
miǎn yì pínɡ zhànɡ
  • Immune barrier;immunologic barrier
  1. 结论:PAF可损害肠黏膜的免疫屏障功能,使SIgA降低。

    CONCLUSION : PAF can lead to damages of the intes-tinal immunologic barrier by decreasing the SIgA con-tent .

  2. 上皮细胞及其紧密连接复合体、黏液细胞分泌的黏液构成机械屏障;浆细胞、IEL和通道构成免疫屏障。

    Enterocytes and their tight junction complex , the mucus of mucous cell were composed of the mechanical barrier . Immunologic barrier contained plasma cell , IEL and channel .

  3. 结论:烧伤后肠道内IgA水平的降低,反映肠道免疫屏障受损伤;

    Conclusion : The results indicated that the intestinal barrier was damaged after burns .

  4. 麻疹病毒IgG抗体总阳性率为45.83%,麻疹的免疫屏障已不存在易造成校内麻疹暴发流行。

    45 . 83 % of positive rate of measles antibody IgG suggests the potential of measles outbreak in elementary school .

  5. Ⅳ型菌毛在多种病原菌致病过程中发挥重要作用,其中包括介导粘附定植、突破免疫屏障、影响生物被膜形成、颤搐运动、DNA摄取等。

    Type ⅳ pili of different pathogenic bacteria play important roles during infection process , including mediating adherence , breaking immunity barrier , affecting biofilm formation , twitching motility and DNA uptaking .

  6. 结论海南省流脑疫情趋势属于低流行区,15岁以下少年儿童A群和C群血清抗体阳性率水平偏低,不能形成免疫屏障。

    Conclusion Hainan Province is a low epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis prevalent area ; the positive levels of antibodies to A and C group of Neisseria meningitides were low and can not form a immune barrier .

  7. 目的构建大鼠重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)模型,探讨复合乳酸菌对SAP大鼠细胞因子和肠道免疫屏障的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of compound lactobacilli on cytokines balance and intestinal immuno-barrier in established rats models of severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .

  8. 肠梗阻时小肠黏膜蛋白和肠内容物sIgA浓度浓度降低引起肠道免疫屏障障碍。

    The gut immune barrier dysfunction was caused by the decreasing of protein and sIgA contents . 5 .

  9. 该文应用PAF受体拮抗剂研究PAF对幼年大鼠肠黏膜免疫屏障功能损伤作用。

    This study aimed to investigate the effect of PAF on the injury of intestinal mucosal immuno-barrier function in young rats .

  10. 目的观察严重烫伤小鼠小肠集合淋巴结(Peyerpatches,PP结)细胞凋亡的变化规律,探讨其在肠黏膜免疫屏障功能障碍中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the changes in cellular apoptosis of Peyer 's patches in severely scalded mice , and to explore its role in the pathogenesis of gut barrier damage .

  11. 本研究对三种类型EHF疫区固定人群的抗体连续三年检测,以抗体累计阳性法统计分析,发现三种疫区人群均可通过自然感染获得动态的免疫屏障。

    This study discovered that the protective antibody in high level in the people of 3 kinds of epidemic areas could be accumulated naturally during EHF was epidemic .

  12. 目的检测妊娠早期子宫微环境中蜕膜、滋养层及子宫NK(uNK)细胞基因表达变化,为揭示妊娠中母胎免疫屏障及胚胎发育与植入等过程中的生理与病理机制提供新的研究靶点。

    Objective Studying uNK cells ( uterine natural killer cells ), decidual and trophoblast tissue gene expression for offering , a new research target in the pregnancy physiology and pregnancy pathology .

  13. 背景和目的:肠粘膜屏障主要由机械屏障、免疫屏障和生物屏障屏障构成,其中以机械屏障最为重要,它包括肠上皮细胞和细胞间的紧密连接(tightjunction,TJ)。

    Objective : The intestinal mucosal barrier ( IMB ) is primarily composed of mechanical , biological and immunologic barriers , and the mechanical barrier is the most important component , which including the intestinal epithelial cells and the intercellular tight junction .

  14. 综合上述分析结果,我们认为H3亚型流感病毒在人间的变异呈现出逐渐加速的趋势,而这主要是受到了越来越强大的免疫屏障的筛选作用所致。

    However , these positive sites changed markedly between adjacent clusters . Integrate the information shows above , we could draw the conclusion that mainly due to enhancement of host immune barrier , the variation speed of H3 subtype influenza virus was accelerated in these years .

  15. 胎盘作为局部免疫屏障具有重要的研究价值。

    Placenta bears more important research value as local immunological barrier .

  16. 宁波市人群麻疹免疫屏障的形成与作用探讨

    The Formation and Efficacy of Measles Immune Barrier in Ningbo Population

  17. 大鼠烫伤致肠道免疫屏障损伤与血浆内毒素变化的关系

    Relationship between endotoxemia and dysfunction of intestinal immuno-barrier after scald in rats

  18. 北京市外来儿童脊髓灰质炎免疫屏障评价

    Evaluation on Immune Level of Poliomyelitis in Healthy Floating Children in Beijing

  19. 营养治疗对溃疡性结肠炎肠道免疫屏障的疗效

    The effect of nutritional treatment on intestinal immunological barrier in ulcerative colitis

  20. 严重创伤感染致肠道免疫屏障损伤的研究进展

    Study Of Severe Wound And Infection Leading To Intestinal Immunization Barrier Hurt

  21. 大鼠烫伤后肠道免疫屏障损伤的实验研究

    An experimental study on injury of intestinal immuno-barrier in rat after scald

  22. 接受腹部手术后,大鼠肠粘膜免疫屏障明显受损。

    After abdominal operation , intestinal barrier function in rats was significantly impaired .

  23. 淋巴细胞归巢及黏附分子在肠免疫屏障中的作用

    The effect of lymphocyte homing to intestine and adhension molecules to intestinal immunologic barrier

  24. 人胎儿鼻粘膜免疫屏障的特点

    The immune barrier in human fetal nasal mucosa

  25. 血小板活化因子对幼鼠肠道免疫屏障功能的影响

    Effect of platelet activating factor on function of intestinal immunological barrier in young rats

  26. 建立群体免疫屏障控制甲型肝炎流行的效果研究

    Study on the effects of controlling hepatitis A epidemics by building the colony immune defence

  27. 血小板活化因子在幼年大鼠肠道免疫屏障功能损伤中的作用

    Role of platelet activating factor in the injury of intestinal immuno-barrier function in young rats

  28. [结论]禁食可降低肠黏膜机械屏障进而影响免疫屏障。

    [ Conclusions ] The intestinal mechanical barrier and immunological barrier could be damaged due to fasting .

  29. 这样做将建立一种免疫屏障,从而有效地消除城市疫情大暴发的风险。

    Doing so will build an immune barrier that will effectively eliminate the risk of explosive urban outbreaks .

  30. 发现斑马鱼肠道具有完整的机械屏障、化学屏障和免疫屏障结构。

    We found that zebrafish intestine had an intact structure of mechanical barrier , chemical barrier and immune barrier .