
bā xiǎo shí gōng zuò zhì
  • eight-hour day
八小时工作制[bā xiǎo shí gōng zuò zhì]
  1. 私营企业实行八小时工作制。

    The private enterprise shall institute an eight-hour working day system .

  2. 我们严格遵守劳动法的各项规定,实行五天八小时工作制。

    We strictly obey all the regulations in Labour Law , implementing five eight-hour working days per week .

  3. 她们要求增加工资,实行八小时工作制和获得选举权。

    They are asking for higher wages , the implementation of an eight-hour working system and obtain the right to vote .

  4. 威尔逊通过了降低关税、累进所得税、禁止童工、铁路工人八小时工作制等法案。

    Wilson passed bills for lower tariffs , a graduated income tax , the prohibition of child labor , 8-hour days for railroad workers , and more .

  5. 我们的政策,包括没收地主土地和实行八小时工作制在内,并没有超出资本主义范畴内私有财产制的界限以外,并没有实行社会主义。

    Our policy , including the confiscation of the land of the landlords and the enforcement of the eight-hour working day , never went beyond the bounds of capitalist private ownership ; our policy was not to put socialism in practice then .

  6. 我们大家都遵守八小时工作日制。

    We all observe the eight hour day .

  7. 八年后在工会促进下实现了八小时工作制。

    Eight years later it helped establish an eight-hour workday .