
chōnɡ zú lǐ yóu lǜ
  • the law of sufficient reason
  1. 关于充足理由律的思想最早可追溯至古希腊。

    The ideas about the law of sufficient reason can be traced back to the ancient Greece .

  2. 反映思维论证性的逻辑基本规律是充足理由律,而且充足理由律是逻辑思维的第一位的基本规律,其形式语言表达式(形式定理)是MP规则(即分离规则)

    The basic logical law of the argumentation of thinking is the law of sufficient reason . The law of sufficient reason is the first basic law of the logical thinking , and it 's formal theorem is MP rule ( i.e.the rule of detachment ) .

  3. 论充足理由律在法律推理中的作用

    Role of the Rule of Ample Reasons in Legal Reasoning

  4. 逻辑规律是关于思维的逻辑形式的规律,它由同一律、不矛盾律、排中律和充足理由律组成。

    Logic rules are made up of the law of Identity , non-contradiction , excluded middle add sufficient evidence .

  5. 对于这种不负责任的行为,刚才所说的那种充足理由律也同样可以应用。

    To such conduct the same remarks apply as were made in connection with the law of sufficient ground .

  6. 这也就是所谓充足理由律的简单意义,这一思维规律宣称事物本质上必须认作是中介性的。

    This is the plain meaning of the law of sufficient ground is that things should essentially be viewed as mediated .

  7. 充足理由律批判在古希腊时期,人们对充足理由思想的研究主要表现为对因果关系的探讨。

    A Probe of the Adequate Reason Principle At that time , the main emphasis was laid on the study of the cause-and-effect relationship .

  8. 充足理由律在科学领域里的积极作用是不容置疑的,但随着科学技术居主导地位,充足理由律充当一切领域尤其艺术领域的真实性原则,因而越来越显露出它的局限性。

    The positive side of this principle in the scientific field is beyond doubt . But today , science and technology has taken a dominant position .

  9. 玩忽职守罪的罪过形式只能由过失,而不能由故意构成,否则会违反矛盾律、充足理由律及复合命题推理的基本规则。

    And the former should happen because of negligence , not intent , otherwise it will violate contradiction rules , good-reason rules and the fundamental principles of composite proposition reasoning .

  10. 但即使逻辑可以免除为充足理由律说出理由或根据的义务,它也至少需要回答“应该怎么理解根据”这一问题。

    Yet even if logic be excused the duty of giving a ground for the law of sufficient ground , it might at least explain what is to be understood by a ground .

  11. 充足理由律是技术理性的第一原理,以此为基础,衍生出技术理性的诸多规则和定律,并耸立起一个庞大的科学理论体系。

    The adequate reason principle is considered the first principle of the technical rational faculties , from which many scientific rules and laws derived and an enormous system of scientific theories has been built .