
ɡōnɡ ān tīnɡ
  • Public Security Department
  1. 记者上周五曾致电广东省公安厅寻求置评,但电话未被接听。

    Calls for comment to the Guangdong public security department rang unanswered Friday .

  2. 目前,河南省公安厅正全力侦查此案。

    Currently , the Department of Public Security of Henan Province is investigating the case .

  3. 河南省公安厅表示,林州当地公安局对该案处理不当,并没有及时上报。

    The Henan Public Security Bureau has determined its local bureau in Linzhou didn 't handle the case properly , or report it in a timely manner .

  4. 据贵州省公安厅的微博,周一爆炸发生后,已刑拘犯罪嫌疑人八人,其中自首三人。

    After Monday 's event , eight suspects were detained , including three who turned themselves in , according to a statement posted to the official microblog of the Guizhou province police .