
  • 网络sumitomo;sumitomo corporation;sei;sumi
  1. 住友金属开发出了一种用万能轧边机生产H型钢的新技术。

    Sumitomo Metal Industries has developed a new rolling technology for large H-beam characterized by an universal edger mill .

  2. 日本住友集团(SumitomoGroup)的起源可以追溯到1590年创建的一家铸铜店。

    The Sumitomo Group of Japan could trace its origins to a copper casting shop founded in 1590 .

  3. 三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)已经将其持有的债券期限从三年以上缩短到两年以下。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has cut the term of its holdings from more than three years to less than two years .

  4. 但言辞上的否认并不能让由东日本旅客铁路(EastJapanRailway)、住友(Sumitomo)、日立(Hitachi)及三菱重工(MitsubishiHeavyIndustries)组成的日本联合体感到安心。

    But the denial will be of little comfort to the Japanese consortium comprising East Japan Railway , Sumitomo , Hitachi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries .

  5. 住友(Sumitomo)和三菱(Mitsubishi)也把目光对准了该地区。

    Sumitomo and Mitsubishi are also targeting the region .

  6. 多年来,三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)一直等待获得在大连开设分行的许可,大连是距离日本最近的一个中国沿海城市。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has been waiting for years to get permission to open a branch in Dalian , the coastal Chinese city closest to Japan .

  7. 包括住友(Sumitomo)和三菱(Mitsubishi)在内的数家贸易公司,也正在哈萨克斯坦和巴西等地联合勘探开发。

    Several trading companies , including Sumitomo and Mitsubishi , are also exploring joint developments in Kazakhstan , Brazil and elsewhere .

  8. 在日兴证券被出售给竞争对手三井住友后,曾参与日兴证券竞购的三菱ufj金融集团(mitsubishiufjfinancialgroup),撤回了对日兴资产管理的竞标。

    Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group ( MUFG ) , which had bid for Nikko cordial , withdrew its bid for the asset management business after the broker was sold to rival SMFG .

  9. 日本住友金属公司和NKK开发的油润滑冷拔法

    Oil lubrication cold-drawing process developed by Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd. and nkk , Japan

  10. 两家银行的高管表示,这宗交易已经谈了几个月,更多是得益于三井住友高层与执掌东亚银行多年的李国宝(DavidLi)之间的私人关系。

    Executives at both banks say the deal has been in progress for months and has more to do with personal connections between senior ranks at Sumitomo Mitsui and David Li , who has presided over Bank of East Asia for many years .

  11. 日本最大交易公司之一住友(Sumitomo)执行总裁BobTakai表示:价格风险管理的需求只会上升。

    The requirement of price risk management is only going to increase , says Bob Takai , executive officer at Sumitomo , one of Japan 's largest trading companies .

  12. 为正确了解港口用住友岸边集装箱起重机和VULKAN岸边集装箱起重机金属结构状态,本文介绍了对该机金属结构进行的应力测试、静刚度测试和焊缝质量检测。

    This paper describes test of quayside container cranes manufactured by SUMITOMO and VULKAN in order to investigate the state of their metal structures .

  13. 住友是总部位于东京的商社。其研究部门主管HiroyukiTakai认为,日本挺进非洲将引发一些中国和日本企业之间的竞争。

    Hiroyuki Takai , head of research at Sumitomo , the Tokyo-based trading house , said the Japanese push would trigger some competition between Chinese and Japanese companies .

  14. 本文概要介绍新日铁高炉的人工智能技术应用情况与ALIS系统、川崎制铁的AdVancedGo-Stop系统、日本钢管的异常炉况诊断专家系统与炉热控制专家系统,以及住友金属鹿岛厂的混合专家系统。

    This paper briefly describes the ALIS System of Nippon Steel Corp , the Advanced Go-Stop System of Kawasaki Steel Corp , the expert system for abnormal furnace condition diagnosis and furnace heat control in NKK Corp and the Hybrid Expert System in Kashima blast furnace of Sumitomo Ltd.

  15. 日立住友的中国战略

    Chinese Strategy Of Hitachi Sumitomo Heavy Industries Construction Crane Co. , Ltd

  16. 该研究由发现唑尼沙胺的住友制药资助。

    The study was supported by Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma , which discovered zonisamide .

  17. 东电很快将这笔资金存入在三井住友的账户,帮助后者度过了危机。

    It promptly put the cash on deposit at Sumitomo Mitsui , helping the bank through the crisis .

  18. 住友机的性能较好,我猜想你们的很多设备应该都是住友机。

    Sumitomo presses are hard to beat . I guess a lot depends on what you are molding .

  19. 而另一反面,住友在中国业务增长迅速,且连续盈利。

    On the other hand , Sumitomo has a rapidly growing business in China and is solidly profitable .

  20. (日本)住友信托银行

    Sumitomo Trust & Banking

  21. 因此在大多数情况下,都选择三井、三菱和住友财阀的例子来予以说明和分析。

    So in most of the cases , Mitsui and Mitsubishi are selected as examples for explanation and analysis .

  22. 日本的住友化工利用他们的专长建好蚊帐工厂后再捐赠出去。

    Another example is Sumitomo Chemical , who used its expertise to build a bed net factory that it donated .

  23. 住友商事跻身日本五大综合商社之列,是在全球开展业务的综合性跨国企业。

    Listed as one of five top comprehensive companies in Japan , Sumitomo is a multinational enterprise dealing with international businesses .

  24. 选择石油改质沥青作炼焦煤料的添加剂,分别以新日铁和住友配型煤炼焦工艺进行了炼焦试验。

    Asphalt is selected as coking charge additive in the coking tests carried out respectively as per NSC and Sumitomo briquette coal blending processes .

  25. 新农还表示,与住友达成的协议带来了“更大价值与确定性”,并涉及一项在多个业务领域进行合作的协议。

    It added that the deal with Sumitomo provided " greater value and certainty " and involved an agreement to co-operate across business areas .

  26. 结合日本住友鹿岛制铁所初轧均热炉燃烧过程模糊控制的实践,阐述了将模糊控制理论应用于均热炉燃烧过程控制的特点。

    By using fuzzy controller for combustion of Soaking Pits in Japan , it describes the features of combustion control system which the fuzzy controller is applied .

  27. 氟胺草酯是由日本住友化学公司开发的酞酰亚胺类超高效除草剂,适用于防除大豆、玉米等作物田的杂草。

    As one kind of tetrahydrophthalimide herbicides with high efficiency to control the weed in corn and soybean fields , flumiclora-pentyl was firstly synthesized by Sumitomo Chemical .

  28. 总配比相同的煤料,以住友配型煤工艺制取的焦炭强度优于新日铁法制得的焦炭。

    Under the condition of coal charge with the same ratio of blending , the coke strength out of the sumitomo process is superior to that from NSC 's.

  29. 三井住友的策略只给日联银行出了一个简单的问题:它怎么能在甚至还没看到三菱东京的要约细节时,就拒绝三井住友的提案?

    The SMFG strategy poses one simple question for ufj : how can it reject smfg 's proposal when it hasn 't even seen details of mtfg 's offer ?

  30. 例如,当它控股日本银行的时候,高盛[8]获得了三井住友财团的保证最低十亿美元的支持。

    Goldman , for example , secured a backstop facility of at least $ 1 billion from Sumitomo Mitsui when it bought a stake in the Japanese bank in 2003 .