country