
zuò hé
  • marry;get married;make a match
作合 [zuò hé]
  • (1) [marry;get married]∶男女结为夫妻

  • (2) [make a match]∶撮合

  • 多谢你好意作合

  1. 与纤维化综合分级作合谐性分析,证明总符合率为84%。

    When harmony analysis was made for two type of classification , coincidence rate was 84 % .

  2. 杨竿作合之前,你需要给它们多一点的时间,而尼龙刚好让你不至于太快的拉动饵。

    You need to give them a second before setting the hook , and mono ensures you don 't pull it from them too quickly .

  3. 活塞在平行于长管的方向作合谐摆动。轮船不管大小,往往受风浪的摆布。

    The plunger is forced to undergo a simple harmonic vibration parallel to the direction of the tube . Ships , whether large or small , are often at the mercy of the winds and waves .

  4. 余下年轻和老年大鼠各5只,处死后,取心肌组织作一氧化氮合酶westernblot研究。

    The myocardial tissues of the rest 5 young rats and 5 aging rats were taken after being killed for Western blot study of nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) .

  5. 将染色体13q末端的微卫星位点作杂合性缺失(LOH)分析。利用微卫星分析家兔遗传多样性

    LOH analysis was tested by using microsatellite markers . The Genetic Diversity of Rabbit Using Microsatellite DNA Makers

  6. 以粉煤灰作掺合料的白灰砂浆的应用

    The Usage of Coal - dust Mixed with Lime Mortar

  7. 本文针对普通混凝土、砂浆所固有的收缩性能,提出了采用加入粉煤灰作掺合料和适量掺加外加剂等综合措施,改善普通混凝土、砂浆的收缩性能;

    This paper is on the shrinkage properties of common concrete and mortar .

  8. 提出了利用钢渣矿粉作掺合料制备高强、高性能混凝土的关键技术与方法。

    The critical technique and method for preparation high-performance concrete using super-fine steel slag power as mineral mixture was presented .

  9. 流化床炉渣综合利用研究及其在CO2减排上的意义固硫灰渣特性及其作水泥掺合料研究

    Study on Properties and Utilization in Additive of Cement of Ashes from Fluidized Bed Combustion

  10. 得到以下主要研究结果:受杏树行遮阴的影响,杏与粮棉间作系统光合有效辐射(PAR)具有明显的时空变化特征。

    Get the following main research results : The influence of shade almond trees line by intercropping system , apricot and cotton photosynthetic available radiation ( PAR ) has obvious the spatial and temporal variation characteristics .

  11. 增钙灰作砼掺合料的研究

    Research on the adding calcium fly ash as concrete mixed material

  12. 水肥耦合条件下间作小麦光合特性的响应

    Response of Intercropping Wheat Photosynthetic Characteristics during the Water and Fertilizer Coupling Condition

  13. 自燃煤矸石作活性掺合料配制高强混凝土研究

    Research on high strength concrete prepared with spontaneous combusted coal refuse as activated additives

  14. 锰铁合金渣具有潜在的水硬性和火山灰性,可用作混凝土掺合料和水泥混合材料。

    Ferromanganese slag has the latent hydraulicity and volcanic ash , it can be used to build concrete admixtures and cement .

  15. 石粉对水泥在湿润状态的密实度变化的规律,与石粉作矿物掺合料对混凝土抗渗性能的影响有一定的联系。

    The rule of AMF to the compactness of cement with water state , have certain relation to the influence of MAF as mineral admixtures on the impervious performance of concrete .

  16. 已经证明,小麦&叶锈菌互作,无论亲合互作还是不亲合互作的细胞间隙液(Intercellularwashingfluids,IWF)中都有激发子的存在。

    To the system of interaction between wheat and leaf rust , elicitors were found in intercellular washing fluids ( IWF ) of both compatible and incompatible interactions .

  17. 结果表明隐性上位互作核不育纯合不育系9012A和双隐性核不育系5A的亲和力最强,隐性上位互作核不育全不育系12-148A次之,显性上位互作核不育系6A的亲和力最弱。

    The results showed that the compatibility of recessive epistatic GMS line 9012A and duplicate recessive GMS line 5A was the highest , while that of recessive epistatic GMS all sterile line 12 ~ 148A was intermediate and that of dominant epistatic GMS line 6A was the lowest .

  18. 玉米花生间作复合体系光合特性的研究

    Characters of Photosynthesis in Intercropping System of Maize and Peanut

  19. 用二氧化碳激光或手术刀作胃壁切开缝合术。

    Stomach incisions were made with carbon dioxide laser or scalpel respectively and then sutured .

  20. 以桐麦间作系统中的关键因子-光合有效辐射为焦点,分析树冠遮荫对间作小麦光合有效辐射和产量的影响,以探讨桐麦间作系统中的光能利用规律。

    The effect of crown shading on the photosynthetically active radiation ( PAR ) and yield of wheat was analysed focusing on the PAR-key factor of paulownia / wheat intercropping system , and the law of light energy utilization was detected .