
  • 网络information processing theory;information-processing theory;CIP
  1. 本文在分析了产生式系统及认知心理学信息加工理论的局限性的基础上,介绍了一种支持一般AI问题求解、并行AI问题求解和协同式AI问题求解的并发成员系统模型及程序设计语言。

    On the basis of analyzing the limitations of Production systems and information Processing theory in cognitive Psychology , this paper introduces a concurrent member system model and Programming language supporting general , parallel and cooperative AI Problem solving .

  2. 信息加工理论指导下的翻译过程模式

    The Mode of Translation Process from the Perspective of Information Processing Theory

  3. 该模型基于信息加工理论,结合了状态因素理论和几种相对成熟的模型,尝试对ADHD提供一种较为理想的解释。

    Based on the model of information processing , the model of state factors by Sanders and other ADHD cognitive models , it tries to provide a better explanation for ADHD .

  4. Marr和Poggio等人从视觉信息加工理论中提出零交叉(Zero-Crossing)是视觉早期加工过程中首先得到的最基本的信息。

    Marr and Poggio have proposed in their theory of visual information processing that zero-crossings are the most important primitives obtained in the visual primary processing .

  5. 根据信息加工理论,在语言输入的过程中和语言学习的过程中,注意和自我意识都起着非常重要的作用(Skehan,1998)。

    According to the theory of information processing , both noticing and self-consciousness are important in language input and language learning ( Skehan , 1998 ) .

  6. 童年中期关系攻击行为的社会信息加工理论与冷认知理论

    The social information processing and cool cognition in Middle Childhood

  7. 信息加工理论对网络教学的指导

    Direction to Network Instruction from the Theories of Imformation Processing

  8. 信息加工理论与化学教学模式

    On Information Processing and the Model of Teaching Chemistry

  9. 本文是在信息加工理论和有意义的学习理论的背景下展开的。

    My study is context of the information processing theory and meaningful learning theory .

  10. 当代广告心理学研究深受信息加工理论的影响,形成了广告信息加工的说服模型这一理论走向与研究范式。

    The study on advertising psychology was deeply influenced by the theories of information-processing .

  11. 中学物理探究式教学中的教育信息加工理论初探

    Study on Problem-inquiry Teaching Pattern on Physics in Middle School and Educational Information Processing

  12. 从信息加工理论看背诵的作用

    An Information-processing-based Interpretation for the Function of Recitation

  13. 三是信息加工理论策略学说。

    E theory of information process strategy .

  14. 本文的理论基础是认知心理学信息加工理论和产品设计理论。

    The theory is based on information processing theory of cognitive psychology and product design .

  15. 目的:使用社会认知信息加工理论来评估行为和心理偏离。

    AIM : To evaluate the behavioral and psychological deviation by using social cognitive processing theory .

  16. 本研究以信息加工理论和以学习者为中心的学习理论为基础。

    The study is based on the theory of information processing and the theory of student-centered learning .

  17. 信息加工理论研究者指出,人类的工作记忆分别有容量和时间的限制。

    Researcher of information processing theory proposed , that working memory capacity is limited and the time limit .

  18. 本文从现代信息加工理论对知识的分类入手分析了数学思想方法的基本特征。

    This paper process from modern information theory classification in knowledge start with and analyze essential feature of MTM .

  19. 20世纪80年代,心理学家开始用信息加工理论看待和思考顿悟问题,他们从理论上提出,顿悟实现的关键是问题表征的转换。

    It is not until the 1980 's that psychologists start to rethink the insight in the theory of information processing .

  20. 本研究用到的基本理论为:西方就业理论、发展性理论和认知信息加工理论。

    The basic theory used in this study : the Western theory of employment , develop the theory and cognitive information processing theory .

  21. 其中,实用主义探究教学理论、探究教学的信息加工理论和人本主义探究教学理论影响最大。

    Among them , the pragmatism inquiry instruction theory , the information processing theory of inquiry instruction and the humanism inquiry instruction theory .

  22. 信息加工理论认为,人类的心理活动类似于计算机的运算过程,人类思维类似于计算机程序。

    Information processing theory that human mental activity is similar to the computer operation process , the human mind like a computer program .

  23. 案例教学深刻的理论基础:迁移理论、信息加工理论、认知弹性文本理论及教学交往理论、顿悟学习理论。

    Case teaching have its theory base : transfer theory , information processing theory , cognitive flexibility theory , teaching communication theory and form learning theory .

  24. 信息加工理论认为,人大脑对信息的加工处理是短时记忆和长时记忆互动并整合的结果。

    According to information processing theory , the processing course of human brain can be viewed as the interaction and integration of short-term memory and long-term memory .

  25. 信息加工理论在外语词汇教学中的运用体现在帮助学生识记、存储和再现词汇的过程。

    The exertion of the information processing theory in vocabulary teaching can be represented as the process of helping the students memorize , store and recollect the vocabulary .

  26. 在理论基础一章中,首先论述了信息加工理论、教学论和学习论的有关理论,为本课题的研究指出了理论依据。

    In the chapter of foundation of theory . It discusses the theory of information process and teaching method . It put forward the theory for the research .

  27. 第三部分从第二语言习得理论、学习的信息加工理论和建构主义的教学理论,论述了研究的理论基础。

    The third part from the second language acquisition theory , the study of information processing theory and constructivist teaching theory , discusses the theoretical basis of the research .

  28. 信息加工理论是认知心理学的理论之一,注重的是人们接受、处理和运用信息的过程。

    As one of those theories of psycholinguistics , information processing theory is concerned with the process in which people receive , deal with and apply the information they got .

  29. 1970年代后,社会认知研究开始广泛借鉴认知心理学的理论和方法,尤其受到信息加工理论的深刻影响,开展了大量的实证研究。

    After 1970s , drawing extensively on the theory and methods of cognition psychology and especially profoundly influenced by information processing , social cognition study conducted a lot of practical researches .

  30. 贝尔尝试用系统语言学描述翻译过程,并结合心理学和信息加工理论模式描述了译者在翻译过程中大脑的工作过程,建立了翻译模式。

    Bell has employed systematic linguistics to describe translation process , explained the brain mechanism during translation from the perspectives of psychology and information processing , and set up a translation model .