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xiū shēn
  • cultivate one's moral character
修身 [xiū shēn]
  • [cultivate one's moral character] 陶冶身心,涵养德性

  • 修身养性

修身[xiū shēn]
  1. 从这个角度讲,礼的功能主要是节欲、养欲、修身和社会整合。

    Seen in this light , the function of Li mainly satisfies and controls people 's demand to some extent , cultivate one 's moral character and the society combine .

  2. 她博览群书,修身养性。

    She cultivated her mind by reading many books .

  3. 在18世纪90年代法国大革命之后,修身裙流行了起来,口袋被取消了。

    But after the French Revolution of the 1790s , slim skirts were in , and pockets were out .

  4. 他留着一个美剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)式的发型,穿着修身西装,看起来就像摩洛哥的赌场管理员。

    And not just because , with his mad men hair cut and sharp suits , he looks the part of a Monaco croupier .

  5. 此外,她最新推出的2016年春夏时装展上的掐腰夹克、修身大摆夏季外套和曲线优雅的裙装,与迪奥战后一直推行的“新风貌”(NewLook)时尚风格可以说异曲同工。

    Moreover , her most recent show , for SS16 , with its nipped waist jackets , fit-and-flare summer coats and modest , shapely silhouettes , suggested a quiet affinity with Christian Dior 's postwar New Look .

  6. 在为路易威登(LouisVuitton)所做的首个系列中,尼古拉斯·盖斯基埃(NicolasGhesquiere)把注押在了修身迷你裙上。

    In his debut at Louis Vuitton , Nicolas Ghesquiere bet the bank on slim minis .

  7. 虽然旅游推广人士会让你相信所有的越南女性会穿着修身的传统袄代装(aodai)、头戴斗笠骑车穿行在城市之中,但事实并不一定如此。

    Though tour promoters would have you believe that all Vietnamese women bike through the city in slim-cut ao dai dresses and conical hats , it 's not quite the case .

  8. 正扬织带时尚解析:朝九晚五的OL想要寻找摩登新变化,不妨考虑今年秋冬流行的修身针织外套。

    Nine to five of the OL looking for a modern new changes , may wish to consider this knit jacket Slim popular winter .

  9. 在宣布订婚消息的新闻发布会上,凯特身着一条海蓝色的修身裙,这款颇受好评的裙子来自伦敦品牌ISSA;

    At the press conference announcing the news , Middleton wore a flattering slim-cut navy dress by London label ISSA ;

  10. 维多利亚表示,这个系列的灵感来自于连环漫画《至尊神探》(DickTracy),它运用了明亮的色彩,比如该系列中的宝蓝色绉纱露肩拖地长裙以及翡翠色弹力修身褶底连衣裙。

    The collection , she said , drew inspiration from'Dick Tracy'comic strips , and featured bright colors like a sapphire-blue crepe column corset dress , and an emerald stretch felt drape front frock .

  11. 古驰(Gucci)肩饰、范思哲(Versace)军装上衣、裁剪风格符合法西斯审美的普拉达(Prada)修身双排扣战壕风衣:这些单品被放在一起讨论显得有点愚蠢,因为每件单品都很严肃。

    Gucci epaulets , a Versace battle blouse , a trim-fit Prada trench coat tailored to a fascist aesthetic : These references collectively seemed crass , given the gravity of the referent .

  12. 就连Dockers今年春季都推出了一款更时尚的修身工装裤,名为“阿尔法修身工装裤”(AlphaSlim-FitCargo)。据报道,Dockers去年工装裤的销量有所增长。

    Even Dockers , which reported that its sales of cargoes have grown in the past year , this spring introduced a trimmer and more stylish pair , called the Alpha Slim-Fit Cargo .

  13. 她在以色列穿的MichaelKors白色西装看起来和她在比利时穿的MaisonUllens灰褐色西装几乎一模一样,这并不是个意外。这两套西装都是修身款式,有腰带,没有装饰。

    It 's not an accident that the Michael Kors white suit she wore in Israel looked almost identical to the Maison Ullens taupe suit she wore in Belgium : tight , belted , undecorated .

  14. 波顿身材瘦削、孩子气、长着一副典型的英国人牙齿,他穿着寻常西服——白衬衣配着灰色高腰修身九分裤,这两者都是其好友、美国设计师汤姆•布朗(ThomBrowne)之大作。

    Tall , slim and boyish , with British teeth , he is dressed in his daily uniform of a white shirt and slim-cut , cropped grey high-waisted trousers , both by his partner , the US designer Thom Browne .

  15. 1947年,埃米利奥・璞琪(EmilioPucci)发布了以万花筒般图案和紧身修身针织衫为特色的同名品牌。不久后,他选择自己的家作为品牌的运营基地:位于佛罗伦萨中心的复兴时期宫殿PalazzoPucci。

    NOT LONG AFTER EMILIO PUCCI launched his line of kaleidoscopic patterns and slinky , body-conscious jersey knits in 1947 , he chose his home as his base of operations : the Palazzo Pucci , a Renaissance palace in the center of Florence .

  16. 也可以选择合身的:用修身的裤子搭配考究的外衣。

    Or stay fitted : slim trousers with a tailored coat .

  17. 满族家庭伦理道德教育包括伦理道德与修身齐家两部分。

    Ethics education of Manchu family included ethics and self-cultivation family .

  18. 高校大学生文明修身教育初探

    A Preliminary Study of Cultivation through Civilized Education in College Students

  19. 中国传统修身文化研究

    The Research on Chinese Traditional Culture of Cultivating Moral Characters

  20. 儒家修身理论的函数矩阵分析

    The Analysis of Confucian Ideas of Character Cultivation via the Function Matrix

  21. 儒家修身伦理与现代健身观念

    Confucianist 's Ethic on Self-Cultivation & Modern Concepts on Body-Building

  22. 第四部分是对孔子修身思想的评价。

    The fourth part was the appraisal to Confucius ' cultivation thought .

  23. 大卫坎贝尔曾说过,克己修身之道在于紧记自己的所需。

    David Campbell once said , Discipline is remembering what you want .

  24. 中国传统修身理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Chinese Traditional Cultivation of Moral Character

  25. 从吉语格言印论秦代祈福与修身的思想

    Interpretation on the Lucky and Motto Seal of Qin Dynasty

  26. 第五、对儒学的修身思想和基督教的修养思想进行了对比分析。

    Fifth , the author analyzes the cultivation of Confucian and Christianity .

  27. 受过传统入世思想和西方科学思想教育的宗白华先生,修身、齐家、治国、平天下是其思想中的一个根本理念。

    Accepted the thoughts of Chinese tradition and western scientific education , Mr.

  28. 孟子认为,独立人格精神的形成在于修身。

    Mencius believes that the formation of an independent personality needs self-cultivation .

  29. 不太紧的修身牛仔裤是约会的最佳打扮。

    Not-too-tight skinny jeans make for the perfect date outfit .

  30. 修身养心,瑜伽是运动,更是生活态度。

    Back to Yoga , Back to my True Life . Namaste !