
quán qiú zhàn lüè
  • global strategy
  1. 对FremantleMedia数字全球战略部门的执行制作人苏珊娜•阿佐帕尔迪(SuzanneAzzopardi)来说,办公室友谊总是很重要。

    Office friendships have always been important to Suzanne Azzopardi , an executive producer of digital global strategy at FremantleMedia .

  2. 布什政府之所以不顾国内外各方面的反对,执意部署BMD,是为了确立美国在未来全球战略上的绝对优势地位。

    It is for the purpose of establishing Americas absolute predominance in the future global strategy that Bushs government is determined to plan BMD in spite of the objections from both home and abroad .

  3. 美国副总统戈尔于1998年1月31日提出了数字地球的概念(Core,A.1998),这主要是由美国的国家目标和全球战略决定的。

    In 1998 , America 's vice president put forward the concept digital earth because of America 's nation targets and global stratagem .

  4. 平衡计分卡是由哈佛商学院教授罗伯特·S·卡普兰和复兴全球战略集团总裁大卫·P·诺顿于1992年提出的。

    BSC was invented in 1992 by Prof. Robert · S · Kaplan of Harvard Business School and Mr. David Norton , CEO of Renaissance Solutions .

  5. 协助全球战略采购部寻找国内相应的的外委和OE供应商。

    Assist global sourcing initiative by sourcing suitable Chinese sub-contractor and OE suppliers .

  6. 作者莎朗•纳皮尔是Partners+Napier广告公司的首席执行官,也是全球战略领导力团队世界性工程(Project:WorldWide)的成员之一。

    Sharon Napier is CEO of partners + Napier , and a member of the global strategic leadership team of project : worldwide .

  7. 在美国调整全球战略部署、加大对亚洲的重视之际,空海一体战(AirSeaBattle)这一作战概念力求在具有战略重要性的区域保持军事优势。

    The AirSea Battle fighting concept aims to maintain military dominance in strategically important areas as the US reconfigures its global outlook more towards Asia .

  8. 本文作者潘卡基•格玛沃特是西班牙IESE商学院Rubiralta教席全球战略学教授,著有《世界3.0》一书。

    Pankaj Ghemawat is the rubiralta professor of global strategy at IESE and the author of world 3.0 .

  9. 在飞往中国前,Samaras就表示,这次中国之行将是希腊除欧洲以外,进行全球战略投资的第一步。

    Before leaving for China , Samaras said his visit would be the first step towards Greece 's return to the global investment map beyond Europe .

  10. 华为东非地区总经理何茂彬表示,华为P10符合华为“制造融合人文与科技的产品”这一全球战略。

    Mark Hemaobin , Managing Director Huawei Mobile Eastern Africa , said the Huawei P10 was in line with Huawei 's global strategy to manufacture products that integrate humanity and technology .

  11. 毕马威(KPMG)的杰作也遭到嘲笑(“毕马威,我们最强/我们的团队充满力量与活力/我们力争最优/我们团结一致/坚持我们的全球战略愿景”)。

    The KPMG effort ( " KPMG , we 're strong as can be   /   A team of power and energy   /   We go for the gold   /   Together we hold   /   To our vision of global strategy " ) was ridiculed .

  12. 美国进入了新的全球战略时期。

    The United States has entered a new global strategy period .

  13. 中英在这一时期的合作更加复杂,中英在全球战略方面存在着不可调和的矛盾。

    The contradiction of Sino-British is more complex during this period .

  14. 新干涉主义则已成为推行其全球战略的一种新形式。

    Neo-interventionism has become a new form of US global strategy .

  15. 全球战略地理论初探

    A tentative study of the geographical theory of global strategy

  16. 李博士主要教授策略管理和全球战略方面的课程。

    He teaches in strategic management and global strategy areas .

  17. 预防和控制性传播感染的全球战略

    The global strategy for the prevention and control of STIs

  18. 意识形态与冷战后美国全球战略的嬗变

    Ideology and the Changes of US Global Strategies after the Cold War

  19. 世界卫生组织防治疟疾全球战略

    Global Strategy for Malaria Control of the World Health Organization

  20. 美国的全球战略和中国的战略机遇期

    US Global Strategy and China 's Period of Strategic Opportunities

  21. 中国是跨国公司全球战略布局的重要组成部分。

    China is an important component of the distribution of global strategy .

  22. 美国全球战略中的中东和海湾

    The Middle East and Gulf in the US Global Strategy

  23. 第二部分分析了美国全球战略下的中亚政策演变,认为美国的中亚政策实际上是为其全球战略服务的。

    The second part analyzed American global strategy in its Central Asia policy .

  24. 美国全球战略的本质是称霸世界。

    The essence of the global strategy of America is Dominate the world .

  25. 关于重建全球战略稳定的理论思考

    A Theoretical Approach to Rebuilding of Global Strategic Stability

  26. 国际营销与全球战略理论研究

    A Study on International Marketing and Global Strategy Theory

  27. 冷战后美国的中东战略与全球战略评析

    Analysis of American Middle East Strategy and Global Strategy after the Cold War

  28. 执行人人享有卫生保健全球战略行动计划;

    Plan of action for implementing the global strategy for health for all ;

  29. 控制艾滋病性传播的全球战略

    Global Strategies for Control of Sexual Transmission of AIDS

  30. 他们呼吁世卫组织为此制定一项全球战略。

    They called upon WHO to develop a global strategy for this purpose .