
  • 网络Comprehensive evaluation;over-all assessment
  1. 简易营养评定法(CNA)被采用的最多,占一半以上,其次为人体组成评定法(BCA)和主观全面评定法(SGA)。

    More than half of the authors used concise nutrition assessment ( CNA ) . Body composition assessment ( BCA ) and subjective global assessment ( SGA ) were also used in these studies .

  2. 洁净手术部工程综合性能全面评定检测方法

    Detecting method for overall evaluation of the performance of clean surgery department

  3. 本文采用仪器测定和感官检验两种方法对超细南瓜粉的质构进行全面评定。

    Apparatus analysis and organoleptic test were used to evaluate the texture of superfine pumpkin powder .

  4. 对洁净手术部工程综合性能全面评定必检项目及探索其检测方法,为评定洁净工程质量提供准确检测数据。

    Is paper introduces the examination methods and examination items of comprehensive evaluation of the clean surgery department in order to provide accurate examination data .

  5. 通过对猪、鸡肉蛋品质的全面评定,比较饲用糙米型饲粮与普通玉米型饲粮间的差异,从饲料营养角度,评定不同饲料类型对肉、蛋品质的影响。

    Differences between brown rice feed and common maize feed were compared by examing the quality of meat and egg from the angle of feed nutrition .

  6. 用熵变换的方法建立了信息传输模型,它能全面评定台站的地震前兆价值。

    A information transfer model has been built by means of the entropy transform , which makes it possible for the earthquake precursor quality in each station to estimate totally .

  7. 从身体素质训练水平的综合发展水平、均衡程度以及与400米跑专项成绩相适应程度三个方面,对我国男子400米运动员进行了全面评定,并制定了评定标准和等级。

    From the level of training physiques integrated development levels , as well as more balanced and suited to the 400-meter run special performance level 3 , to my men 400 metres athletes a comprehensive assessment and to develop a grading and assessment criteria .

  8. 应该以金属钆作为室温磁制冷材料的基准材料,全面评定各个新开发的磁制冷材料的绝热温变、使用温度区间、单位体积磁熵变等参数。

    The correct way is to take metal Gd as the benchmark magnetic refrigerant , and to estimate the variables such as adiabatic temperatures change , working region of temperatures and volumetric magnetic entropy change of the material completely by comparing the new developed magnetic refrigerants with Gd .

  9. 结论LOTCA较MMSE能更全面地评定认知功能,特别是在视运动组织和思维操作方面,可作为临床上深入研究认知功能的工具。

    Conclusion LOTCA is better for assessing cognitive function than MMSE and it can be used as a tool in clinical study of cognition .

  10. 主观全面营养评定法;

    Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment Act ;

  11. 聚苯乙烯薄膜介质扩展箔电容器详细规范。单向端接矩形非金属壳。全面附加评定级。

    Detail specification for polystyrene film dielectric capacitors , extended foil-Rectangular non-metallic case , unidirectional terminations-Full plus additional assessment level .

  12. 通过建立己运营公路隧道消防安全现状的评估指标体系,选择合理、适用的评估方法,得到了较为全面的评定结论。

    Finally , an evaluation index system of fire safety in operational tunnels was established , comprehensive evaluation results were achieved by using appropriate evaluation method .

  13. 目的设计了一套汉语语法检查量表,以准确、全面地评定汉语失语症患者的语法缺失程度,并测试其临床应用价值。

    Objective To develop a Chinese agrammatism battery for evaluating the impairment of verbal communicating of agrammatism patient and to test its value in clinical application .

  14. 多管齐下,全面综合评定学生;勤于学习研究,提升教师的专业技能等方面加以改革。

    From many aspects , let 's have some reforms in evaluating the students correctly , study and research and improving the professional skills of the teachers .

  15. 对审核组提交的评审报告及其相关资料作全面审查、评定;作出认证决定,批准注册。

    CEPREI conduct overall review and evaluation on the assessment report and related documents submitted by the assessment group , and makes decision on certification and approves registration .

  16. 全面正确地评定排球运动员的技术水平是推动排球运动发展和管理的重要环节,也是当前排球应试制度改革的迫切任务。

    Appropriate and reliable evaluation of skill level of volleyball players is both an important means to promote the development of volleyball game and an urgent task to reform volleyball contest system .

  17. 结论:VEP,ERG和mERG能够对患者视网膜及视路功能进行比较全面和客观的评定,为癔症性盲目的诊断提供了重要的客观依据。

    CONCLUSION : VEP , ERG and combined with mERG can provide an important objective basis for the diagnosis of hysteria blindness .

  18. 指出依据COD概念不能合理地评定和保证具有表面裂纹构件的安全性,而全面屈服准则是评定构件表面缺陷的有力工具。

    It is worth noting that the safety of structures with welded surface cracks cannot be assessed by the COD concept reasonably , and that the general yielding criterion is a most valuable tool for the surface defects .

  19. 课程形成性考核能够加强学习过程控制,及时调整教学节奏和方法,可以全面、客观地评定学生的课程学业成绩。

    The formative evaluation of curriculum can strengthen the control to learning process , adjust teaching pace and methods timely , and evaluate students ' school work comprehensively and objectively .