
  • 网络Public Affairs Management;Public Administration;Public Services Management
  1. 少数民族习惯法中的公共事务管理权利&以拉祜族卡些为例

    Public Administration Right in Minority Custom Law

  2. 治理理论对国家与市民社会关系的认识思路是国家和市民社会相互“型塑”达致社会公共事务管理的“善治”。

    The theory of governance thinks that mutual making between state and civil society can realize the good governance in the field of public administration .

  3. 在当代,NGO是参与公共事务管理的一支重要力量。

    Now , NGO is an important force in public affairs management .

  4. 而我对NACE单列的人文学科就业需求排行榜尤为感兴趣。政治学/公共事务管理学位居榜首,紧随其后的是哲学、英语、社会学,最后是历史&这让我有点难过。

    Political science / government ranked at the top , followed by psychology , English , sociology and finally , and to me somewhat sadly , history .

  5. 但是,它同时也具有公共事务管理根本的公共性。

    However , it also has the fundamentally public nature .

  6. 主讲:明尼苏达大学休伯特-杭弗瑞公共事务管理学院教授。

    Speakers : Professor from Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs .

  7. 公共事务管理教育在台湾的发展

    Developments of Education on Public Affairs in Taiwan

  8. 全球化背景下国际公共事务管理主体的合法性思考

    On the Subject 's Legitimacy in Management of International Public Affairs against the Background of Globalization

  9. 社区公共事务管理的实践探索和理论研究,都在涉及较为深层的问题。

    Both the practical and theoretical research on community public affairs management is concerning many questions .

  10. 本文认为,政府和协会对注册会计师职业的监管权是一种公共事务管理权。

    The regulation right of CPA by government and institute of CPA is a public affair management right .

  11. 北宋城市公共事务管理探析&以东京开封府为中心

    An Analysis of the Management of the Public Affairs in Cities in North Song Dynasty & Centre on Kai-Feng-Fu

  12. 参与权的确立,为公民进入公共事务管理开辟了广阔道路。

    The establishment of right to participate opens a wide road for citizens to enter the public affairs management .

  13. 随着经济的发展,政府公共事务管理中的种种矛盾不断浮现。

    With the development of economy , the government 's public utility management is full of contradictions and problems .

  14. 该文同时对全球化背景下建立国际社会公共事务管理、治理机制的可能性与前景做出分析,并深入探讨了国际公共事务管理主体合法性产生的困境和问题。

    Finally , the paper points out some possibilities and the prospect of establishing the international public management and governance mechanism .

  15. 媒体的舆论监督功能是社会大众间接的参与社会公共事务管理的一个重要平台。

    Function of the media , public opinion is indirect participation in community management of public affairs as an important platform .

  16. 客观分析这些问题产生的深层次根源,探索有效解决这些问题的基本对策,是公共事务管理领域一个十分重要的理论和实践问题。

    Objectively analyzing the reasons and exploring the measures is an important theoretical and practical problem in the public affairs management field .

  17. 作为公共事务管理的重要主体,政府官员必须回应时代要求,实现其角色转换。

    As the important body of running public affairs , governmental officials must respond to the era demands and realize their role transition .

  18. 作为特殊公共事务管理的公共危机治理虽具有突发性、紧迫性、不确定性、危害性。

    As a special public affairs management , public crisis management with the nature of sudden , urgency , uncertainty , and harm .

  19. 联合国在国际公共事务管理中的作用对于各种跨国性的课题如何进行有效治理,是当前国际社会面临的严峻挑战。

    In searching for effective governance over international public affairs remains to be one of the grimmest challenges for today 's international society .

  20. 由此,作为公共事务管理的主体&政府和非政府组织将发生越来越频繁的互动。

    Thus , as the main body of the management of public affairs & the government and the NGO will interact more and more frequently .

  21. 高校行政管理属于社会公共事务管理范畴,带有政府行政管理的鲜明印痕,同时它又是高校管理系统的中枢。

    The administration in universities , with obvious governments features , belongs to social public administration as well as the centre of the universities management .

  22. 国家政治稳定、社会和谐发展、人民根本利益的实现,都离不开公共事务管理中的公民参与。

    The citizen participation in the public affairs management field is relevant to the political stability , social harmony and the realization of people 's fundamental interest .

  23. 在市场经济体制下,作为公共事务管理机关的政府其职能可以概括为解决市场失灵、实现社会公平两个基本方面。

    Under the market economic system , the functions of the government as the administrative organization of public affairs may include solving the malfunction and realizing social impartiality .

  24. 我国的公共事务管理模式已经发生深刻的变化。

    Management of public affairs in our country has undergone profound changes , from the government administration , government alone turn to governance in public administration , public management .

  25. 随着计算机科技的发展,三维可视化结果越来越多地被应用于日常生活中的各个方面,从而更好地辅助我们进行城市规划、交通导航、专题查询、公共事务管理等各项工作的开展。

    As computer technology develops , 3D visualization results have been wildly used in our daily life such as urban planning , navigation , thematic query and public administration .

  26. 目的是通过电子手段加强公共事务管理与公共服务,促进公共部门与公众之间的互动合作。

    The aim is to strengthen the management of public affairs and public services , and promote interaction and cooperation between the public sectors and the public by electronic means .

  27. 公务员是代表国家从事社会公共事务管理、行使国家行政权力、履行国家公务的人员,是公共权力的代理人与执行人。

    Civil servants are representatives and executors of public power , handling social public affairs , enforcing the state administration rights and fulfilling their obligations on behalf of the state .

  28. 因此,对这两大群体之间的冲突现状进行深入研究,分析冲突产生的深层次根源,探索有效解决这些问题的基本对策,是公共事务管理领域和城市管理领域一个重要的理论和实践问题。

    So , a further investigation on current situation , its cause analysis together with its countermeasures is considered to be crucial problems in the study of public administration and city management , both theoretically and practically .

  29. 从社会需求的产生、公共事务管理的需要和口述传说的推动三个方面说明了社会需求对我国古代档案工作起源的巨大促进作用。

    Formulation from the social demand , public need and push three respect , oral account of legend of transaction management prove between social demand and of our country ancient enormous facilitation that archives work originate from .

  30. 这导致了在地方公共事务管理的过程中地方政府处于垄断地位,地方公共管理效率低下,难以满足公众的需求,引发社会矛盾。

    This has result a monopoly position in the process of Public Governance supply of thegovernments , the Public Governance supply is inefficient and difficult to meet the demand of the public , leading to social conflicts easily .