
  • 网络Eira;Huila
  1. 依拉地平对蛋白酶体抑制剂诱导PC-12细胞凋亡拮抗作用的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on the Neuroprotective Effects of Isradipine on PC-12 Cells Apoptosis Induce by Proteasome Inhibitor

  2. PavlosTsimas:“我们调查了克里特岛依拉克里奥一位小企业主的案例。他把汽车装满汽油,首先开枪射自己,然后将整个汽车点燃。”

    PAVLOS TSIMAS : " We investigated the case of a small businessman from Herakleion in Crete , who took his car , loaded it with tins of petrol , and first shot himself and then the whole car . "