
guāng fù
  • recover
光复 [guāng fù]
  • [recover] 恢复原有的领土、统治或事业

  • 知欲躬率三军,荡涤氛秽,廓清中畿,光复旧京。--《晋书.桓温传》

光复[guāng fù]
  1. DNA光复活酶(或称光解酶)能够利用可见光裂解二聚体的环丁烷环而修复DNA。

    Photoreactivating enzyme ( DNA photolyase ) repairs DNA by utilizing the energy of visible light to break the cyclobutane ring of the dimer .

  2. DWDM技术进展及光复用器

    DWDM technology development and optical multiplexer

  3. 美国挤压研磨公司为精确地抛(磨)光复杂金属零部件内腔内孔的表面和边缘而开发了磨粒流加工(AFM)工艺。

    Extrude Hone developed the Abrasive Flow Machining ( AFM ) process to precisely finish machine edges and surfaces of complex metal parts .

  4. 根据光复用技术的基本思想,研制了一种新型复合光Modem,这种光Modem除了正常的通信功能外,相邻Modem间还能快速传送电平信号(小于100μs)。

    According to the basic idea of optical multiplexing technology a new type of composite optical Modem is developed , besides ordinary communication , the Boolean signal can be rapidly transmitted among adjacent Modems ( less than 100 microseconds ) .

  5. 提出三次曲面拟合法表示到达CCD屏的照明物光与参考光位相差分布,并通过对CCD探测图像数据处理获得物光复振幅分布的方法。

    Presenting the method of stimulant thrice curve to express distribution of phase difference , which formed by object light and reference light that reach CCD , and processing image data detected by CCD , we gain distribution of complex amplitude of object light .

  6. 简论光复初期台湾的专卖制度

    Taiwan 's Monopoly System in the Early Days of Its Recovery

  7. 美国工业已为军队光复欧洲扫除了物资障碍

    American industry gives the military the means to retake Europe .

  8. 光纤光栅空分光复用传感系统的研究

    Research on spatial division multiplexing of fiber Bragg grating sensors

  9. 以下四点有望帮助佩奇光复谷歌公司的统治地位

    There are four things Page could do to renew Google 's dominance

  10. 宣告上海光复的第一张布告

    BULLETIN BOARD The First Notification for the Recovering of Shanghai

  11. 朝鲜祖国光复会的成立及其历史意义

    The Establishment and Historical Significance of Korea Homeland Recovery Society

  12. 光复用技术及其在光纤通信系统中的应用

    Optical Multiplexing Technology and Its Application in Optical Communication System

  13. 从种族消长的战火中光复我们的国土。

    To resurrect our country * From the fires of racial degradation .

  14. 殖民地的人民光复了失地。

    The people in the colony recovered their lost territory .

  15. 光复合体的洛仑兹变换的一种方法

    A Method for Lorentz Transformation of a Light Complex

  16. 论台湾光复初期教育转型的历史定位

    On the historical position of the educational transformation during Taiwan 's early revival

  17. 发起台湾光复运动和参加收复台湾的准备工作;

    Launching the recovery movement in Taiwan and preparing for the return to China ;

  18. 台湾光复初期教育转型研究(1945-1949)

    The Transformation of Education during the Early Revival Period in Taiwan ( 1945-1949 );

  19. 这一进程被称为光复。

    This process is known as retrocession .

  20. 抗战胜利后,国民政府将新收复的地方分为光复区和收复区。

    The national government separated the newly recaptured areas into recovered ones and recaptured ones after the war .

  21. 这与光复会的定名、宗旨和活动有关,又受到传统思想的影响。

    All this is under the influence of traditional ideas and related to its denomination , tenet and activities .

  22. 二战后,朝鲜半岛光复,美苏之间的矛盾上升为世界的主要矛盾。

    After World War ⅱ, Korean Peninsula was independent . Soviet-U.S. global confrontation was rose to the principal contradiction .

  23. 韩国临时政府与韩国光复军在韩民族史上的地位

    The Status of the Provisional Government of ROK and the Korean Recovery Army in the History of Korean Nation

  24. 采用新型的光调制和光复用技术可以有效地抑制这些传输损伤的影响,成为高速光传输系统的关键技术之一。

    Novel modulation and multiplexing techniques are key technologies which could mitigate the transmission impairments in optical transmission system .

  25. 这种理念分歧导致光复军正式编组经历了曲折的过程。

    This divergence resulted in a tortuous experience in the process of the formal constitution of the Recovery Army .

  26. 这位形体师在好莱坞相当着名,他训练出了麦当娜的肉肉,还帮产后的格温妮丝·帕特罗与柯特妮·考克斯光复了身段。

    The pint-size trainer if famous for Madonna 's muscles and also for transforming the bodies of working mothers Gwyneth Paltrow and Courteney Cox .

  27. 在这一特定的政治动荡、社会转型背景下,台湾光复初期教育处于一个与其他省份有明显不同特点的全面转型时期。

    In this context , the education of Taiwan during the early revival was in a period of all-around transformation which differed from other provinces .

  28. 本实用新型由于采用了太阳能光复组件供电,解决了户外供电放线的问题;

    The solar energy redundant component is used to supply power for the peel box , thereby solving the problems of outdoor wiring for power supply ;

  29. 对此,济宁市环保部门明确表示,根据最近检测数据显示,光复河水水质达标。此外,光复河河水并非饮用水来源。

    The municipal environmental department said the most recent tests show the water is safe , though the river is not a source of drinking water .

  30. 上海光复是同盟会中部总会和光复会共同策划,举行武装起义的;

    The recovery of Shanghai was co-plotted and the armed uprising was co-held by the central headquarters of the Chinese Revolutionary League and the Restoration League .