
  • 网络missionary method
  1. 1830年代,来华基督教新教传教士在其传教活动中,根据中国社会文化的特点和中国民众对外来宗教的态度,逐渐探索并形成了一种具有特色的传教方法,即医务传道方法。

    Medical missionary method was shaped by the Protestant missionaries to China in 1830 's , when the missionaries tried to work out some special methods to cope with the special social and cultural condition they encountered in China .

  2. 教会的成功在于其传教方法的得当。

    Its success lay in its appropriate approach for missionary work .

  3. 第四章是对江南地区耶稣会士传教方法的全面分析。

    Chapter four discusses thoroughly the missionary methods .

  4. 1838年成立的中国医务传道会,是具体推行这种传教方法的机构。

    The Medical Missionary Society in China , founded in 1838 , was the organization pursuing the method .

  5. 在基督教进入韩国本土之后,传教士根据韩国的社会环境和文化,发展出一套适合当地情况的传教方法并进行了一系列的事工。

    After the Christianity entered South Korea , local methods were carried out by the missionaries according to the features of the social culture environment in South Korea .

  6. 由于传教困难,传教士不得不开始借助教育促传教的方法,以打开传教局面。他们开办了各类教会学校,招收学生,并借此传播基督文化。

    Owning to the difficulties in preaching , these missionaries turned to education to promote the preaching situation , thus they established various church schools to admit Chinese students . And this is also a good opportunity for them to propagate the culture of Christianity .

  7. 医药传教是基督教新教来华传教士们在中国特有的环境和经历中摸索出来的一种有效的传教方法。

    Medical Missionary was an effective way to spread Protestantism in particular surroundings in China .