
  • 网络Smooth curve;Spline;Smooth;curve
  1. 在CAGD中,构造光滑曲线通过给定的二维或三维点集是非常重要的问题。

    An important problem in CAGD is to pass a smooth curve through a set of two or three dimensional points .

  2. 利用插值多项式的方法构建了非圆光滑曲线的数学模型,利用VB实现对多项式的求解,使复杂的曲线设计变得简单,编制的程序具有实际应用价值。

    The mathematical model of non-circle smooth curve was constructed with an interpolation polynomial method , polynomial was calculated by VB , and the design of complex curve was simplified . The program has practical value .

  3. B样条曲线是许多多公式化曲线当中一个有代表性的光滑曲线。

    B-Splines are one of many spline formulations for representing smooth curves .

  4. 依据积分估值对Cauchy型积分F(z)在z平面上简单逐段光滑曲线C外任一区域D内的解析进行了证明,其方法是利用数学归纳法。

    In terms of the assessment value of integration , a proof of the analysis of Cauchy integration F ( z ) in the arbitrary area D that is out of the simple field by field smooth curve C on the plane z is given by applying the mathematical induction .

  5. 我们将细分的思想引进到流形上曲线设计中,对给定流形上的初始控制点列,分别考察流形的保角映射,MLS映射和垂直映射的性质,设计流形表面上的光滑曲线。

    We introduce the concept of subdivision in curve design on manifolds , and for any given initial control points on the manifold , we can generate a smooth subdivision curve on the manifold by conformal mapping , MLS projection and orthogonal projection respectively .

  6. 将离散点连成光滑曲线的一种分段插值方法

    A piecewise interpolation method of connecting discrete points into smooth curves

  7. 线切割中的非圆光滑曲线设计与加工

    Design and Machining of Non-circle Smooth Curve in Thread Incision

  8. 约束在光滑曲线上质点的摆动

    The swing of a particle restricted on a smooth curve

  9. 平面上两条光滑曲线间的无滑动的滚动

    Rolling without sliding Between Two smooth Curves on a Plane

  10. 基于局部过程的光滑曲线拟合的一个算法

    An Algorithm of Smooth Curve Fitting Based on Local Procedures

  11. 基于三次样条插值的采样数据光滑曲线形成法

    Smooth Curve Output for Dynamic Process Sampling Data Base on Cubic Polynomial Interpolation

  12. 任意平面封闭区域对光滑曲线的裁剪算法

    Arithmetic for the Trimming of a Random Smooth Curve in a Plane Polygon

  13. 通过对流形的保角映射,把常用的曲线细分格式应用于流形上,生成流形上的光滑曲线。

    The paper proposes a curve subdivision approach using conformal mapping of manifolds .

  14. 光滑曲线生成的一种插值与逼近可调细分格式

    A Kind of Interpolating And Approximating Adjustable Subdivision Scheme for Smooth Curves Generation

  15. 在双轴加载的作用下,等效应力一应变曲线不是一条光滑曲线。

    The equivalent stress-strain curve under the biaxial loading state is not smooth .

  16. 关于计算机自动绘制光滑曲线的数学方法的探索

    Discussion on the mathematical methods of curve smoothing in automatic drawing with a computer

  17. 本文给出了用积分微分光滑曲线的方法。

    With numerical integration and differentiation , a method of smoothed curve is given .

  18. 拼接后的曲线从整体看是一条光滑曲线。

    After connecting , on the whole , it seems that curve is smooth .

  19. 光滑曲线生成的一类保凸插值细分方法及其性质

    A Type of Convexity-Preserving Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme for Smooth Curve Generation and Its Properties

  20. 生成光滑曲线的一种快速算法

    A Fast Algorithm for Generating Smooth Curves

  21. 一种随机光滑曲线的生成方法

    Method for generating random and smooth curves

  22. 非圆光滑曲线设计与加工研究

    Design and Machining of Non-circle Smooth Curve

  23. 关于光滑曲线的再定义

    On the Definition of Smooth Curves

  24. 光滑曲线与可求长曲线

    Smooth Curve and Rectifiable Curve

  25. 源于自然的灵性之光,在白榉木的光滑曲线里恣意升腾。

    The spirit light coming from nature is rising freely in the smooth curve of the white beech .

  26. 该文的算法速度快,能保持强边缘,而且结构更合理,重构的水平线不再只是直线,而是光滑曲线。

    The algorithm is very fast and can preserve strong edges , and the reconstructed structure is more natural .

  27. 本文对边界是封闭光滑曲线的多连通域平面问题进行了研究。

    In this paper is discussed the plain problem for multiply connected region of which the boundaries are closed smooth curves .

  28. 在计算机绘制地图光滑曲线的方法中,线形插值法计算简单,失真率较大。

    Among those curve smoothing methods in automatic drawing of maps the linear insertion method is simple but accompanied with obvious distortion .

  29. 它可以更逼真地拟合出实际应用中实物表面的形态,对非光滑曲线、曲面的拟合等领域的研究具有重大的价值。

    It can simulate the shape of material object distinctly and It achieved a important significance of non-smooth curve and surface fitting .

  30. 在回归分解中相对于一批对数的光滑曲线;对线性回归来说曲线是直线。

    A smooth curve fitted to the set of paired data in regression analysis ; for linear regression the curve is a straight line .