
  1. 透视贫水:权力、贫穷与全球水危机

    Beyond Scarcity : Power , Poverty and the Global Water Crisis

  2. 虚拟水贸易在解决中国和全球水危机中的作用

    The Role of Virtual Water Trade in Efforts to Resolve China and Global Water Crisis

  3. 面对全球水危机

    Facing the Global Water Crisis

  4. 《通过研究应对全球水危机&2010》报告说,水研究变得更加多学科化。

    And water research is becoming more multi-disciplinary , according to'Confronting the Global Water Crisis through Research & 2010 ' .

  5. 作为水资源的开源增量技术,海水淡化已经成为解决全球水资源危机的重要途径。

    Incremental revenue as a water technology solutions to global water desalination has become an important way to compromise .

  6. 在全球水资源危机此起彼伏的时候,多数非洲国家也出现了水危机。

    When the global water crises take place one after another , most African countries have also emerged in the water crisis .

  7. 随着全球水资源危机的日益严重,长期以来农业节水栽培一直是人们关注的问题。

    With the increasing global water crisis , water-saving cultivation in agricultural production has been regarded as a serious issue for a long term .

  8. 当前全球正面临着水危机,中国的水资源短缺状况严重。

    The whole world is facing water risk now , and China is also meeting the serious scarcity of water resource .