
  • 网络BETHLEHEM;Bethlehem, Pennsylvania;Bethlehem, PA
  1. 然后他在费城的米德维尔钢铁公司(midvalesteelworks)工作并成为总工程师,然后转到伯利恒钢铁公司工作。

    He then worked at Midvale steel works in Philadelphia , where he became chief engineer , before moving to Bethlehem Steel Company .

  2. 我是PaulaHancocks,现在在伯利恒,大约15000名游客正在庆祝圣诞前夜。

    I am Paula Hancocks in Bethlehem , where some 15000 visitors are here to celebrate Christmas eve .

  3. 伯利恒人一百二十三名。

    The children of Bethlehem , an hundred twenty and three .

  4. 彻底搜索,并屠宰伯利恒的每一个婴儿。

    Leave no stone unturned and slaughter every infant of Bethlehem .

  5. 西布伦的伯利恒外的土地。

    To distinguish it from Bethlehem in the territory of Zebulon .

  6. 根据圣经。基督诞生在伯利恒。

    According to the scriptures , Christ was born in bethlehem .

  7. 这里不是伯利恒,这里是布鲁克林。

    Well , this isn 't Bethlehem , it 's Brooklyn .

  8. 美丽的伯利恒之星闪闪发光。

    Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on ( shine on ) .

  9. 以色列人也没时间因为伯利恒而多愁善感。

    The Israelis have no time for sentimentality about Bethlehem either .

  10. 这人离开犹大伯利恒城,要找一个可住的地方。

    Left that town in search of some other place to stay .

  11. 又愿你在以法他得亨通,在伯利恒得名声。

    May you have standing in Ephrathah and be famous in Bethlehem .

  12. 但是去伯利恒路途超过一百英里了。

    But the journey to Bethlehem is more than a hundred miles .

  13. 今天在伯利恒诞生了一位救世主。

    Today in Bethlehem a savior has been born to you all .

  14. 如果让你的士兵到伯利恒去。

    What if your soldiers were to go to bethlehem .

  15. 以比赞死了,葬在伯利恒。

    Then died Ibzan , and was buried at Bethlehem .

  16. 约翰福音里则完全没提到伯利恒出生的情节。

    John doesn 't have anything about this Bethlehem birth .

  17. 那很好。能在伯利恒看到这么多的游客来真是不错。

    It 's nice to see this kind of tourists in Bethlehem .

  18. 伯利恒之祖萨玛,伯迦得之祖哈勒。

    Salma the father of bethlehem , hareph the father of bethgader .

  19. 在拉马拉和伯利恒都有巴勒斯坦人在抗议。

    Palestinians are protesting , in ramallah , in bethlehem .

  20. 齐来,一齐来,大家上伯利恒;

    O come ye , O come ye to Bethlehem .

  21. 伯利恒的游客数量一直呈上升态势。

    The number of visitors to Bethlehem has been rising .

  22. 然后立即赶到了伯利恒,找到上帝之子。

    And went to Bethlehem straightway , the Son of God to find .

  23. 就像圣地伯利恒的救星一样,它告诉我在哪里可以获救。

    Like the star of Bethlehem , it announced where my salvation lay .

  24. 耶稣降生于犹太的伯利恒,当时是希律王当政。

    Jesus was born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of Herod .

  25. 探访家庭成员和朋友,包括他养父在伯利恒的家人。

    Visiting family and friends including those from his step-fathers side in Bethlehem .

  26. 耶弗他以后,有伯利恒人以比赞作以色列的士师。

    And after him Ibzan of Bethlehem judged Israel .

  27. 但他将会是在伯利恒诞生!

    But he is to be born in Bethlehem !

  28. 留意每一个回到伯利恒的男人。

    Keep watch for a man returning to bethlehem .

  29. 然后她们动身前往伯利恒旅途的最后一段路。

    Then they set off on the last stage of their journey to Bethlehem .

  30. 伯利恒的基督徒用祈祷、音乐和家庭娱乐来迎接圣诞节。

    Christians in Bethlehem greeted the Christmas with prayers , music and family entertainment .