
  • 网络FLYERS;hand bill
  1. 他们把传单广告寄给所有订户。

    He mailed the circular to all subscribers .

  2. 从传统的报刊、电视中的广告,街头巷尾散发的传单广告,到遍布网络这种新媒体的广告:不同的广告形式通过不同的媒介传递着各种各样的信息。

    From traditional advertisements in newspapers and television , to advertising with leaflets on the street and to advertisements all over the new media Internet : different forms of advertising convey a variety of information through all kinds of media .

  3. 在大街上分发传单是广告的一种。

    Distributing leaflets on the street is one kind of advertisements ;

  4. 他们用传单做广告。

    They advertised by handbills .

  5. 建议河南女排主场组委会在进行广告宣传时应该以体育馆为中心,以2~20km的覆盖范围为主;广告宣传的媒介则应该以地方性报纸、传单或户外广告为主等。

    The authors suggested that Henan Women Volleyball Team Home Court Organizing Committee should carry out advertising and promotion mainly in the range of 2-20km around the center of the gymnasium , and that the media for advertising and promotion should base mainly on local newspapers , flyers or outdoor ads.

  6. 印发的传单,主要用于广告

    Printed circular letter devoted primarily to advertising

  7. 如果合同提及我方公共通讯(如目录、传单、通知、广告、图示、广告公司和价格表)中所包含的关于特性的说明,则这些说明仅表明产品的状况。

    The specifications contained in our public communications such as catalogues , leaflets , circulars , advertisements , illustrations , advertising campaigns and price lists relating to characteristics only speak to the condition of the product if they have been incorporated into the contract .