
quán jiā fú
  • Family portraits;a photograph of the whole family;hotchpotch;hodgepodge
全家福 [quán jiā fú]
  • (1) [a photograph of the whole family]∶全家人的合影

  • (2) [hotchpotch (as a dish)]∶荤的杂烩

全家福[quán jiā fú]
  1. 论坛的一个传统就是APEC领导人的全家福。

    One tradition of the forum is the APEC leaders ' family photo .

  2. 周六,维多利亚这位时尚设计师在Instagram上传了一张甜蜜的全家福,庆祝他和贝克汉姆结婚16周年。

    The fashion designer took to Instagram on Saturday to celebrate her and David 's 16th wedding anniversary with a sweet family photo .

  3. 从她最小的孩子、今年八岁的萨曼莎(Samantha)出生后,他们家就没有拍过专业的全家福。

    Her family had not had a professional family portrait taken since their youngest child , Samantha , now 8 , was born .

  4. 因为带着他们的小女儿科莱特(Colette)一起上路,这个博客同样充当着现代版的全家福。

    And because they were bringing their infant daughter , Colette , it would serve as a modern family portrait .

  5. 因为带着他们的小女儿科莱特(Colette)一起上路,这个博客同样充当着“现代版的全家福”。

    And because they were bringing their infant daughter , Colette , it would serve as " a modern family portrait . "

  6. 最初是美国CBS电视台竭力获取《最爱》的版权,想将其为杰克·格里森(JackieGleason)量身改造,但意外的是,ABC电视台最后赢得了这场竞标,也随之成就了后来的《全家福》。

    Originally , CBS was trying to acquire the rights to Till Death ... and turn it into a showcase for Jackie Gleason , but ABC won the bidding war and thus , All in the Family was born .

  7. 今年年初,北卡罗来纳州达克市(Duck)的SanderlingResort&Spa水疗度假村推出了“永恒回忆”服务,包括一张全家福和一部YouTube视频(一周内可拿到影像光碟)。

    Earlier this year , the Sanderling Resort & Spa in Duck , N.C. , launched an ' Everlasting Memories ' package with a family photo shoot and a YouTube video of the session ( a disc of images is guaranteed within a week ) .

  8. 我可以把爸爸的照片放进全家福里。

    And I could put my dad in the family paper .

  9. 嘿伙计们这是我第一张全家福

    Hey , guys ! It 's my first family photo !

  10. 这次家人有打算拍全家福哦。

    The family intends to take photograph of the whole family .

  11. 在圣诞节,最幸福的事情就是与家人照全家福。

    Favorite part of Christmas is pictures with the fam . \#

  12. 你们可能认为这是我家的全家福?

    You probably think that 's a picture of my family ?

  13. 这是什么?这是我的全家福。

    What is this ? It 's a photo of my family .

  14. 吉姆,明天带一张你的全家福。

    Bring a picture of your family tomorrow , jim .

  15. 你们应该考虑一下,多用几张全家福

    you guys should consider using more than one photo .

  16. 不过,她也承认,她在拍全家福时就会微笑。

    However , she did admit that she smiles in family photos .

  17. 在钢琴上方的墙上有一张全家福照片。

    There is a family photograph on the wall above the piano .

  18. 你能给我看一下你的全家福照片吗?

    Would you like to show me your whole-family photo ?

  19. 画一张你家的全家福并介绍你的家人。

    Draw a photo of your family , and introduce your family .

  20. 这可是拍全家福不是吗

    Well , it 's a family portrait , isn 't it ?

  21. 拿出年代最久远的全家福相册,认真地浏览。

    Take out your oldest family photo album and look through it .

  22. 好棒的全家福蝙蝠侠我喜欢

    Holy family photo , Batman , I love it !

  23. 嘿,那边的全家福怎么回事?

    Hey , what happened to the family portrait ?

  24. 伍尔西将一张被框起来的全家福选为他的最爱之物。

    Woolsey chooses a framed photograph of his family as his favourite thing .

  25. 照片:不同时期的全家福,亲戚朋友,单位同事。

    Photos : Family photos : different times , whole family , friends .

  26. 请寄一张你们全家福的照片来好吗?

    Will you send a picture of your family ?

  27. 她给我看她的全家福照片。

    She shows me a picture of her family .

  28. 这张是我全家福的照片。

    Eg : This is photograph of my family .

  29. 他寄给我一封信里面附了一张他的全家福照片。

    He sent me a letter together with a photograph of his family .

  30. 我要你给我画一张全家福。

    So you will have to paint my portrait with the whole family .