
  • 网络sports service product
  1. 供给某种竞技体育服务产品能给市场主体带来收益是市场供给竞技体育服务产品的动力。

    The motive power for the market to supply competitive sports service products is that supplying a certain competitive sports service product can bring profits to the market subject .

  2. 开阔思路拓展体育市场&对体育服务产品营销策略的思考

    Widen Notion and Expand Sports Market-Thoughts of Sales Strategies of Sports Service Product

  3. 通过对我国大学生体育服务产品的潜在文化(potentialculture)要素的提出、内涵剖析、开发策略以及营销组合理论的分析,提出了体育服务营销8P理论或是7P+1P理论,形成了新的营销组合。

    In this text ," 8P " theory of sports service marketing or " 7P + 1 " theory is proposed through discussing about potential culture factors of university students ' sport service products , analyzing on it 's connotation .

  4. 同时,潜文化理论与7P组合是形成体育服务产品核心竞争力的关键理论之一,这一研究将对体育服务营销乃至其它服务营销都有现实意义。

    Meanwhile , the combination of " Potential Culture " and " 7P " theory is one of key theories in the forming process of sport service products ' core competitive power . This research will have reality significance on sports service marketing and other things marketing .

  5. 我国公共体育服务产品的供给体制创新研究

    Research on Supply System Innovation of Public Sports Service Products

  6. 试论体育服务产品的基本特征

    Discussion on the basic characteristics of sports service products

  7. 什么是职业竞技体育服务产品;

    What is professional competitive sport service goods ?

  8. 我国奥运争光类竞技体育服务产品的有效供给研究

    Research on Effective Supply of Sports Service Products for Olympic Glorious Strategy in China

  9. 体育服务产品的公共性与私人性

    Public and Private Character of Sports Service Products

  10. 体育服务产品与成本&收益分析

    The Products and Costs of Sports Service-Earning Analysis

  11. 长江三角洲暴雨的天气气候学特征长三角城市居民体育服务产品消费行为特征研究

    The Consumption Behavior Characteristic on Sports Service Products of City Residents in the Changjiang Delta Area

  12. 由为人们提供以观赏的方式满足其审美享受的竞技体育服务产品生产者构成的竞技体育产业系统。

    Elite sport sector , which provides the service for the esthetic enjoyment of the spectators .

  13. 经营体育服务产品的中间商在全部体育经济过程中也是积极能动的生产者。

    The middleman who manage SSP is an active producer in the whole process of sport economy .

  14. 以物品的分类为基础,将体育服务产品分成共同资源和俱乐部产品两大类。

    On the basis of classifying goods , the article classifies sports service products into two kinds , which are common resources and club goods .

  15. 本文根据服务产品理论,论证体育服务产品是使用价值和价值的统一体,归纳出体育服务产品的主要特征,并对体育公共服务产品的典型存在形式&俱乐部服务产品进行了分析。

    According to the theory of service product , this paper proves the nature and principle feature of sports service product and analyses club service .

  16. 我国职业竞技体育服务产品供给的机制缺陷是造成职业竞技体育生产活动诸多问题的根源。

    The mechanism errors of supply of Professional competitive sports services products in China is the main reason that cause problems in professional competitive sports production activities .

  17. 产权清晰、市场体系完善、法规健全是市场有效供给竞技体育服务产品的条件。

    Clear property rights , perfected market systems as well as complete laws and regulations are the conditions for the market to effectively supply competitive sports service products .

  18. 判定体育服务产品的价值,应当以效用价值论作为理论基础。注重人对体育服务产品效用的主观感觉与评价。

    The evaluation of values of Fitness Club service should base on the theory of " Utility-Value Theory ", which emphasizes the subjective feelings and evaluation of the consumers .

  19. 文章根据体育服务产品的特性以及影响体育服务产品的主要因素,提出了提高体育服务质量之策略。

    In line with the nature of sports service products and the main factors affecting them , this paper proposes some strategies for improving the quality of sports service .

  20. 提出了竞技体育服务产品有效供给的概念,分析了实现竞技体育服务产品有效供给的三种主体的运作机理。

    The concept of effective supply of competitive sports services is provided , and the operation mechanism of three mechanisms which realize effective supply of competitive sports services is analysed .

  21. 笔者阐述了体育服务产品的三大基本特征及营销策略:根据无形性采取的营销策略是体育服务的技巧化和有形化;

    The author expounds the three basic features and the selling strategy of sports service products : Skillful-ness and tangibility of sports service are the selling strategy in accordance with invisibility ;

  22. 在体育服务产品的交换、消费过程中,消费者、中间商和其它参与者的共同参与下发生的身体操作信息产品成本转嫁,是体育服务消费者进行免费或低货币支出的消费活动的原因所在。

    In the process of exchange and consumption of SSP , the transfer of cost of BOI products that is caused by the participator 's behavior is a main reason of consumptive activities of consumers ' free or low expend .

  23. 运用逻辑分析法对交易中竞技体育服务产品的主要特征进行了分析,得出以下结论:竞技体育服务产品具有信息性、身体操作性和秩次性,它们共同构成了竞技体育服务产品的特征。

    Adopted the logical analysis , this paper conducted a profound and extensive analysis on the main characteristics of sport service products . The results show that the sport service products have the characteristics of information , physical operation , and order .

  24. 提升体育健身俱乐部服务产品的科技含量,提高产品的附加值。

    Improve the content of science and technology in productions of commercial fitness clubs and increase the Add-ons value of the productions .

  25. 个人消费者主要是消费体育服务(劳务)产品,商务消费者主要是消费体育无形资产。

    Individual consumers are mainly consuming sports service products while business consumers are mainly consuming sports intangible assets .

  26. 体育场馆的经营管理职责,就是将体育场馆服务资源转化为体育场馆服务产品的过程。

    The operation and management duty of stadiums is a process of turning resources into product .

  27. 中间商介入的中心任务是扩大体育消费者队伍,他们的生产劳动对体育服务产品价值的提高、体育产业的发展都起着重要的积极作用。

    As the core assignment of middleman is to develop the group of consumers , their labor is key to enhancing the value of SSP and the development of the sport enterprise .

  28. 体育经济学的研究表明,目前关于体育服务(产品)的概念研究主要讨论了它的外延规定性、劳务性和非实物性,把它归结为体育劳务,基本上很少涉及其本质特征。

    The research of sport economics express that the research of SSP 's conception was mainly focused on it 's extension , service and immateriality and sum up to physical strength , but never touch upon it 's essential characters .

  29. 综观目前大众体育健身俱乐部总体经营状况,总体上比较注重场地和设施的经营,不够重视对体育服务产品的设计与品牌规划。

    In view of the current status of management and operation of mass fitness clubs , it is held that management of ground and facilities has been emphasized in general , but the design of sports service products and brand planning are not paid attention to .