
The Organization of Chinese Modern Enterprise System Comparing with Modern Western Enterprise Group
If bidder is a consortium or joint venture , certificates for each of the members shall be provided as above .
He worries that " the gain in local accountability " from the switch to local partnerships may be " offset by rivalries amongst different local authorities " .
But Mr Parrish suggested that speaking with one voice through a trade association might be counter-productive , since it can give the impression that the industry is a monolithic cartel .
The enterprise group is an enterprise combination composed of multiple levels and many a corporation . It should build a vivid and effective management mechanism , business mechanism and self-bound mechanism .
The effective way to achieve the scale operation is to establish economic Association in travel agency industry .
In this economic union , capital centralized management can take advantage of aggregation of financial resources , strengthen the internal management of the enterprise group , improve financial control level and control the financial risks .
Cooperation in the Bidding Processing of Building-Construction Enterprise
Enterprise group is a combination of parent company , subsidiary company , sharing company and other corporations through capital connection .
Chain sale is a kind of commercial organization and marketing , consists of some shops or branch enterprises under the leadership of headquarters with the same mark .
At present , the competition in construction market is very intense . Building-Construction Enterprises wanted to establish the association to enlist the bidding in some large construction projects .
Enterprise group composed of several enterprises as economic association , the most important link ties are funds .
By the investigation about the credit demand of the main body in the country , this paper analysed not only their financing sequence , but also the credit demand level .
Project management organization is usually formed by more than one enterprise dynamically . Each enterprise is a highly autonomic entity with special characteristic in management , technology and resources .
Many scholars , at home or abroad , have brought up the idiographic models such as Virtual Organization , league of strategy , combo of enterprises , etc.
Enterprise group is a company which is composed of a core parent company , a manipulative role , some subsidiary holding companies , stock-shared companies and some enterprises or units controlled by the parent company .
Affiliated enterprise is a combination of several enterprise that is independent legal entity .
Dynamic Alliance is an impermanent enterprises ' commonwealth which is composed of enterprises , research institutes and individuals that legally independent of each other and of unique core competence in order to win a title under the premise of some market opportunity on the base of non-involving ownership .