
  1. 奥赛尔向英国议会银行业标准委员会(parliamentarycommissiononbankingstandards)表示,瑞银正在全面整顿公司文化,并“将郑重其事地把诚信放在比盈利更重要的位置上”。

    Addressing the parliamentary commission on banking standards , Andrea orcel said UBS , which in December was fined $ 1.5bn for its involvement in rigging the LIBOR benchmark borrowing rate , was overhauling its culture and was " serious about putting integrity over profit " .

  2. 浅论1975年的全面整顿

    The Simple Analysis of Overall Rectification in 1975

  3. 1975年全面整顿研究

    Study on the Overall Rectification in 1975

  4. 华尔街各家银行已经开始估算,它们的竞争对手被迫接受全面整顿将给自己带来哪些益处。

    Wall Street banks are already assessing the benefits of a wider shake-up imposed on their competitors .

  5. 所以,在企业全面整顿工作中加强管理的基础工作就显得十分重要。

    So it is extremely important to strengthen the basis administration in the course of all - round consolidating enterprises .

  6. 通过采取养殖业全面整顿、放水稀释、生态修复措施等综合措施,有效地消除了甲藻污染和改善水质。

    It can effectively eliminate dinoflagellate pollution and improve water quality by the management of aquaculture , dilution and ecological restoration .

  7. 中国政府宣布要全面整顿全国奶源收购体制以防止受污染奶源流入食品加工企业。

    The government has vowed to overhaul the country 's milk collection system to prevent contaminated milk from reaching food-processing plants . overhaul

  8. 施泰因布吕克说,欧洲金融业必须全面整顿,他要求加强监管银行业和对冲基金。

    Europe 's financial sector must be fully overhauled , he said , as he called for greater regulation of banks and hedge funds .

  9. 目前金融巨头们还不敢做吃枪子的出头鸟,然而戴蒙先生却一反常态地大肆批判对金融业的全面整顿。

    In an industry whose leaders remain scared to lift heads above the parapet , Mr Dimon has been unusually vocal in criticizing the regulatory overhaul of finance .

  10. 美国总统奥巴马指出,现在是全面整顿管理国家金融体系法规的时候了。奥巴马政府表示,尽管白宫希望加强监管,但没有将银行国有化的计划。

    One day after a speech to the nation on his economic plan , President Obama weighed in on the need to set new rules for America 's ailing financial sector .

  11. 应全面整顿和改造现有歧视性和排他性的出口控制制度和安排,在普遍参与的基础上,谈判制定公平合理的国际防扩散制度。

    The existing discriminatory and exclusive export control mechanisms and arrangements should be overhauled and rectified comprehensively , and a fair and rational international non-proliferation system should be set up through negotiations on the basis of universal participation .

  12. 有没有办法对这些问题公司进行全面的整顿呢?

    Are there ways to whip these problem companies into shape ?

  13. 全面清理整顿,维护医药市场秩序正规化。

    Carrying out overall clean up and rectification so as to maintain the normal order of the medical market .

  14. 针对这些情况,全面启动了整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作,进展良好,取得了初步成效。

    Chinese government startup work of neaten and normalize mining system against illegal conduct , the work have a good start .

  15. 近几年国家为规范信托行为,对信托业进行了全面的清理整顿工作。

    In recent years , the government carried out an overall clean-up and rectification to the trust industry to regulate trust business .

  16. 新的政策是:全面开展多元化经营整顿工作,坚持严控增量、盘活存量、加强管理、提高效益的方针。

    The new policy is : to conduct all-diversified business consolidation , adhere to the " strictly control the incremental , make stock alive , strengthen management , improve efficiency " approach .