
  1. 保险资金直接入市与风险控制

    Insurance funds entering the securities market directly and its risk control

  2. 至此,保险资金直接入市的通道已经全面打开。

    Till then , the channel directly to the market was entirely opened .

  3. 保险资金直接入市的投资比例与策略研究

    A Study on Proportion and Strategy of Insurance Funds Directly Investing in the Stock Market

  4. 近日,保险资金直接入市的政策陆续出台,意味着保险资金直接进入股票市场进入实质性操作阶段,这将给我国金融市场带来一定冲击。

    The successive issue of the policy direct market-entry of insurance fund recently suggests that the entry of insurance fund into the stock market has stepped into a substantial operation stage . This will certainly interfere the financial market in China .

  5. 简要介绍了我国保险资金直接入市的发展进程,重点分析和阐述了保险资金直接入市对保险业和基金业等相关领域的积极影响及促进作用。

    This paper briefly introduces the developing course of the direct market entry of our country 's insurance capital , and emphatically analyzes and expounds the active influence and promoting function of the direct market entry on the insurance business , fund business and other relevant fields .

  6. 结合西方国家保险企业资金运用与资本市场之间相互促进的关系,并针对我国资本市场现状,提出了保险资金直接入市为双赢战略。

    Considering the mutually promotion relationship between the capital market and the capital operation of the Western insurance enterprises , the suggestion about insurance capital entering capital market directly is regarded as reciprocal in the current market condition of China .

  7. 发展西部保险业需要从培育保险意识、培植市场主体、针对西部市场设计新险种、健全资本市场并促进保险资金的直接入市、加强风险监管5个方面进行具体策略的设计与实施。

    Efforts should be made in cultivating an awareness of insurance , establishing market subjects , designing new insurances for West China , bettering capital markets and promoting the direct input of insurance capitals , and strengthening the monitoring of risks .

  8. 通过与当前发达国家保险投资的比较,作者认为:长期以来,我国的保险投资与现代保险的发展之间存在诸多矛盾,而保险资金的直接入市给保险业发展带来了新的机遇。

    For a long time , it is believed that there are a great deal of contradictions to be settled in the traditional insurance investment with the development of modern insurance .