
  • 网络credit loss;credit bust-out
  1. 即使高于估计,Tribune的案例也提醒人们,这次衰退可能导致比以往更大的信用损失。

    Even so , Tribune is a reminder that the downturn could bring greater credit losses than ever before .

  2. 以上步骤介绍了资产负债表法对信用损失的预估和记录。

    The procedures above describe the balance sheet approach to estimating and recording credit losses .

  3. 一笔逾期的应收款可能被作为信用损失核销。

    A past-due receivable is a candidate for write-off as a credit loss .

  4. 第二步是利用极值理论模型拟合信用损失的尾部分布。

    The second step is by using EVT to fit the tail of credit loss distribution .

  5. 预估信用损失的不同方法

    Different Approaches to Estimating Credit Losses

  6. 信用损失的每月预估

    Monthly estimates of credit losses

  7. 商业银行资产组合信用损失相关的度量研究

    The Portfolio Re - arrangement and the Credit Loss in Commercial Banks : A Measurement Analysis on their Relation

  8. 预估的信用损失在每个会计期末才结转到坏账损失账户。

    The estimated expense of credit losses is charged to the Uncollectible Accounts Expense account at the end of each accounting period .

  9. 由此带来如何降低欺诈和信用损失水平和如何定价的问题。

    This creates a boundary both on the level of fraud and credit losses it can sustain and ( more importantly ) on its pricing .

  10. 目前看来,美国政府已同意承担因美联储贷款300亿美元给贝尔斯登而连带产生的任何信用损失。

    It emerged that the US government has agreed to take on any credit losses suffered by the Fed on its $ 30bn loan to Bear Stearns .

  11. 回收率随机的信用组合损失的极限分布

    The Limit Distribution of Credit Portfolios ' Loss When Recovery Rate Is Random

  12. 对一些银行来说,近几个月来,信用卡损失已经加剧。

    For some banks , losses on credit cards have been severe for months .

  13. 但在这次经济衰退期,其他领域的灾难使得失业现象更为严重,从而致使信用卡损失率上升。

    But in this recession , job redundancies have been compounded by other sources of distress to push credit card losses higher .

  14. 借款人违约将直接导致商业银行产生不良贷款,造成信用资产损失,并侵蚀银行的资本金。

    Once the debit side break the loan contract that the commercial will bring bad assets , lead to loss and erode the capital of bank .

  15. 三家银行由于上半年TJX公司的违规事件而造成用户信用卡的损失联名起诉了TJX公司。

    Three bank associations sued TJX Companies earlier this year for the cost of replacing their customers'credit cards following the TJX breach .

  16. 票据交易所处理期权拥有者与发行者以及信用利润或者损失之间的交易。

    A clearinghouse settles trades between holders and writers and credits profits or losses .

  17. 现在正处在经济萧条时期,银行方面报道信用卡部门损失数十亿美元。

    These come at a time of recession when banks are reporting billions in losses in their credit card

  18. 信用资产的损失不服从正态分布,呈现出尖峰、偏斜特性,担保授信状态下发生尾部极端事件的潜在损失较小。

    The credit assets losses do not obey the normal distribution , presenting a peak and deflection . In the condition of guarantee loan , the potential loss of extreme value event is small .

  19. 这一结论也与近几年银行信用卡贷款的损失率数据一致。

    This conclusion is also consistent with the loss rate data of credit card loan in recent years .

  20. 若因信用权人的损失乃因特定的心理状态和特定的行为所导致的,侵害人可以基于特定的原因加以抗辩。

    If the loss of the credit person is based on a certain psychological state and behavior , the invader can defend according to a certain factor .

  21. 我国信用卡业务的损失中,90%以上是由信用风险所致。信用风险已成为发卡银行进行信用卡风险管理时最需要防范的方面。

    The loss of credit card business , ninety percent of it , is caused by the credit risk , and credit risk has become the most aspects to prevent for card-issuing banks at risk management .

  22. 提出了几点提高企业信用风险管理水平,降低企业信用风险损失的启示。

    On the basis of this empirical study , they proposed some suggestion on how to improve management level of credit risk and reduce loss of credit risk finally .

  23. 由于打击信用卡诈骗的措施开始生效,信用卡诈骗的损失额降低了5%,为4.02亿英镑。

    Fraud losses on plastic cards fell by5 % to £ 402m as measures to combat crooks started to take effect .

  24. 根据以往经验,赊销信用部经理预估每一账龄段的应收账款可能发生的信用损失的比例。

    Based upon past experience , the credit manager estimates the percentage of credit losses likely to occur in each age group of accounts receivable .

  25. 但是,在当前全球面临着严重的信用风险的情况下,我国机构投资者在对外投资中如何防范信用风险,规避损失就显得至关重要。

    However , the world is facing with serious credit risk .