
  • 网络insurance beneficiary;assured;qmb
  1. 保险受益人及受益权法律问题研究

    On Legal Issues about Insurance Beneficiary and Insurance Beneficial Right

  2. 同性夫妇在指定配偶作为年金保险受益人时需要特别留意。

    Gay married couples need to be especially careful when naming their spouse beneficiary of an annuity .

  3. Cancer网上发表的研究,从1998年开始关注153469个没有肿瘤的医疗保险受益人,第一年开始就包括了结直肠癌筛查。

    The Cancer study , published online , looked at153,469 cancer-free Medicare beneficiaries beginning in1998 , the first year Medicare began coverage for colorectal cancer screening .

  4. 由高收入医疗保险受益人支付的更高保费也保持不变。

    Higher premium paid by upper income Medicare beneficiaries also remain unchanged .

  5. 本文由四个部分组成,层层深入的分析了我国保险受益人的相关法律制度,第一部分为保险受益人之相关法律问题研究。

    Layers of in-depth analysis of the Chinese legal system related to insurance beneficiary .

  6. 我国关于人身保险受益人的制度、法律法规也不够健全。

    The insurance laws and regulations about life insurance beneficiaries in our country are also not sound .

  7. 这等于说,要想成为保险受益人,你实际上要承担一定的损失。

    This simply mean you must actually suffer the loss to be the beneficiary of the insurance .

  8. 保险受益人制度不仅适用于人身保险,也应适用于财产保险。

    The concept of beneficiary could be applied not only to person insurance , but also to property insurance .

  9. 本章从保险受益人基础理论入手,考察了受益人的涵义、资格问题。

    This chapter starts from the basic theories of insurance beneficiary , examines the meaning of the beneficiary and eligibility .

  10. 保险受益人制度作为保险制度的重要组成部分之一,加强对其研究具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Insurance beneficiary system is one of the important components of the insurance system , strengthening its research is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  11. 保险受益人,是指由投保人或被保险人在保险合同中指定的于保险事故发生时享有保险金给付请求权的人。

    An insurance beneficiary is the person you name in a life insurance contracts to receive insurance proceeds upon the occurrence of the event insured against .

  12. 第二部分为保险受益人的指定和变更,变更受益人由被保险人的单方行为来实现的。

    The second part about the designating and changing of beneficiaries , And it is only the insurant who has the right to alter the beneficiary .

  13. 保险受益人原则上为可变更受益人,其变更应采书面形式,并自通知保险人时生效。

    In logic , an insurance beneficiary may be changed in writing and the change shall take effect from the date when the insurer receives the notice .

  14. 保险受益人仅存在于生存保险之外的人身保险合同中,即具有死亡因素的保险合同中。

    The former is valid only in the contract of life insurance except that of the endowment insurance , the insurance contract that encompasses death elements in other words .

  15. 有迹象显示,安全关注超出了医院,在2007年,有1/4的老人医疗保险受益人拿到了对老年人来说潜在的不适当药物。

    In a sign that safety concerns extend beyond the hospital , in2007 one-quarter of elderly Medicare beneficiaries were prescribed a drug that is potentially inappropriate for older people .

  16. 匹兹堡大学的研究人员查看了2009年申请医疗保险的受益人。

    The study from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh looked at prescription-drug claims from Medicare beneficiaries in 2009 .

  17. 欺骗投保人、被保险人或者受益人;

    Deceiving the applicant , the insured or the beneficiary ;

  18. 论我国保险法上受益人之变更

    The Change of Beneficiary in Our Country 's Insurance Law

  19. 其主体应是被保险人或受益人,而不是投保人;

    Its subject should be the insured or the beneficiary , not is the applicant .

  20. 目前,立法仅确认人身保险合同存在受益人。

    The current Chinese law only acknowledges the existence of the beneficiary to personal insurance contracts .

  21. 贝当古还将巴尼耶列为一份新遗嘱中的唯一财产继承人和人寿保险中的受益人。

    Bettencourt also named Banier as sole beneficiary in a new will and life insurance policies .

  22. 主体是投保人、被保险人或受益人,也有人认为是一般主体。

    Subject of this is the insured or beneficiary while someone else thinks it is general subject .

  23. 本文针对此问题,讨论被保险人与受益人在同一事件中死亡而不能确定先后时的死亡推定规则及其法律精神。

    The purpose of this article is to discuss the rules and law spirits of confirmation of death order .

  24. 承诺向投保人、被保险人或者受益人给予保险合同规定以外的保险费回扣或者其他利益;

    To promise rebates or other interests other than those provided for in the contracts to the insurant , the insured or beneficiaries .

  25. (三)投保人、被保险人或者受益人编造未曾发生的保险事故,骗取保险金的;

    An applicant , an insured or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by inventing stories of an insured accident that does not occur ;

  26. 被保险人与受益人同时遇难的,应推定受益人先死亡。

    If the insured and the beneficiary died at the same time , it would be presumed that the beneficiary die before the insured .

  27. (二)投保人、被保险人或者受益人对发生的保险事故编造虚假的原因或者夸大损失的程度,骗取保险金的;

    An applicant , an insured or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by cooking up the cause of an insured accident or overstates the extent of loss ;

  28. 被保险人或受益人是否可以行使“提前给付”权益,要依据具体条款确定。

    Insurant or beneficiary beneficiary are OK exercise " shift to an earlier date to pay " rights and interests , want to decide according to specific provision .

  29. 对现金价值条款理解有争议,人民法院或者仲裁机关应当作有利于被保险人和受益人的解释。

    The people 's court or arbitral bodies should be conducive to the applicant and beneficiaries if there is is - puted understanding of the provisions on the cash value .

  30. 不可抗辩条款还体现了对信赖利益保护的原则,使得被保险人和受益人对于保险合同的期待利益和信赖利益更加稳定。

    Incontestable clause also embodies the principle of reliance protection , which makes the expectation interest and reliance interest to the insurance contract of the Insurant and beneficiary more stable .