
xiū zhǐ
  • rest;stop;cease;diapause
休止 [xiū zhǐ]
  • [stop] 停止活动或运转

  • 急解令休止。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • 更无休止

休止[xiū zhǐ]
  1. Jobtalker就是那些无论什么时候、跟谁在一起、在任何地方都只会谈工作的人,或者只要旁边有人就会无休止地抱怨工作的人,总之就是“无时无刻不在谈工作的人”。

    A job talker is either1 someone2 who only talks about their job with anyone3 , at any time and in any place , and who has nothing better to talk about than their job , or someone who cannot stop complaining4 about his / her work whenever5 there is someone around .

  2. 或者有太多东西不断移动毫不休止?

    Or too many moving parts that don 't stop ?

  3. 你这无休止的指责真让我烦死了。

    I 'm sick to death of your endless criticism .

  4. 简无休止的唠叨开始使他心烦。

    Jane 's constant chatter was beginning to annoy him .

  5. 我听够了他们无休止的争吵。

    I 've had enough of their endless arguing .

  6. 怨怨相报会导致永不休止的暴力。

    Revenge leads to a self-perpetuating cycle of violence .

  7. 我整天无休止地编织缝纫。

    I had endless hours to knit and sew

  8. 布莱恩的挂靴为英国足球史上光辉的一章画上了休止符。

    Brian 's retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history

  9. 那是场无休止的战争。

    The war was endless .

  10. 我受够了他们无休止的争吵。

    I 'm sick of their endless arguing .

  11. 他使自己无休止地卷入这场长时间的诉讼。

    He was perpetually involving himself in this long lawsuit .

  12. 这座火山已进入休止状态。

    The volcano is inactive .

  13. 这两个国家正在进行一场无休止的战争。

    The two countries are waging an endless war .

  14. 那个孩子无休止的啼哭使我整天烦得要死。

    The child 's endless crying has been wearing on my nerves all day .

  15. 除非学生能够抵挡住社交网络、短信以及无休止地浏览网页的吸引力,否则他们将继续在课上苦苦挣扎。

    Until students are able to resist the pull of social networking , texting , and endlessly surfing the web , they may continue to struggle in their classes .

  16. 不过,最重要的是,我希望人们能将那些花在无休止地辩论转基因作物上的精力拿出十分之一,集中在那些对全球农业更为紧迫的挑战上。

    Most of all , though , I wish a tenth of the energy that 's spent endlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture .

  17. 关于“工作-生活平衡”的无休止的争论经常包括一个给人希望的注释,那就是全职父亲。

    The endless debate about " work-life balance " often contains a hopeful footnote about stay-at - home dads .

  18. 尽管无休止的倾盆大雨迫使所有户外劳作停止,但农民会为此兴奋不已。

    Although the rain pours the utmost relentlessness , ceasing all outdoor activities , the manthethe heavens and smiles .

  19. 它传递的思想是,在21世纪的生活压力下,女性想要有一段时间可以专属于自己,并且免受工作和家庭中无休止的任务摆布,是越来越困难了。

    The idea is that , amidst the stress of 21st century life , a woman finds it increasingly difficult to spend time which is exclusively for her and is not encroached upon by the non-stop demands of work and family .

  20. A)incompatible不兼容的,不共戴天的;B)exceeding超越的,极度的(←exceed);C)instantaneous瞬间的,即刻的;D)eternal永恒的,无休止的。

    A ) incompatible B ) exceeding C ) instantaneous D ) eternal

  21. 这已引发人们对mba课程几乎无休止的质疑。

    This has led to an almost perpetual questioning of the MBA curriculum .

  22. MycobacteriumE3休止细胞催化烯烃立体选择性环氧化

    Stereoselective Epoxidation of Alkenes Catalyzed by Mycobacterium E3 Resting Cell

  23. SnailBait通过绘制两次背景,使背景无休止地滚动,如图5所示。

    Snail Bait endlessly scrolls the background by drawing it twice , as shown in Figure 5 .

  24. 你会发现Google+的主页与个人资料页、照片与游戏标签,当然还有无休止的好友更新都与Facebook非常类似。

    You 'll find familiar home and profile pages , tabs for photos and games , and of course the endless updates from friends .

  25. 进而通过系列载荷试验,研究了粉砂土中PHC管桩的单桩竖向极限承载力随休止期的变化规律及时间效应。

    The law of ultimate bearing capacity changing with repose period and the time effect are also studied .

  26. 结果表明,内源激素水平差异及激素间的比值变化与新梢生长和休止密切相关,高含量IAA及高IAA/zeatin与IAA/GA3比值,导致夏季生长休止;

    The result showed that both hormone levels and ratios among different hormones are closely related to the summer and winter dormancy .

  27. 美国密封包装V形填料(或V-填料)是多口(雪佛龙)对无休止的密封环的群组成,是用于密封杆和活塞的欢迎。

    American Seal & Packing Vee Packings ( or V-Packings ) are multiple-lip ( chevron ) seals comprised of a group of endless rings and are popular for sealing rods and pistons .

  28. 结论:无休止型IVT行ERFCA安全有效。

    Conclusion : ERFCA is safe and effective in the treatment of incessant IVT .

  29. 结论LM、FN在毛囊的生长期、退行期及休止期的表达随毛囊生长周期而发生周期性变化,LM、FN可能参与毛囊生长周期的调节。

    Conclusion The difference between LM and FN expression in hair growth cycle indicates that LM and FN may play important roles in the regulation of human hair follicle growth cycl .

  30. 目的:研究妊高征患者母血及胎盘组织中卵泡休止素(FS)水平变化的临床意义。

    Objective : Our aim was to study changes of levels of follistatin ( FS ) in maternal serum and placenta in pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome ( PIH ) and the clinical significance .