
tǐ zhì
  • system;structure;scheme;style;machinery;setup;system of organization
体制 [tǐ zhì]
  • (1) [system of organization;system]∶组织方式,组织结构

  • (2) [style]∶文章中的结构,体裁

体制[tǐ zhì]
  1. 最后提出了完善ICZM体制与运行机制的若干对策方案。

    It finally advances several options of improving the ICZM system of organization and the operating mechanism .

  2. 煤矿基建企业经营管理与体制改革

    Management and reform system of organization in capital construction of mining

  3. 任何不允许不同政见的政治体制都会变成专制。

    Any political system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny .

  4. 首相对任何改革体制的想法都不予考虑。

    The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system .

  5. 这个国家的议会是模仿英国的体制建立的。

    The country 's parliament is modelled on the British system .

  6. 我们的税收管理体制是欧洲最受欢迎的税收体制之一。

    Our tax regime is one of the most favourable in Europe .

  7. 新体制扩大了家庭医生的作用。

    The new system expanded the role of family doctors .

  8. 这些措施的目的是使监狱体制更人性化。

    These measures are intended to humanize the prison system .

  9. 报道大量揭示了官僚体制的无能。

    The report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency .

  10. 这一次竟成了他对教育体制最后的嘲弄。

    It turned out to be his last dalliance with the education system .

  11. 在新体制下,只有办得好的学校才可获得额外经费。

    Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding .

  12. 这个体制面临着崩溃的危险。

    The system is in imminent danger of collapse .

  13. 你斗不过现行的体制。

    You can 't beat the system .

  14. 他成为旧的苏联体制直言不讳的抨击者。

    He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system .

  15. 目前高等教育的经费体制并不令人满意。

    The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory .

  16. 他想成为这种体制的坚定反抗者。

    He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system

  17. 他们强烈感受到他们的宗教信仰与政治体制不相称。

    They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system

  18. 这儿的医疗体制使问题进一步恶化。

    The problem is compounded by the medical system here .

  19. 这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。

    These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system

  20. 这次经济衰退可能已经严重到必须进行体制变革的地步了。

    The recession may already be severe enough to ordain structural change .

  21. 体制之间有着多得惊人的共性。

    There are an amazing number of commonalities between systems .

  22. 体制中存在的缺陷为金融丑闻的出现提供了土壤。

    Flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for financial scandals

  23. 他们正努力精简本来繁冗复杂的官僚体制。

    They 're making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy

  24. 总统先生,你是清楚这种体制的。

    Mr. President , you 're aware of the system .

  25. 一份报告指出了当前体制存在的毛病。

    A report has pointed out the defects of the present system .

  26. 国家的官僚体制往往会扼杀人们的事业心和积极性。

    State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative .

  27. 人们已经认识到现行体制的不足。

    The inadequacies of the current system have already been recognised

  28. 是该国的执政者创造了这一体制。

    It was the country 's rulers who devised this system

  29. 现存体制是对司法的嘲讽。

    The present system is a mockery of justice .

  30. 这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。

    The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it