
  1. 论文论述了企业制度文化对企业发展的作用机理。

    The dissertation discusses the function mechanism of enterprise system culture .

  2. 第二部分企业制度文化相关理论。

    Second part of the theory of the culture of the enterprise system .

  3. 接着介绍构建企业制度文化的方式方法。

    Then introduce ways and means to establish the culture of the enterprise system .

  4. 网络为企业制度文化带来了创新,增添了新内容,企业制度也朝着网络化的方向发展。

    The network has brought the innovation for the corporate system culture , increased new content ;

  5. 同时,企业制度文化的中介性,还表现在它是精神和物质的中介。

    At the same time , the cultural intermediary enterprise system , it is the spirit and substance of the intermediary .

  6. 所以对企业制度文化建设的研究在理论上和实践中都有其积极意义。

    Therefore , in theory and practice , the research of construction of the corporate system culture has its positive significance .

  7. 论文主体包括四个部分:第一部分:和谐社会视野下企业制度文化的内涵。

    The main part of the paper consists of four parts : Part One : the connotation of the corporate system culture under the view of harmonious society .

  8. 首先,界定企业制度文化的内涵,分析企业制度文化与规章制度的关系,阐明对企业制度文化建设认识上的三个误区。

    First , the paper defines the connotation of corporate system culture ; analyzes the relationship between the corporate rules and corporate system culture ; clarifies three misconceptions of the building of corporate system culture .

  9. 在大力建设社会主义和谐社会的大背景下,企业制度文化建设必须在和谐社会的视野下,才能使企业在社会主义和谐社会的建设中发光发热。

    In the context of building the harmonious socialist society , the construction of corporate system culture must be under the view of harmonious society , so that enterprises in the construction of the harmonious socialist society emit heat and light .

  10. 鉴于我国企业在制度文化建设方面存在的问题,我们必须探究完善企业制度文化的有效途径。

    Chinese corporations must find effective means to perfect their culture of corporation regulation .

  11. 论企业制度的文化基础

    The Culture Foundation of the Enterprise System

  12. 企业制度和文化是确保企业实现目标的两种手段。

    Enterprise institutions and culture are two means to ensure of the achievement of enterprise objectives .

  13. 首先,分析在建设社会主义和谐社会的关键时期,许多企业在制度文化建设中存在的种种问题,这些问题主要通过规章制度对外表现出来。

    First , in the critical period of building the harmonious socialist society , many companies have various problems that exist in building the corporate system culture . These problems primarily shine through the rules and regulations .

  14. 因此,从民营企业的制度文化定位上寻找突破口,重视并加强民营企业制度文化的建设,已成为促进民营企业克服种种障碍,持续健康向前发展的一条重要途径。

    So , looking for the breach on positioning of the private enterprises system 's cultures and strengthening the system 's cultural construction of private enterprises have already become an important way to let the private enterprises overcome all obstacles and develop in a constant and healthy method .

  15. 论现代企业制度下企业文化建设问题

    A Few Issues in Enterprises ' Culture Construction under Modern Enterprise System

  16. 现代企业制度呼唤企业文化建设

    Enterprise Culture goes with a modern enterprise system

  17. 中西企业制度差异及其文化背景分析

    The Differences of Enterprise System Between the Domestic and the Western and the Analysis of Their Cultural Background

  18. 一般来说,从企业制度、企业文化、环境、沟通与交流、员工发展几个方面着手,家族企业能够有效地在内部创造信任。

    Generally speaking , beginning from enterprise system , corporate culture , environment , communication & exchanges , and employee development , family enterprise can find ways and create internal confidence availably .

  19. 通过对校内市场垄断经营及产权主体单一的经济学分析指出:所有权束缚、官僚化的制度环境、企业制度和企业文化的缺失是后勤实体经济效率低下的主要原因。

    The analysis of economy in monopolized management within campus and solo subject of property right argues that the main cause to low economic efficiency in service entity is restrain of ownership , institutional environment of bureaucracy and lacks of business system and business culture .

  20. 我国家族企业用人制度的文化分析

    The Analysis of The System of Employing People In Chinese Family Enterprises

  21. 因此,企业诚信制度策略、文化策略和管理策略将决定企业未来的发展格局。

    Thus , the future development of a corporation is mostly dependent on its credit system , cultural strategy and management strategy .

  22. 其次,近年来的日本经济的持续萧条,又暴露了日本企业制度以至日本传统文化的另一面。

    But the past few years the Japan economy was undergoing the continuous recession which expose the other side of Japan enterprise institution and traditional culture of Japan .

  23. 在市场化方面,加强文化管理体制的创新,建立文化产业的现代企业制度,做好西部文化资源知识产权专属化保护工作。

    In the marketing aspect , efforts should be made to strengthen innovation of culture management system , set up modern enterprise regulations of culture industry , and protect intellectual property right of west culture resources .

  24. 将以人为本作为一本四维优化模式的核心,分别从石油企业精神文化、制度文化、行为文化、物质文化的四个维度对石油企业文化进行优化,并对优化的保障体系进行系统的探索。

    Respectively from the petroleum enterprise spirit culture , system culture , behavior culture and material culture of the four dimensions of petroleum enterprise culture were optimized , meanwhile optimizing the system of security system for exploration .

  25. 作者认为:制度与文化永远是并存的,文化优劣或主流文化的认同度决定着制度的成本,中国企业管理需要制度与文化的双向突破。油气系统是最有利的系统;

    According to the author , system and culture are coexist and the cost of system is decided by the goodness or badness of the culture or by the identification of mainstream culture . Chinese enterprise management needs a two-sides breakthrough in both system and culture .

  26. 在企业中,企业制度文化是人与物、人与企业运营制度的结合部分,它既是人的意识与观念形态的反映,又是由一定物的形式所构成。

    In the enterprise , the culture of the enterprise system is a combination of part of the persons and things , people , and business operations system , it is both a reflection of human consciousness and ideology , in turn , in the form of a certain matter .

  27. 在文化整合方面应注重培养企业精神,打造企业制度文化,培养创新理念,培养团队精神,同时,积极整合双方教育资源。三是网络与传统教育途径的整合。

    While integrating the educational resources of schools and enterprises , schools should pay attention to cultivate enterprise spirit , enterprise system culture , innovative idea and team spirit . Third , integrate schools with families .

  28. 它也是企业完善企业制度,培育企业文化的一项重要举措。

    But also normalize the business institution , and cultivate the corporate culture .

  29. 表层文化即是外在的企业文化;中层文化是指企业制度文化;深层文化是指核心企业文化。

    Surface culture is the external surface of the corporate culture ; middle culture refers to the enterprise system culture ; deep culture refers to the enterprise culture core .

  30. 企业文化建设要实现企业精神文化、制度文化与物质文化三者的有机统一,CI导入也要展现MI、SI和VI的和谐一致;

    The cultural construction of enterprise should form an organic unity of culture of spirit , of system and of material ; the introduction of CI should also show harmony between MI , BI and VI.