
  • 网络Public Policy Analysis;Public-Policy Analysis;Public Policy Analysis, General
  1. 农业院校更名问题的公共政策分析

    The Public Policy Analysis of Changing the Name of Agricultural Universities

  2. 福利评价是公共政策分析的重要基础。

    Welfare assessment lays the foundations of public policy analysis .

  3. 论我国现行户籍制度改革的公共政策分析

    Analyze on the Reform of China 's Existing Household Registration System

  4. 社区青少年教育中的公共政策分析&以昆明市五华区某社区的实证调研为例

    An Analysis of the Public Policy of Adolescents Education in Communities

  5. 中国公用事业运用市场机制的公共政策分析

    Chinese Public Utility Marketization Reform in the Viewpoint of Public Policy Analysis

  6. 论公共政策分析中的伦理问题

    On the Issue of Ethics in Public Policy Analysis

  7. 农民增收的公共政策分析

    Public policy analysis on the income growth of farmer

  8. 社会医疗改革:我国药品集中招标采购的公共政策分析

    Analysis on the Policy of Centralized Bidding for Medicine Purchase of in China

  9. 论理性主义公共政策分析的局限性

    On the Limitation of Rationalist Analysis of Public Policy

  10. 中国农村合作医疗制度的公共政策分析

    An Analysis of Chinese Rural Cooperative Medical Service System From Public Policy Perspective

  11. 我国民间公共政策分析机构发展的必然性分析

    Tendencies of development of the Chinese folk public - policy - analyzing institutions

  12. 矛盾分析法是公共政策分析的基本方法

    The Analytical Method of Contradiction is the Basic Method for Public Policy Analysis

  13. 耕地总量动态平衡的公共政策分析

    Analysis on the public policy about dynamic equilibrium of total cultivated land in China

  14. 第一个模块为量化方法在公共政策分析中的作用分析。

    The first module is the effect analysis of quantitative methods in public policy analysis .

  15. 经验与理念&澳大利亚职业教育体系公共政策分析

    Experiences and Concepts & An Analysis of the Public Policies of Australia 's Vocational Education

  16. 城市化公共政策分析

    Analysis of urbanization public poli - cies

  17. 美国政府农业公共政策分析

    US Key Agricultural Public Policy Analysis

  18. 美国联邦政府食品药物管制的公共政策分析

    An Analysis of the Public Policy of the Federal Government of USA on the Regulation of Food and Drug

  19. 城市实行外来人口居住证制度的公共政策分析&以苏州市为例

    Public-Policy Analysis on the Implementation of Urban Residence Permit for the Floating Population & Suzhou City as an Example

  20. 本文基于公共政策分析的视角,探讨了实现鄱阳湖流域环境良治的政策选择与条件支撑。

    The Research of the Countermeasures of Poyang Lake Basin 's Environment Governance in Terms of Public Policy Analysis ;

  21. 中国人口政策应置于公共政策分析框架下运行,并作相应的政策制度安排。

    The paper puts forward that China 's population institutional arrangement should based on the analysis framework of public policy .

  22. 我的研究生课程包括:行政管理学,谈判学,管理心理学,公共政策分析,人力资源管理等课程。

    My post-graduate courses include : administration of the negotiations , management psychology , public policy analysis , human resource management courses .

  23. 所以,从20世纪70年代中期始,公共政策分析研究的重心逐渐从公共政策的制定转向了公共政策的执行。

    Therefore , the barycentre of study on public policy analysis is gradually changed from public policy constituting to public policy implementation .

  24. 本文试图借鉴公共政策分析的研究方法分析影响我国税收征管的主要因素,并提出完善税收征管的应对之策。

    This article tries to analyze the impacting factors to our tax collection and administration by studying the methods of the public policy analysis .

  25. 副职超编现象的公共政策分析&兼论政策在组织内执行时的阻滞因素

    A Public Policy Analysis Base on the Phenomenon of Deputies Overstaffing & Also on the policy implementation in the organization of the block factor

  26. 这本书试图提出问题,问题的假设,并提供一个出发点,为以后系统发展的公共政策分析。

    The book tries to raise issues , question assumptions , and provide a point of departure for subsequent systematic development of public policy analysis .

  27. 大学城是政策的失误还是建设管理的价值偏离&大学城建设的公共政策分析

    Un vers ty Town is ' Policy Muff ' or ' Value Departure of Construction and Management ': Public Policy Analysis of the Development of University Towns

  28. 对于公共政策分析而言,运用包括量化方法在内的实证研究方法是公共政策分析研究的题中之意。

    As far as the public policy analysis is concerned , the use of empirical research method including quantitative methods is the demand of public policy analysis .

  29. 用理性化的观点和方法看待、分析和解决问题,是现代公共政策分析的主要特征之一。

    A major characteristic of modern analysis of public policy is the adoption of rationalist views and methods in the observation , analysis and solution of various problems .

  30. 公共政策分析是一门在辩论和公共讨论时运用多种调查方法,严格地评价和交流政策及相关知识的应用社会科学学科。

    The public policy analysis is an applied sociological study that applies various investigative methods to creatively and strictly evaluate and exchange knowledge about relevant policies in public discussion and debates .