
  • 网络Xylo-oligosaccharide;Xylooligosaccharide;Xos
  1. ACA微囊化酵母细胞利用酒糟水解液发酵生产木糖醇的研究上清液经木聚糖酶酶解后,低聚木糖的含量可达到上清液总糖的84.93%。

    Study on Xylitol Production of Wine Lees Hydrolysate by Microencapsulated Candida Tropicalis Cells ; After enzymatic hydrolysis , the yield of XOS could be up to 84.93 % of total carbohydrates of the supernatant .

  2. 上清液经木聚糖酶酶解后,低聚木糖的含量可达到上清液总糖的84.93%。

    After enzymatic hydrolysis , the yield of XOS could be up to 84.93 % of total carbohydrates of the supernatant .

  3. 调控酶解底物初始pH制备低聚木糖

    A Study on Regulating Initial pH Value of Substrate in the Process of Xylo oligosaccharides Production

  4. 用TLC法测定研究所得的产物是以木糖、木二糖为主的低聚木糖产品。

    The TLC results showed that the main components in the products were xylose and xylobiose .

  5. 研究了生产低聚木糖(XOS)所得的废渣对里氏木霉纤维素酶合成的诱导作用和纤维素酶水解特性。

    The characteristics of cellulase inducement and hydrolysis by residue of xylooligosaccharide ( XOS ) production were investigated .

  6. HPLC图谱表明,在经过高温热解后的木聚糖酶解渣上清液中,木聚糖含量可以增加到47.22%,但其中聚合度在2~6之间的低聚木糖组分比例较低,最高仅占到46.83%。

    HPLC illustration showed that filtrate xylan yield could increase to 47.22 % after high temperature pyrogenation , but in which xylo-oligosaccharides ( averge degree of polymerization 2 ~ 6 ) were comparatively lower with the highest proportion of 46.83 % in filtrate xylan .

  7. 低聚木糖(XOs)薄层层析显示,苹果木聚糖经酶解的主要产物是X2、X3,且X3的含量大于X2的含量。

    Thin-layer chromatography ( TLC ) of XOs showed that the main enzymatic hydrolyzate of apple xylan were X3 and X2 , and the content of the X3 was large than X2 .

  8. 结论:1.大豆低聚糖、低聚木糖、低聚果糖、低聚甘露糖对人胃癌细胞株BGC-823细胞有一定程度的抑制作用,其中大豆低聚糖作用最强。

    The inhibition of soybean oligosaccharide , Xylo - oligosaccharides , Fructo-oligosaccharides , Man-oligosaccharides on proliferation of BGC-823 is evident in vitro , and soybean oligosaccharide has the most obvious roles among them . 2 .

  9. 而用粗木聚糖酶酶解制备低聚木糖时,当酶解时间从2h延长到10h时,低聚木糖得率从17.97%下降到11.12%。

    ( However ), during the production of xylo-oligosaccharides from xylan hydrolyzed by coarse xylanases , the yield of xylo-oligosaccharides dropped from 17.97 % to 11.12 % , when enzymatic hydrolysis time was increased from 2 h to 10 h.

  10. 最优反应条件为180℃预处理30min,残余木聚糖的42.54%被有效降解,上清液中低聚木糖(XOS)的含量占上清液总糖的32.13%。

    Under the optimal condition of pretreatment for 30 min at 180 ℃,( 42.54 % ) of xylan residues could be decomposed efficiently and the yield of xylooligosaccharides ( XOS ) was 32.13 % of the total carbohydrates of the supernatant .

  11. 绿色饲料添加剂&低聚木糖的特性、功能及应用

    Characteristics , Functions and Applications of Xylo-oligosaccharides of Green Feed Additive

  12. 低聚木糖在冷冻面团发酵馒头中的应用

    Application of Xylo-oligosaccharides in Steamed Bread Made by Frozen Dough Fermentation

  13. 凝胶扩散体系中磷酸钙的沉淀图形新生磷酸钙对低聚木糖的脱色规律

    The Growth Patterns of Calcium Phosphate Precipitation in Gel System

  14. 从稻壳中提取制备低聚木糖研究进展

    The research progress on extraction of xylo-oligosaccharide from rice hull

  15. 低聚木糖对仔猪生产性能和肠道菌群的影响

    Effect of Xylo-oligosaccharide on Growth Performance and Intestinal Tract Microflora of Piglets

  16. 膜分离技术在低聚木糖制备及乙醇发酵中的应用

    Applications of membrane separation technique in the preparation of xylo-oligosaccharides and ethanol fermentation

  17. 小麦麸皮中低聚木糖底物&半纤维素提取条件的研究

    Study of the extract condition of hemicelluloses & xylooligosaccharides in the wheat bran

  18. 低聚木糖在肉仔鸡和蛋鸡生产中的应用研究肉雏鸡与蛋雏鸡法氏囊生长发育规律的探讨

    Contrasting Research on the Law of Growth on Broiler Chicken and Layer Chicken

  19. 木聚糖酶水解制取低聚木糖的研究

    Study on enzymatic hydrolysis of xylan into xylo-oligosaccharide

  20. 木聚糖酶属于水解酶类,可以将木聚糖降解成低聚木糖或木糖。

    As a hydrolytic enzyme , it can degrade xylan into xylo-oligosaccharides or xylose .

  21. 从而为低聚木糖工业中进一步提高产率,降低生产成本提供依据。

    All that gave evidence for raising yield of xylo-oligosaccharides and cutting down production costs .

  22. 低聚木糖对蛋鸡产蛋性能、养分利用率及蛋品质的影响

    Effects of xylo-oligosaccharides on laying performance , nutrient utilization efficiency and egg quality in layers

  23. 半纤维素生物降解后得到的低聚木糖是高附加值的功能性生理活性物质。

    Xylo-oligosaccharide , the product of biodegradation of hemicellulose , is the high additional value substance .

  24. 内切木聚糖酶的选择性纯化及酶解制备低聚木糖的研究

    Study on Production of Xylo-oligosaccharides from Xylan Hydrolyzed by Selectively Purified Endo - β - xylanase

  25. 低聚木糖对面团热机械特性及冷冻面团发酵流变特性的影响研究

    Study on effect of xylo-oligosaccharide on thermomechanical properties of dough and ferment rheology properties of frozen dough

  26. 酶解液中低聚木糖(木二糖~木四糖)含量为6.19mg/mL。

    XOS ( xylobiose to xylotetrose ) content was 6.19 mg / mL in the enzymatic hydrolysates .

  27. 而通过酶法降解木聚糖制备低聚木糖仍然是当前工业上应用较为广泛的方法。

    However , the biodegradation of xylan to prepare xylo-oligosaccharide is still the main method in present days .

  28. 本试验主要研究沸石粉、低聚木糖和地衣芽孢杆菌在黄羽肉鸡生产中的应用效果。

    This experiment mainly studied the effect of Zeolite , Oligosaccharide and Probiotics on the production of yellow broiler .

  29. 文章着重介绍了低聚木糖的理化特性、生产以及应用等方面的国内外研究进展,并简要介绍了课题组的一些研究工作进展。

    The research progress of physical chemical properties , production and application of xylo oligosaccharide is introduced in this article .

  30. 棉籽壳源低聚木糖菌糠对肉鸡生产性能及激素代谢的影响

    Effects of Dietary Chaff of Xylo-oligosaccharides from Cottonseedhull ( CXOC ) on Production Performance and Hormone Metabolism of Broiler Chickens