
piān lí
  • deviate;off;departure;deflect;diverge;stray;veer;skew;wander;diversion
偏离 [piān lí]
  • [deviate;diverge] 离开正确的道路和方向

  • 他从不偏离常理

偏离[piān lí]
  1. 他提前很早就制订出了自己的进度表,然后从未偏离过它。

    He planned his schedule far in advance , and he didn 't deviate from it

  2. 不要偏离主要问题。

    Don 't deviate from major issues .

  3. 我们似乎是偏离了辩论的主题。

    We seem to be straying from the main theme of the debate .

  4. 球呈直角偏离弹了出去。

    The ball skewed off at a right angle .

  5. 他从未偏离自己最初的计划。

    He never deviated from his original plan .

  6. 不要偏离左边的车道。

    Keep to the nearside lane .

  7. 一旦你偏离了剧本的内容,他们就会喊停。

    They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script

  8. 这篇修正主义的论文更加偏离了马克思主义的主张。

    This revisionist thesis departs even further from Marxist assertions .

  9. 飞机突然偏离跑道,高速冲过了周围的护栏。

    The plane veered off the runway and careered through the perimeter fence

  10. 这是否是原本良好的增长曲线中暂时的偏离?

    Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve ?

  11. 交谈突然偏离了正题。

    The conversation went off at a tangent .

  12. 我们发现在主流经济学家中间出现了一种偏离劳动理论的显著变化。

    We observe a striking shift away from a labor theory among all mainline economists

  13. 他认为电影正在偏离美国文化的看法完全正确。

    He 's right on the mark about movies being out of step with American culture .

  14. 这艘倒霉的船偏离航道误入浅水区,被另外一艘船撞上了。

    The ill fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel .

  15. 我们已经认识到,这是把责任归咎于一项已偏离方向的政策的一种企图。

    We have seen this as an attempt to place the blame for a policy that has gone adrift .

  16. 他迅速发难,反击提问者,直到完全偏离了最初的问题。

    He is quickly on the attack , biting back at the questioner until the original question is lost .

  17. 你的发言稍微偏离了我们讨论会的主题。

    Your talk is a little aside from the subject of our disussion .

  18. 偏离墙中央有个钟。

    There is a clock off centre on the wall .

  19. 这场风迫使该船偏离航道。

    The wind drove the ship off its course .

  20. 船偏离了航线。

    The ship drifted off course .

  21. 当船偏离航道时,船长喊道:“抢风驶船”。

    " haul on the wind !" shouted the captain , as the ship tried to leave the course .

  22. t也不应该做得比需要的更大,因为修正装置阻尼过大将使陀螺在修正过程中偏离垂线过多。

    T should not be made larger than necessary since excessive erector damping causes the gyro to overshoot the vertical during erection .

  23. 因可见度低,他不小心偏离了道路。

    Unable to see far , he accidentally turned off the path .

  24. 我们照亮了黑夜,仿佛那是一个无人居住的国家,但任何事情都不能偏离真理。

    We 've lit up the night as if it were an unoccupied country , when nothing could be further from the truth .

  25. 他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事。

    He departed from the text to tell an anecdote .

  26. 当巨浪向船舷撞击时,船暂时地偏离了航道。

    The ship yawed as the heavy wave struck abeam .

  27. 任何对党的信仰的偏离被视作背叛。

    Any deviation from the party 's faith is seen as betrayal .

  28. 我们现在左转,面向150,偏离敌机30度

    Bogeys appear to be heading directly at us .

  29. 在互文性理论中,它们仿拟的零度原词即是底文,而它们自己则是偏离了的超文

    They are called deviant hypertexts parodying zero-degree hypo-texts in the intertextuality theory .

  30. 我国正处于高速发展的信息数字化时代,这一学制已偏离轨道,并且对学生和家长而言都是一种负担。

    It 's a burden for both students and parents and is out of step with the fast-moving digital age .