
  1. Internet环境下的虚拟企业客户关系管理系统

    Virtual Enterprise Custom Relation Management System under the Circumstance of Internet

  2. 建筑企业客户关系管理(CRM)研究

    Study on Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) for Construction Enterprises

  3. 基于OLAP的制造业企业客户关系管理系统研究及应用

    Application Research of Enterprise Customer Relationship Management System of Manufacture Industry Based on OLAP

  4. SaaS模式的中小企业客户关系管理研究

    Research on customer relationship management for small and medium enterprises based on SaaS

  5. 第五部分,构建面向企业客户关系管理的知识挖掘应用.首先介绍了CRM的概念和发展现状,并分析了企业实施CRM的好处。

    Part 5 , building knowledge mining applications for CRM . Firstly it introduces the concept and development of CRM .

  6. 最后结合安全ESB架构,描述了企业客户关系管理系统的设计与实现。

    Finally , this thesis describes the design and realization of relationship management system between corporation and customer with security ESB architecture .

  7. 本文通过对电子商务下CRM的目标、功能及结构的分析,探讨了企业客户关系管理模式的发展趋势。

    Based on the analysis of objective , function and structure of CRM in electronic commerce environment , the paper discusses the development trend of the model of CRM .

  8. 本文正是在此基础上,提出了房地产企业客户关系管理(CRM)设计模型,并探讨了实施客户关系管理(CRM)后如何进行投资回报(ROI)评价。

    So , in this paper , a CRM model is proposed , and more important , how to do the Return On Investment ( ROI ) estimate after the implementation is discussed .

  9. 第一章对本文研究的重点:纺织企业客户关系管理以及CRM先进的平台开发技术&分布式计算技术进行了简单介绍,讨论了它们的重要性;

    According to this , the paper include below contents : In the first chapter , the emphasis - CRM in textile manufacturing business of this paper and the advanced platform development technology in CRM system-distributed compute technology is introduced .

  10. 文章围绕如何更好发展我国汽车工业这一前提来研究Auto-CRM运作体系,以完善我国汽车企业客户关系管理运作方面的知识为目的。

    This paper is studied the Auto-CRM operation system around the theme of how to develop our auto industry , and perfecting the theory of Auto-CRM operation system is regarded as the object .

  11. 软件企业客户关系管理设计与实现

    Design and Realize of Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) System

  12. 建筑企业客户关系管理与项目决策平台研究

    Research on Customer Relationship Management and Project Decision Platform of Construction Enterprises

  13. 论企业客户关系管理与顾客忠诚度

    Enterprise Successfully Leading into CRM can Improve the Loyalty-level of Customers Effectively

  14. 电子商务环境下企业客户关系管理模式研究

    Study on the Model of CRM under Electronic Commerce Environment

  15. 商务智能在某零售企业客户关系管理中的应用分析

    Application Analysis of Business Intelligence in the CRM of a Retail Enterprise

  16. 网络环境下企业客户关系管理的应用研究

    Study on the CRM Technology under the Environment of Network

  17. 基于商务智能的虚拟企业客户关系管理研究

    Research on Customer Relationship Management of Virtual Enterprise Based on Business Intelligence

  18. 我国外贸企业客户关系管理研究

    Study on CRM in Foreign Trade Enterprises in China

  19. 林业企业客户关系管理系统的设计

    Design of customer relation management system for forestry enterprises

  20. 建筑施工企业客户关系管理及投标决策支持系统

    The Customer Relationship Management and Bid Decision Support System for a Construction Company

  21. 现代企业客户关系管理研究

    A Research of Customer Relationship Management of Modern Enterprises

  22. 外贸型企业客户关系管理方案

    Research and Customer Relationship Management in Foreign Trade Enterprise

  23. 中小企业客户关系管理系统托管模式研究

    A Study on the CRM-ASP Model for SMEs

  24. 基于客户价值的通信企业客户关系管理研究

    Research on the Customer Relationship Management of Communication Enterprise Based on the Customer Value

  25. 医药企业客户关系管理解决方案研究

    Research on Customer Relationship Management for Pharmaceutical Company

  26. 房地产企业客户关系管理理论与应用研究

    CRM Theory and Implement in Real Estate Company

  27. 企业客户关系管理系统体系结构研究

    An Architectural Research of Customer Relations Management System

  28. 基于数据仓库的医药企业客户关系管理技术分析与研究

    Analysis and Research about Technology of Medicine Enterprise Customer Relations Management Based on Data Warehouse

  29. 基于学术推广视角下的制药企业客户关系管理的研究

    A Research on the Management of Relationship between Pharmaceutical Enterprises and Customers in Academic-Oriented Marketing

  30. 在这种环境下,以客户为导向的现代企业客户关系管理应运而生。

    The modern enterprise CRM that is customer - oriented arises as the times demand .