
  • 网络legendary novels;romance
  1. 它扫除了传奇小说的巨大影响,以个人日常生活为表现对象,以爱情、婚姻、家庭问题为核心,开始了18世纪的文学革命。

    It eliminated the powerful influence of the romance by taking personal everyday life as the object of literature and problems concerning love , marriage and family as the core of novel , and hence initiated a literary revolution in the 18th century .

  2. 《水浒传》是中国古代英雄传奇小说的巅峰之作,作品塑造了一批鲜活而富有个性特征的梁山英雄群像,获得了世界的赞誉。

    " All Men are Brothers " was hero romance work mountain peak in ancient times in China , the work has molded one batch bright and the rich individuality characteristic Liangshan hero group portrait , has obtained the world praise .

  3. 电视剧根据魔幻传奇小说《冰与火之歌》(ASongofIceandFire)五部曲改编,小说作者乔治•马丁(GeorgeRRMartin)已经创造了一些单词。

    George RR Martin , author of the five volumes of A Song of Ice and Fire , the fantasy saga on which the TV series is based , had created some words already .

  4. 浪漫主义一词原意是用罗曼语(Roman)书写的故事,尤其指骑士传奇小说。

    The term " Romanticism " became popular at that time . The original meaning of the term " Romanticism " is the stories written by Roman language , especially the legends of knight .

  5. 论唐传奇小说的发展特性

    On the Developing Characteristics of the Legendary Novel in the Tang Dynasty

  6. 唐宋传奇小说文体研究

    The Style Research about Tales of Marvels of Tang and Song Dynasty

  7. 她的工作为那部传奇小说打下了基础。

    Her work prepared the ground for the romantic novel .

  8. 除了传奇小说以外,任何文学作品都使她想起学校教育。

    Any literature other than romantic novels smacked to her of school .

  9. 社会变化在华盛顿·欧文美国传奇小说中的反映

    Social Changes Reflected in Washington Irving 's American Legends

  10. 那篇对近期出版的浪漫传奇小说的评论纯系吹捧之作。

    The review of the latest romance novel was a total puff piece .

  11. 道教与志怪传奇小说的渊源关系

    The Original Relationship between Taoism and literary Tales

  12. 佛教文化与唐代传奇小说

    Buddhist Culture & Legendary Novels of Tang dynasty

  13. 明清英雄传奇小说生成的商业经济基础

    Business and Economic Foundation of the Formation of the Hero-legend Novel in Ming-Qing Dynasty

  14. 论唐传奇小说兴起与繁荣的原因

    On the Cause of the Rise and Prosperity of the Legendry in Tang Dynasty

  15. 英雄传奇小说生成的文学传统

    Literature tradition of the Hero-legend novel'taking form

  16. 摘要中篇传奇小说是中国小说发展史上的创举和破例。

    Legendary novelette is an innovative and exceptional genre in the history of Chinese fiction .

  17. 试论唐代传奇小说的诗化特征

    The Poetic Features of Tang Legend

  18. 我本淮王旧鸡犬不随仙去落人间&明末清初传奇小说中的遗民形象研究

    Research into the Image of the Survivors of the Ming Dynasty in Early Qing Dynasty Legendary Novels

  19. 论清代仿《聊斋》派传奇小说的文学观试论清末民初社会言情小说的时代思想

    On the Qing Dynasty 's Literary Concept of the Legendary Novel Modeled after " Strange Stories "

  20. 本文即以唐代志怪和传奇小说中的妖怪形象为研究对象,全文共分为五章。

    This will in the tang dynasty and in legend novels in the image object of research .

  21. 这四篇传奇小说以其在艺术上的别有特色和成就,在我国文言小说发展史上应有一席之地。

    For the artistic specialties and contribution , these novels play an important role in ancient Chinese novel development .

  22. 丽情传奇小说是从题材上对传奇小说所做的分类。

    The love legendary of the Ming Dynasty is a sort of novel which is classed by subject matter .

  23. 文章进行到第四部分,则就宋代李杨故事与宋代传奇小说的世俗化之间的关系,做了分析。

    At the end , the paper analyzes the relationship between legend and the story of Li and Yang .

  24. 因此,本论文提出了明代丽情传奇小说的概念,对明代丽情传奇小说的篇目进行搜集整理。

    In this paper the author brings forward the conception of the love legendary of Ming Dynasty and collects them .

  25. 史传文学的思想精神、人物和故事情节、结构模式和叙述视角多为英雄传奇小说模仿、借鉴。

    Historical-literature is imitated by Hero-legend on thought spirit , person with story details , construction model and describe view-point .

  26. 本文力图从传奇小说概念的历史性回顾与阐释入手,站在中国古代文学的本体角度上,设定出符合历史原貌的观念和标准。

    This paper tries to set out original concepts of legendary novels based on historical review of the ancient Chinese literature .

  27. 围绕明代丽情传奇小说多为禁书的特点,论述其鲜明的思想特征;

    And encircling the characteristic that most of the love legendry are banned books , discuss the love legendary 's bright characteristic ;

  28. 所以,英雄传奇小说在抒写对英雄们的崇拜和敬仰背后,传达的是一种坚定浓烈的爱国主义情怀。

    So from the description of adoration to the heroes , we can see a firm strong patriotism emotion in the legendary novels .

  29. 《大业拾遗记》与《隋炀三记》(《海山记》、《开河记》、《迷楼记》)是晚唐时出现的四篇历史题材的传奇小说。

    Supplied A Deficiency on the Daye and Three records About Emperor Yangdiare the four historical theme tales in the Late Tang Dynasty .

  30. 因此,传奇小说的文体在不同时代展现了不同的传奇风貌。

    The restrict of society habitude and policy Therefore , the style About Tales of Marvels showed itself varied scenes in different times .