- 网络Pause time;dwell time;dead time

This is done by trading a little bit more CPU cycles and heap memory usage for shorter UI pause time when doing gen2 collections .
It is always used in gymnastics teaching . This paper makes the analysis and study through the experiment of the training of statical pliable and tough on the base of 10s and 30s pause time .
Mean response times are quite closely related to application throughput and not highly correlated to GC pause times .
It is important to note that GC pause times are not the same thing as application response times .
When in " record " mode , these dwell times are expanded into a string and used to generate a cryptographic hash of the signature .
InfoQ : So is the main advantage of the lazy sweep GC shorter pause times ?
The maximum response time is always longer than the longest GC pause , unless the application load is exceptionally low .
Set the Java heap size of the Application Server to manage memory efficiently : A small heap can cause frequent garbage collection , but a large heap can result in longer pause times .
One obvious way to optimize application performance is to choose a GC policy that minimizes any negative impact of garbage collection pauses .
After recording the values ( if they are not zero ), the average R , S , and T dwell times are computed if there are enough samples .
Many other factors , including I / O pauses , database wait times , Web service response times , network delays , and any other external interaction may also contribute to the response time .
Optavgpause : Optimizes for the average GC pause .
Although built around dwell times for three keys , the xev program and the code described herein allow you to monitor all aspects of keyboard ( and mouse ) X Window System interaction .
The effects of the thickness of GaAs space layer , the growth interruption time and the amount of InAs deposition on the emission wavelength of columnal islands were presented .
The verbose GC log includes heap sizes , information about the division of the heap in the gencon policy , pause timings , object finalizations , and references cleared .
The spike in the gencon pause times happens when the tenured area runs out of room , and a non-concurrent collection of the whole heap is required .
The gencon policy was not shown in this case study because for this workload , it gave pause times greater than the optavgpause pause times and throughput poorer than the optthruput throughput .
Each string passed to mkpasswd is built level by level from a single key dwell time all the way up to a dwell time for each recorded letter in the user name .
A new kind of lateral associated self-assembled InAs quantum dots ( QDs ) was grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy at low substrate temperature of 350 ℃ with long time interruption in cycling deposition . In photoluminescence ( PL ) spectra , 1.55 μ m light emission is observed .
The longer the duration of standstill , the more excessive deposition .
Pause time between the two pulse cycles is call as cycle interval .
Because there are fewer objects to flip , the pause time goes down .
The garbage collection pause times are the most significant delays any threads encounter .
It uses the circular molding technology to reduce the standstill time and save electricity .
If the collector has to clear thousands of references every collection , pause times suffer .
Anywhere you need reliable low pause times in business critical apps or very large heaps .
The motion of the sley , including its period of dwell , is positively controlled .
It 's the time between when a question is asked and the answer is given .
The average value for each key dwell time for the entire buffer is computed and returned .
The dwell time is the period in which the user 's finger holds the key down .