
  • 网络information service system
  1. 本文主要运用系统分析、DEA评价方法等对政府主导的县域农业信息服务体系进行研究。

    This paper mainly used systems analysis and DEA evaluation methods to the government-led county agricultural information service system .

  2. 招远市农业信息服务体系建设对策研究

    The Countermeasure Research of Zhaoyuan Municipal Agriculture Information Service System Developments

  3. 根据用法模型不同,信息服务体系结构需要实现不同样式的updatecustomer操作。

    The information-services architecture needs to implement different styles of update customer depending on the usage model .

  4. 基于MDS的数据网格信息服务体系结构

    MDS-based Information Service for Data Grid

  5. 地理信息服务体系,是一个涉及到GIS、Internet网络、数据库等众多领域的系统工程,其所涉及的技术很多。

    ( GISS ) Geographical information server system . ( GISS ) is a large system project , including GIS ( geographical information system ) . Internet database technology and so on technique .

  6. 开放数字信息服务体系:概念、结构与技术

    Open Digital Information Service Infrastructure : Concept , Structure and Technology

  7. 构建高校馆网络信息服务体系

    Set up the System of Network Information Service in Academic Library

  8. 面向用户的高校图书馆学科化信息服务体系构建

    Construction on the User-oriented Subject Information Service System of University Library

  9. 我国农业市场信息服务体系的建设

    Construction of the Agricultural Market Information Service System of Our Country

  10. 用一套高性能的民航信息服务体系已成为可能。

    Air with a high-performance information service system has become possible .

  11. 建设工程造价咨询信息服务体系的构建

    The Establishment of the Construction Project Cost Consultation Information Service System

  12. 探索21世纪信息服务体系

    Probe into the Information Service System in the 21 st Century

  13. 军队信息服务体系与创新研究

    A Study of the Army Information Service System and Its Innovation

  14. 欧美信息服务体系分析与借鉴

    Analysis of the Information Systems in the United States and Europe

  15. 天津市农业科技110信息服务体系建设初探

    Study on Agricultural Technology Hotline 110 Information Service System in Tianjin

  16. 西安市农村信息服务体系建设问题探讨

    Discussion on Rural Information Service System Construction in Xi'an City

  17. 区域性防灾减灾信息服务体系研究

    Study on the Information Service System for Regional Disaster Preventing and Decreasing

  18. 浅谈马铃薯文献信息服务体系的建立

    Discusses the establishment of potato literature information service system shallowly

  19. 基于知识管理的土地信息服务体系研究

    Research on Land Information Service Frame Based on Knowledge Management

  20. 创新型国家的知识信息服务体系评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation System of Knowledge Information Service for Innovative Country

  21. 建设项目生命周期成本管理信息服务体系研究

    The Research of Construction Project Life Cycle Cost Management Information Service System

  22. ⑸抓好信息服务体系的建设。

    ⑸ to construct the system of information service .

  23. 图书馆建立中小企业信息服务体系战略构想

    The Strategy of Library Constructing SME 's Service System

  24. 构建新型农村公共文化信息服务体系的工作策略研究

    Work Strategies of Construction of Newly Public Information Service System in Rural Area

  25. 数字城市地理信息服务体系建设探讨

    Discussion on the Construction of the Geographic Information Service System of Digital City

  26. 总体来看,会展旅游信息服务体系是一个开放性的复杂系统,涉及经济和社会许多方面,这个体系的构建是一个长期逐渐过程。

    The convention & exhibition tourism information service system is a complex system .

  27. 对突发公共事件药学信息服务体系的思考

    Consideration of pharmaceutical information service system in public emergency

  28. 论高校图书馆读者立场的信息服务体系构建

    On the Construction of Information Service System Oriented to Reader in University libraries

  29. 新型农村合作医疗信息服务体系探析

    Information service in operating New Rural Cooperative Medical System

  30. 地理信息服务体系建设是数字城市建设的一个重要方面。

    Geographic Information Service System is an important aspect of the Digital City .